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Emotional Intelligence Emotion = to move

Emotional Intelligence Emotion = to move. Multiple intelligences. Verbal Mathematical-logical Spatial capacity Kinaesthetic Musical Interpersonal skills Organising groups Negotiating solutions Personal connection Social analysis Intrapsychic capacity (insight skills) .

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Emotional Intelligence Emotion = to move

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emotional Intelligence Emotion = to move

  2. Multiple intelligences Verbal Mathematical-logical Spatial capacity Kinaesthetic Musical Interpersonal skills Organising groups Negotiating solutions Personal connection Social analysis Intrapsychic capacity (insight skills)

  3. What are the basic emotions?

  4. Emotions • Sad • Mad • Glad • Scared

  5. Learned fearfulness …results in fear conditioning

  6. Think of someone you admire whom you see as successful and/or effective in their work and life Name a quality they possess…

  7. Emotional Intelligence IQ does not predict success

  8. Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman 1998 “ the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. ”

  9. Look at the arrows…

  10. Emotional Intelligence • 1998 Goleman - IQ and EQ • Emotional intelligence predicts success • Emotional competencies can be developed • It takes time to acquire new competencies

  11. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE(Daniel Goleman 1998) • self awareness • self regulation • self motivation • awareness of others (empathy) • social skills

  12. PERSONAL COMPETENCIES SELF AWARENESS knowing what we are feeling , using this in decision making, being realistic about our abilities and self confident in a grounded way SELF REGULATION managing our emotions to help us get things done, recovering well from upset, being prepared to wait for results SELF MOTIVATION using our values to guide us towards challenge goals, persevering in the face of setbacks, taking the initiative and being flexible to achieve results adapted from DANIEL GOLEMAN 1998

  13. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES EMPATHY sensing others’ feelings, needs and concerns and understanding different perspectives SOCIAL SKILLS influencing others, building relationships, managing conflict, persuading and leading, enabling co-operation and teamwork adapted from DANIEL GOLEMAN 1998

  14. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE(Daniel Goleman 1998) • self awareness • self regulation • self motivation • awareness of others (empathy) • social skills

  15. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE A Challenge For emotional intelligence or emotional literacy to be really meaningful, these ideas need to have value in the outer as well as the inner world – they should have an impact upon organisational and community, as well as individual, life. From Andrew Samuels

  16. EI questionnaire

  17. EMOTIONAL COMPETENCIES(Daniel Goleman 1998) • which are your strengths? • which are important to you? • which do you want to develop? • what would success in the skill look like? • how could you develop the skill?

  18. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE In organisational and community life What would an “emotionally intelligent” Practice (or PCT) be like? How would it work (internally and externally)? What difference would being “emotionally intelligent” make to patients and the local community?

  19. Emotional intelligence • Knowing your emotions • Managing your emotions • Motivating yourself • Recognising emotion in others • Handling relationships

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