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Multi-Genre Research Project (4 th Qtr. Portfolio). 5 sources (min) 5 genres (min).
Multi-Genre Research Project(4th Qtr. Portfolio) 5 sources (min) 5 genres (min)
A multi-genre paper (project) is composed of many genres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. In addition to many genres, a multi-genre paper may also contain many voices, not just the author’s. The trick is to make such a paper hang together.Romano, Tom Blending Genre, Altering Style. Boynton/Cook Publishers: Portsmouth, NH, 2000.
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) Why are we doing this project? • To give a topic or issue a living, breathing life • To bring together all the genres we’ve practiced in College Writing this year • To practice finding and evaluating credible sources of information (research skills) • To practice using research in writing • To develop a specific purpose for each genre/ each piece based on/communicating your researched knowledge
Multi-Genre Research Project 5 sources and 5 genres • 1 genre: argumentation essay (3-5 pgs) • 1 genre: poem • 1 genre: fiction (complete narrative, dialogue, character sketch, vignette) • 1 genre: digital story-ish (ad, PSA. etc..) • 1 genre: student choice • Total length: ~ 200 lines
Your essential question: (cover sheet) A narrative that brings out an essential feeling or idea of this inquiry Another genre that brings out this inquiry An argument essay that argues a specific aspect of this inquiry using researched sources A poem that brings out an essential feeling or idea of this inquiry A digital story/PSA that brings out an essential feeling or idea of this inquiry Together, all the genres of writing produce a project that shows deep understanding that has grown from your inquiry. All pieces are held together be a “thread” that unites them (more than just the cover page).
Ideas for “threads” that unify the project • Repeat key images, details, or language in a number of genres • Repeat a pattern of significant quotations, pictures, headlines, phrases, or titles • Use a later genre to answer or respond to an earlier genre • Break a long narrative into parts and intersperse them among other genres • Create a character(s) that reappears in genres • Repeat a specific form of one genre
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) Research and Documentation Requirements: • Argument essay must cite at least 3 sources • Parenthetical documentation (in text citation) required in the argument essay • Separate Works Cited Page for the argument essay • Other 4 genres must reflect/communicate research • End notes for all other genres • One Bibliographyfor entire project
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) Additional Requirements: • Read and respond to a non-fiction book as a way to explore an inquiry (1 major source) • Watch and respond to a documentary OR Interview someone and respond to the interview (one or the other = 2nd major source) • Conduct additional research (at the very least, 3 sources) • All work turned in must be generated for this assignment, during 4th quarter • MGRP = 40% of 4th quarter grade + 25% of final exam
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) Guidelines in Choosing an Inquiry and Book: • Inquiry you are genuinely interested in • Inquiry with inquiry in it (zero duh… factor) • Inquiry you’re willing to study for 8 weeks • Inquiry that can be explored through a nonfiction book as an avenue into this topic/issue. • The book must lead to an issue/inquiry worthy of exploration—not the person or the story. • Perhaps a topic or person related to your future field of study (not a requirement)
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) How to Choose a Memoir • Browsing books in memoir section of library or bookstore • SJHS Media Center: Browse Collection: great internet sites and lists of social issues • Internet key word search: “memoir”“good memoir”“personal experience” key word in your topic or issue of choice • Browse Amazon.com • Google Maud Preston Library, James White Library Warning: There are a number of BAD memoirs that get published. Often they don’t say much and/or are poorly written. Choose carefully and read reviews of the book. Be sure it’s the issue more so than the person that interests you.
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) Important Dates red = major source, blue – minor source • 2 minor sources completed by Wed., April 10 • Book and response completed by Fri., April 12 • Third minor source due by Tues., April 16 • Documentary/Interview and response completed by Thurs., April 18 (or switch order of book and 2nd major) • Mon., April 22—Midterm test • April 15 – May 23: write, workshop, create digital piece • Wed., May 22: Project Due (subject to change-may be earlier)
Step 1: Learn about your topic Read Gather Information Think Question Read/Research Think Question Read/Research
Step 2: Write about your topic Think creatively Create Genre Think Creatively Revise Create New Genre Think/Do More Research Create Genre Revise Create
Step 3: Put it Together Find a “thread” that pulls all genres together so it becomes one unified paper/project showcasing your chosen inquiry.
Multi-Genre Research Project (4th Qtr. Portfolio) My Advice for Success on MGRP • Select and read book on time • Meet all deadlines for each genre • Do not get behind • Remember the Fosterism: “Go the extra mile” • Be proud of your last project and of yourself • Go out with a bang not a fizzle
Due after break • Wed., 4/11: 2 sources (with annotation, complete MLA cit. and explanation of high quality) • Fri. 4/13 and Wed. 4/18: responses on both major sources due • Tues. 4/17: 3rd minor source due (see above) • Thurs 4/19: Midterm Test--argument, high quality sources (Harris article), info in handout with boxes, Wikipedia article