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Unit 4 Period 4 Learning about language. 派生词.
派生词 派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词。 Ⅰ名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mismanagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition.
Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient. regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;common→uncommon. Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mismanage;quote→unquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-, auto-, bi-, co-, counter-, de-, ex-, inter-, mono-, post, pre-, pro-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, tri-, ultra-等。
名词或动词加上适当的后缀,便可以得到形容词派生词, 如: commerce→commercial;depend→dependent. 名词或形容词加上动词性的后缀,可以得到动词派生词,加上副词性后缀(仅限 -ly),则得到副词派生词, 如: fright(名词)→frighten(动词); modern(形容词)→ modernize(动词); beauty(名词)→beautify(动词); year(名词)→yearly(副词); quick(形容词)→quickly(副词)。
1.Use the correct prefix or suffix for each word. present Violent Confident Different Patient Certain Fair Paid Like Kind Culture Globe Universe Agriculture mathematics Art Physics Chemistry Biology Science
2.Choose the correct word to fill in each of these blanks. 1.At the beginning, the earth had no______. • Dust B. atoms C.water D. matter 2.The development of a planet generally depends on ______ combining together. A.Atoms B.rocks C.gases D.water 3.The ______ of mammals happened after the disappearance of the dinosaurs. A.Harmful B.system C.spread D.method 4.Mammals ______ when the animals that were harmful to them disappeared. A.Prevented B.multiplied C.depended D.existed
3.Complete the following passage with the words and phrases below in the correct form. Answer key for Ex 3. Fundamental, astronomy, gave birth to, existed, As a result, atoms, prevents…from, puzzle
4.In pairs divide these adjectives into two groups: emotional words and calm words. Violent angry rude Shocked excited crazy Patient gentle relaxing Kind easy-going calm
DISCOVERING USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS P. 28 Answer key for exercise 1: presence uncertain unfair violence unpaid confidence difference unlike patience unkind
cultural artist global physicist universal chemist agricultural biologist mathematical scientist
Answer key for exercise 2: C A C B Answer key for exercise 3: fundamental, astronomy, gave birth to, existed, As a result, atoms, prevent … from, puzzle
Answer key for exercise 4: violent angry rudeshocked excitedcrazy patient gentle relaxing kind easy-going calm