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NATIO NAL CUS TOMS. NATIO NAL CUS TOMS. If you want to get to know a country, not only do you need to visit its main towns or monuments, but you also need to live its culture.
NATIONALCUSTOMS • If you want to get to know a country, not only do you need to visit its main towns or monuments, but you also need to live its culture. • The culture of the country is reflected by its food customs, religious customs, typical timetables, typical clothes and typical topics of conversation of its inhabitants.
NATIONALCUSTOMS • Confronting one’s own country with another can be not only a fascinating way to get to know a country, but also very interesting. In fact, one could discover how every country is a small world in itself.
Typical Italian Customs • Food: pizza, mozzarella, olive oil, wine • Religion: Catholic, weddings, Christmas holidays • Timetables: offices, schools and shops • Clothes: trendy and brand names • Conversation: gossip, men vs. women
ITALIANFOOD Italian food is considered to be the best all over the world. Who doesn’t know pizza, pasta, mozzarella or Parmesan cheese? These products are made up of simple and common elements like flour, tomatoes or milk, but they are famous for the original combination and the proficient workmanship of the ingredients.
Thanksto the goodclimateconditions and the richsoil in almosteveryplaceof the peninsula, itispossibletogrow a lotofdifferenttypesoffruit and vegetables and to produce a good wine, pasta, olive oil or jam, too. Forthesereasons, notonlyisItaliancuisine the tastiest, butalso the most genuine.
RELIGION Religion is very important in Italy. The main Catholic values, like honesty, fraternity and solidarity are the principal civil values, too. Even if at many times the Catholic ideals are in contrastwith political ideals, in many situations it is possible to see how strong the influence of Catholic faith is in Italian people. In addition, when most Italians wed, they have a religious ceremony in church with a long wedding reception afterwards. Besides the capital, Rome, is the main city for Catholic people, in fact, their spiritual leader resides there.
Moreover, the mostimportantreligiousfestivals are considerednationalfestivities. Notonly are schoolsclosednationally at Christmas and Easter, butalso in certainschoolsoftownswherethey celebrate theirpatronsaint. In addition, everyreligious festival iscelebratedwithitstraditionalcustoms.
Christmas: “Madein Italy” Families in Italy celebrate Christmas forthreedays and with the typicalfoodsoftheirregion. The Christmas celebrationbegins on 24th December. Familiesusuallyhave a 5-course fishdinner, forexample, friedeel and cod, pasta withclamsauce, the typical Christmas cakecalled “Panettone”, driedfruitwithsparkling wine.
Afterdinner, they go tochurchtobring the baby Jesustoitscrib. Thentheyexchangepresents and play bingo at home. On Christmas Day, theyhave a 5-course lunch madewithmeat and thenvisitrelatives. On 26th Decembertheyhave lunch and play the typical Christmas gameswithrelatives.
TIMETABLES Many offices in Italy are open from Monday to Friday, from about 8 to 5. Schools are open from 8 to 2, from Monday to Saturday. The local town shops are open every day, except on Sundays, from 10 to 1 and re-open again at 4 and close at 8. It is custom that local shops are closed in the afternoons as there is a long lunch break.
Some localsupermarkets, instead, do notclosefor lunch, but on Thursdayafternoonsthey are closed. However, during the nationalholidays, mostshops are open allday. In addition, big shopping centres are open non-stop everyday, includingSunday, from 9:00 o’clock a.m. to 10:00 o’clock p.m. Theyoffer a wide varietyofservices, fromshopsto fast food and cinema. Theyhavealsobecome a placetosocialize and hang out withfriends.
CLOTHES: “MadeinItaly” Italian fashion is known all over the world, labelled “Made in Italy”. From this phrase, elegance, originality and innovation of Italian fashion style is expressed and a lot of countries try to copy it. Youths in Italy are influenced by Italian fashion so they spend most of their money on trendy and brand name clothes, like D&G, Versace, Armani, Fendi, Gucci, etc. Different from the Anglo-Saxon world, at weddings guests tend to wear smart or elegant clothes and not dinner jackets or evening gowns.
CONVERSATION Italian people, above all in the South of the country, are very friendly with a good sense of humor. One particular feature about Southerners is that they love to gossip. If one goes to the typical places where Italians meet and chat, one can hear their typical conversations. Men chat in sports centres, clubs or local town squares about sports, especially football, which is considered Italy’s national sport, and the latest about cars. But they are also interested in new technology, economics and, above all, political problems.
Women, instead, meet in supermarkets, shopping centres and fitness centres and theypreferto talk abouttheir family, householdproblems, fashion clothes, celebrities or TV programmes.