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  1. SAM RAYBURN INDEPENDENT SCHOOLDISTRICT BOND ELECTION INFORMATION 9363 East FM 273 Ivanhoe, Tx 75447 (903) 664-2255 www.samrayburnisd.com

  2. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION The Board of Trustees of the Sam Rayburn Independent School District voted unanimously to call for a bond election to be held on May 11, 2013, allowing voters to decide on a Facilities Improvement Plan for the District.

  3. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION The Board called the election in the amount of $6,000,000 for facility improvements and additions. The bond funds can be sold for 10 years. The amount of taxes will be based on the actual amount of bonds sold. If not all bonds are sold the first year than the taxes will only reflect the sold amount.

  4. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Historical High Since January 2001=6 .01% on October 15th 2008 Average Since January 2001=4.56% Historical Low Since January 2001 =3.27% on December 7th 2012

  5. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Early Voting: April 29th – May 3rd (Monday – Friday) 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. May 6th – May 7th (Monday & Tuesday) 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. LOCATION:  Fannin County Courthouse101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive Bonham, Texas 75418

  6. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Approximately 50% of the District’s outstanding bond payments are paid for by the State. If approved by the voters, approximately 50% of the bond payments on the new bonds would be paid for by the State beginning in 2015-2016. The tax rate increase for the proposed bond is estimated to be 23.4¢ if all $6,000,000 has been sold.

  7. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION There will be no tax increase above the frozen level on the homestead of a disabled person or taxpayers 65 years of age and older who have applied for and received the age 65 freeze.

  8. WHATARE THE PROPOSED PROJECTS? • Cafeteria Renovation • Elementary Classroom/Science Lab Additions • Agriculture and Vocational Building • High School Classroom/Science Lab Additions • High School Office Relocation to Front of High School • Elementary Entrance Remodel • Junior High Science Lab Renovation • Elementary Playground Equipment • 8 Lane Track and Field Facility • Tennis Courts/Walking Track • Enclosed Batting Practice Facility • Concrete Parking Lot Extension • Classroom Furniture and Equipment for Additions

  9. Bond Expenditure Estimates Concrete Parking Lot $300,000 8 Lane Track & Field Facility $800,000 Lighted Tennis Courts (2) $150,000 (walking track outside courts) *$20,000 Enclosed Batting Facility $50.000 Update Existing JH Science Lab $20,000 Elementary Playground Equipment*$40,000 Remodel/Renovate Elementary Entrance $75,000 Cafeteria Improvements*$200,000 (Renovation) Ag/Vocational Classrooms *$675,000 (add $ if using brick or stone) Elementary Classrooms *$490,000 (includes a science lab) High School Classrooms *$550,000 (includes a science lab) High School Office Relocation *$280,000 Construction Contingency Allowance $50,000 Design Fees$150,000 (architectural, engineering, geotechnical) Total: *$3,850,000 *Costs may/will increase depending upon construction materials used Note: The above figures do not include loose equipment and furnishings (Student and teacher desks, lockers, welders, shop and ventilation equipment)

  10. Proposed Elementary Additions *New classrooms/science lab

  11. High School Proposed Additions *Three classrooms and one science lab

  12. Proposed Ag/Vocational Additions

  13. Proposed High School Office Relocation *New front office area

  14. Parking Lot Addition

  15. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION We are hopeful the state will restore partial funding during this legislative session.

  16. Proposed Track Location

  17. WHAT IS THE EXPECTED TAX IMPACT TO THE HOME OWNER? • No Tax Increase above the frozen level on the homestead of a disabled person or taxpayer 65 years of age and older who have applied and received the Tax Freeze.

  18. WHAT ARE THE SRISD HISTORICAL TAX RATES? The tax rate impact of the proposed bonds is estimated to be 23.4¢. The table above shows the estimated new total tax rate of $1.44.

  19. HOW DOES THE SRISD TAX RATE COMPARE? **Current tax rate

  20. HOW DOES THE SRISD TAX RATE COMPARE? *Proposed tax rate

  21. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Lost Revenue Due To State Funding Reduction 2011-2012 $368,776 2012-2013 *$94,758 Total $463,534 * Projected amount

  22. Enrollment Since 2007 Fall Peims Data from TEA Fall 2007 (NO PK) 439 2008 425 2009 444 2010 (WITH PK) 448 2011 479 2012 483 APRIL 2013 496 (CURRENT NU.) ATTENDANCE RISE SINCE 2007 10.0% Rise from 2007 to Fall 2012 from Piems Data Rise in actual number of students 439-496 12.9%

  23. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Early Voting: April 29th – May 3rd (Monday – Friday) 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. May 6th – May 7th (Monday & Tuesday) 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. LOCATION:  Fannin County Courthouse101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive Bonham, Texas 75418

  24. SAM RAYBURN ISD BOND ELECTION INFORMATION Election Day: May 11, 2013 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Locations: Sam Rayburn ISD (School Library)9363 East FM 273 Ivanhoe, Texas 75447 Precincts 5 and 12 Fannin County Courthouse101 E. Sam Rayburn Drive Bonham, Texas 75418 Precincts 1, 4 and 18

  25. HAVE A QUESTION? Contact: Sam Rayburn ISD Administration 903-664-2255

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