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Carbon Chemistry and Polymers

Carbon Chemistry and Polymers. What is so unique about Carbon?. Contains 4 valence electrons Can form single , double , or triple bonds Can bond with itself and many other elements. METHANE. Carbon has 4 valence Electrons. Carbon-Carbon Bonding. Types of Covalent Bonds.

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Carbon Chemistry and Polymers

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  1. Carbon Chemistry and Polymers

  2. What is so unique about Carbon? • Contains 4 valence electrons • Can form single, double, or triple bonds • Can bond with itself and many other elements METHANE

  3. Carbon has 4 valence Electrons

  4. Carbon-Carbon Bonding

  5. Types of Covalent Bonds

  6. Long Chain of Carbon Monomers

  7. Carbon Nanotubes An example of Carbon-Carbon Bonding

  8. Organic Compounds • Contain carbon and hydrogen • Often combine with O,N,P and S • Millions of organic molecules, make up more than 90% of all known compounds • Covalently bonded: C – C or C – H are the most common types of bonds

  9. History of Organic Chemistry • Until 1828, thought that there were only 2 types of molecules: Made by living organisms or man made • Organic compounds were thought to be only made by living organisms • Friedrich Wohler mixed Silver Cyanate with Ammonium Chloride to produce Ammonium Cynate • Made UREA instead: • AgOCN + NH4Cl  (NH2)2CO + AgCl

  10. Carbon can combine directly with itself as a pure element in three different forms DIAMOND GRAPHITE FULLERENE

  11. Diamond, Graphite and Fullerenes

  12. Hardest mineral Forms deep within the earth under very high pressure Hard, rigid , strong and unreactive Cutting is very hard need to break many covalent bonds Diamond

  13. Graphite • Extremely soft and slippery • The “lead” in pencils( mixed with clay) • Carbon is bonded tightly in flat layers • WEAK bonds so layers SLIDE easily

  14. Fullerene • Discovered in 1985 in soot of burnt Carbon Compounds • Has only 60 carbon atoms!!! • Large hollow sphere or cage of carbon • A use for fullerenes may be to carry substances like medicines inside of them

  15. HYDROCARBONS Molecules made up Carbon and Hydrogen Simplest hydrocarbon is Methane CH4 Made by the decomposition of living matter Often found in swamps and marshes

  16. Where do hydrocarbons come from? • Primarily from coal and petroleum • Formed 290 to 354 million years ago from decayed plant and animal material

  17. Alkanes: saturated hydrocarbons All have single bonds Formula = CnH2n+2

  18. First 10 alkanes

  19. Structural models

  20. Isomers • Same chemical formulas but different configurations. • Will have Different properties !

  21. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Alkenes: contain at least one double bond Cn H2n

  22. Alkynes: Contain at least one triple bond • Formula is : CnHn • Ethyne

  23. Aromatic Compounds Benzene rings

  24. Monomers Monomers are small, simple molecules, mostly organic, that can join with other similar molecules to form very large molecules, or polymers

  25. Polymers • Polymers are substances composed of multiples of simpler units called monomers. • Polymers are extremely long chains with an unspecified number of monomer units.

  26. PVC

  27. Types of POLYMERS • Determined by # of carbon atoms and how atoms are arranged • Straight chain • Branched chain • Cross-linked

  28. Types of Polymer Chains

  29. Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Silk Cotton Cellulose Starch DNA and RNA Chitin Fingernails Natural Rubber spider webs are also poly-peptides (proteins) and are natural polymers Natural Polymers

  30. More Natural Polymers • cellulose (amylose and amylopectin) proteins silk • polyhydroxyalkanoates (natural polyesters made by bacteria as food reserves) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

  31. NucleotidesDNA and RNA MonosaccharidesCarbohydrates Amino AcidsProteins Monomers of Natural Polymers

  32. Synthetic Polymers: • Plastics • Nylon • Teflon • Elastic • Styrofoam • Cellophane • Polyurethane • Polyester • Acrylic

  33. Straight chains • Number of atoms in chain affects the boiling point • More atoms, higher boiling point

  34. Branched Chain

  35. Polyethylene (branched polymer) magnified 15,000x

  36. Ring Structures

  37. Cross-linking

  38. Crosslinking • Cross-links are bonds that link one polymer chain to another • They can be covalent bonds or ionic bonds

  39. Crosslinkingpolymers When polymer chains are linked together by crosslinks, they lose some of their ability to move as individual polymer chains. For example, a liquid polymer (where the chains are freely flowing) can be turned into a "solid" or "gel" by crosslinking the chains together.

  40. Crude Oil Distillation Unit


  42. Hydrocarbon Combustion • Combustion is a process that everyone has experienced. It is used to heat homes, to power automobiles, and even to produce electricity. Combustion is an exothermic reaction between oxygen and a hydrocarbon. Combustion requires a certain amount of heat to begin, but once started the reaction proceeds spontaneously generating water vapor and carbon dioxide along with large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.

  43. The Combustion Equation: Complete Combustion of Methane: CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O Methane + Oxygen  Carbon Dioxide + Water

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