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硏 究 計 劃. 曺 永卓 ICU (Sep. 27, 2001). kaist. Headline News: newly found elementary particles. anomalous ionization (hell out of the lab!). Student-on in a strong bound state under the long-range force of “Pr.” Ionization time depending on nature of “Pr.”. St. St. Pr. Profess-on
硏 究 計 劃 曺 永卓 ICU (Sep. 27, 2001) kaist
Headline News: newly found elementary particles anomalous ionization (hell out of the lab!) Student-on in a strong bound state under the long-range force of “Pr.” Ionizationtimedepending on nature of “Pr.” St St Pr Profess-on highly non-interacting, infinite life time. St Nature-on Po extremely small collision cross-section Postdoc-ton highly unstable, easy to create and decay. PRL-on
University of Oregon, Graduate School, Dept. of Phys., Ph.D. (1997) 서울大學校 大學院 物理學科, 理學碩士 (1987) 서울大學校 自然科學大學 物理學科, 理學士 (1984) 最終學位論文名: A Semiclassical Approach to Dissipative Cavity-Electrodynamical Systems 指導敎授名: Howard J. Carmichael Professor of Physics, Humboldt Scholar 人的事項 姓名: 曺 永卓 本貫: 昌寧 本籍: 慶北 永川群 大昌面 竝岩洞 三二七-二番地 生年月日: 一九六一年 一二月 一七日 所屬: 韓國科學技術院 物理學科 職位: 硏究敎授 略歷
目次 • 硏究分野 • 硏究實積 및 內容 • 硏究計劃
• 이론양자광학 (Theoretical quantum optics) — 동공 양자 전기역학(Cavity-quantum electrodynamics) — 양자 궤적 이론 (Quantum trajectory theory) — 제인즈-커밍스 모형 (Jaynes-Cummings model) — 단원자 레이저/메이저 (Single atom lasers/masers) — 분광학 및 광통계 (Spectroscopy and photon-statistics) — 광자기 냉각 및 포획 (Magneto-optical cooling & trapping) • 나노양자물리계 (Nanoscopic quantum systems) — 원자와 전자장의 역학적 상호작용 (Atom-field mechanical interaction) — 단원자 석판론 (Single atom lithography by matter wave manipulation) • 기본개념론 및 대채양자이론 (Fundamental concepts/alternative theories) — 신/반고전 양자광학 이론 (Neo/semi-classical theories) — 보옴 역학 (Bohmian mechanics) 硏究關聯分野 • 전산물리학 (Computational physics)
硏究實積 1. SCI 등재 학술지: ISI List 2. 국내 학술지 및 講演執
國內學術志 소속 성명 번호 게재지 (발표일) 논문제목 새물리40, 198 (2000) 문희종 조영탁 김중복 안경원 KAIST 1 표면감쇄파의결합을이용한실린더형미소공진기색소레이저발진특성연구 KAIST 나현철 조영탁 안경원 2 New Features in Fluorescence Spectra of a Driven Jaynes-Cummings System JKPS 37, 693 (2000) (Journal of the Korean Physical Society) 3 윤선현 조영탁 안경원 JKPS 37, 668 (2000) KAIST The Atom-Field Interaction in a Standing-Wave Cavity 冊, 講演集 번호 기고문 제목 서명 저자 게재지 (발표일) 1 Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 561, ed. H. J. Carmichael, R. J. Glauber, and M. O. Scully (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001) pp. 330-344. Directions in Quantum Optics Self Consistency of Thermal Jump Trajectories 조영탁 H. J. Carmichael 2 조영탁 제17회국제이론물리학심포지움강연집, Vol. 17 (청범사, 1999) pp. 193-237. The Jaynes-Cummings Model and Atom-Field Interaction Applied Physics Theory
主要學會參加紀 ICOLS 01 (15th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy) Snowbird, Utah (Jun. 2001): Poster presentation OSA 00 (Optical Society of America Annual Meeting) Providence, Long Island (Oct. 2000): Poster + Oral presentation SOLS 99 (7th Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy) 한국원자력연구소 (Nov. 1999): Invited talk, Poster + Oral presentation. OSA 99 (Optical Society of America Annual Meeting) Santa Clara, California (Sep. 1999): Poster + Oral presentation CLEO Pacific 99 (Conference of Lasers and Electro-Optics) Pacific Rim, Seoul (Aug. 1999): Poster + Oral presentation KPS 98 (한국물리학회) 전남대학교 (Oct. 1998): Invited talk ISTP 98 (17thInternational Symposium on Theoretical Physics)서울대학교(Jun. 1998): Invited talk KPS 97 (한국물리학회) 울산대학교 (Apr. 1997): Invited talk OSA 96 (Optical Society of America Annual Meeting)Portland, Oregon (Sep. 1996): Poster + Oral presentation §. CLEO Pacific 01 Chiba, Japan (Jul. 2001): §. CLEO Pacific 01 Chiba, Japan (Jul. 2001): boycott for history-distorted textbook affair!
特許關聯 1. 표면감쇄파 미소공진기 레이저 (Evanescent wave-coupled microcavity laser) — 내용 : 표면감쇄파결합된 레이저 발진으로 공진기 Q-값이 극대화된 미소공진기 및 미소공진기 array를 제작할 수 있다. — 근거자료 : Hee-JongMoon,Young-TakChough,KyungwonAn,“Cylindricalmicrocavitylaserbased based upon the evanescent wave-coupled gain,” PHYS. REV. LETT. 85, 3161 (2000). — 특허권 청구인 : 문희종, 조영탁, 안경원 2. 단원자 양자광 레이저 (Single atom quantum-field laser) — 내용 : 발진 매질 원자와 공명기 간 주파수 이격이 큰 경우, 펌프 주파수에 따라 1)수상태(Fock state light)의 광원이 형성될 수 있으며, 2)공명된 경우보다 비정상적으로 많은 광자수가 형성될 수 있어 이상적인 양자광원의 제작이 가능하다. — 근거자료 : Young-Tak Chough, Hee-Jong Moon, Kyungwon An, “Single-atom laser based on multi- photon resonance at far off-resonance in the Jaynes-Cummings ladder,” PHYS. REV. A 63, 013804 (2001). — 특허권 청구인 : 조영탁, 문희종, 안경원
z I gain medium Input pumping Outputcoupling 표면감쇄파 미소공진기 레이저 (Evanescent Wave-coupled Microcavity Laser) Raw concept
Lateral View Top View WGM excitation Micro-sphere/cylinder dye laser based on theevanescent-wave-coupled gain Prepare a capillary. Fill in with Rh6G dye solution. Insert a microcylinder. Pump it. Watch WGM in laser operation. HJ Moon, YT Chough, K An, PRL 85, 3164 (2000)
Photonics SpectraInterviews Our Microcylinder Laser
Die Strahlung!!! A g C e-it 단원자 양자광 레이저 Single Atom Quantum-Field Laser … a highly non-classical source of light
“Resonances at Far-Off-Resonance” g 1 (b) The tall peak (c) Lower part (a) Total view 140 140 5 4 105 105 a+aM 3 70 70 2 35 35 1 0 0 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 -10.00 -9.95 -9.90 -9.85 -9.80 g g g
The Jaynes-Cummings “Molecule” Laser Strahl g Atom-cavity combined system = Jaynes-Cummings molecule A novel single atom laser model (PRA 2000), Single photon state generation (PRA Rapid Comm. 2000)
E.g.)A Simple Damped Harmonic Oscillator Impose first-quantization rule such that ! Then !!! I.e., 1. 이론양자광학 (Theoretical Quantum Optics) •열린 양자계 관점에서의 양자광학에의 이론적 접근 (Open Systems Approach to Quantum Optics) — I.e., do “good quantum mechanics” for open quantum systems. — Better go for the Theory of the Quantum Trajectories.
The “Copenhagen” solutions •Heisenbergformalism:Quantum Langevin Equation • Schrödinger formalism: Source Master Equation •QuantumTrajectoryTheory:astochasticwavefunction solution of the master equation The Theory of the Quantum Trajectories = Stochastic Wave Function (SWF) Theory = Monte-Carlo Wave Function (MCWF) Theory
Mm Mmm... That’s a muffin, Howard! Isn’t it kinda too big for ya? HOWARD J. CARMICHAEL
2. 나노물리계의 양자광학적 접근 (Quantum optical approach to nanoscopic systems) A. 원자와 양자장의 역학적 상호작용에 관한 연구 (Study on the mechanical interaction of atom and quantum field) B. 물질파 결맞음조작에 의한 단원자석판론 (Exploring the single atom lithography by coherent manipulation of matter wave) “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” ---Richard Philip Feynman (1959)
Moore’s law “ Each new chip contained roughly twice as much capacity as its predecessor, and each chip was released within 18-24 months of the previous chip. If this trend continued, computing power would rise exponentially over relatively brief periods of time.” (Gordon Moore, 1965) Machrone’s law "Gordon Moore just plain got it right . . . I should also mention that Moore's Law has also given rise to Machrone's Law, which was true for many years, which is that the machine you want always costs $5,000." (Bill Machrone) Rock’s law "A very small addendum to Moore's Law is Rock's Law which says that the cost of capital equipment to build semiconductors will double every four years." (Arthur Rock)
However, things are different there in the bottom! Exotic quantum laws prevail everywhere!
The Irresistible Quantum Effect: E.g., a typical atom with x = 0.1m at time t = 0 in free space
The probability interpretation of wave packet … But that’s not the end of story …
Consider a simplest model: an atomic wave packet sitting on a node of a standing wave cavity field where • the cavity has one quantum of light (Fock-state). • the atom is in the ground-state. • the atom is on a node on the cavity axis • the system is lossless
So, we have in fact a dressed-state selector ?!! t And this is the very Optical Stern-Gerlach Effect.
1. Caltech, Kimble Group: “The atom-cavity microscopy: single atoms bound in orbit by single photons,” C.J. Hood, et al., Science 287, 1447 (2000). 2. Max-Planck Inst, Rempe Group: “Trapping an atom with single photons,” P.W.H. Pinkse et al., Nature 404, 365 (2000). Meanwhile, people around the world were busy with “Trapping a Single Atom in an All-Optical Trap” by a single quantum radiation pressure
The simple setup z y x
z y x The radial and axial optical potentials
E y How the trap works
Confirmation of their calculations x (m) y (m) x (m) y (m) t (sec) z (m)
A fully quantum-mechanical, 3-dimensional, analysis of the motion of atomic wave packet in a standing wave cavity
. Fortunately separation of variables is possible! …based on the theory of the quantum trajectories. . Dynamics understood by the Ehrenfest equations Radial motion is essentially circular since The Ansatz 1. Continuous evolution: renders gives the variable-separated equations where where . Axial motion is affected by the radial motion via the mode profile function 2. Quantum collapse processes a. Atomic emission: where b. Cavity emission: 3. Wave packet representation
Ports of entry z y a b c x
(Preview) Early time evolution of the wave packet (a) x0 8 (case b) (b) x0 4 (case d) t (sec) t (sec) x/ x/ x/ x/
z a. x0 0 y x z/ time(sec) x/ y/
z b. x0 y x z/ time(sec) x/ y/
z c. x0 4 y x z/ time(sec) x/ y/
So, what’s the difference? Quantum Quasi-classical x0 = /4 t(sec) t(sec) x0= /4 x0= /4-/106 x/ x/ Atom “being” inbothpotential wells Atom inaselected potential well
Semi-conclusion . Seems,they got somewhat carried away. . We are not going to be misled by others. . Better understanding may bring us a bit closer to our dream such as…
Ultimate Goal:The Coherent Matter-Wave Lithography at the Quantum Level beam block screen matter wave maneuverer atom beans dressed-state selector
• 한국과학기술원 물리학과 안 경원 교수 • 서울대학교 자연과학대학 물리학과 제 원호 교수 • 세종대학교 공과대학 광공학과 문 희종 교수 • 전남대학교 이과대학 물리학과 윤 선현 교수 • 한국교원대학교 이과대학 물리학과 김 중복 교수 • 인하대학교 이과대학 물리학과 노 재우 교수 • 울산대학교 이과대학 물리학과 김 태수 교수 • 인하대학교 이과대학 물리학과 김 기식 교수 硏究協力人團
Epilogue Nostalgia Night hears the rain drops knocking my small window. Beneath the lamp, my mind runs on homeland's meadow. Late Fall wind blows, I recite all alone.Yet there is not a being which is aware of my tone. (Fall 1990)
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