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The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation Part I (5.4) 2 (a-d): The key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect , complexity, unity and diversity over time. 3 (a-d): The significance of ideas as powerful forces throughout history .

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The Protestant Reformation

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  1. The Protestant Reformation Part I (5.4)2 (a-d): The key concepts of continuity and change, cause and effect, complexity, unity and diversity over time. 3 (a-d): The significance of ideas as powerful forces throughout history.

  2. The Protestant Reformation • religious reform movement that divided the Western church into Catholic & and Protestant

  3. Christian Humanism • Evolvedfrom Humanism (Renaissance) • Goal: reform the Catholic Church

  4. Christian Humanism (cont.) • Beliefs: • 1) individuals have ability to reason & improve oneself • 2) religious feeling came from people reading basic literary works of Christianity (e.g. Bible) • 3) to reform religion & society, 1st had to change human beings

  5. Erasmus Believed Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, not just provide beliefs/ways of salvation • Stressed inward religious feeling, not external (e.g. fasts, relics, pilgrimages, etc.)

  6. Erasmus (cont.) • Reform the Church by: 1)Spreading philosophy of Christ 2)Providing education in Works of Christianity 3)Criticizing abuses of Catholic Church (e.g. structure/rigidness)

  7. Reasons for Reformation • 1) Corruption within Church & its leadership • Pope viewed as spiritual leader, but had become more concerned w/ politics & material possessions

  8. Reasons for Reformation (cont.) • 2) Failure to meet responsibilities & spiritual needs of people • Priests often uneducated/ unaware of their spiritual duties • Couldn’t offer advice or instruction on how to save one’s soul

  9. Reasons for Reformation (cont.) • 3) Too much focus on Religious relics & spiritual salvation • If person had a religious relic, they were granted an indulgence • indulgence: release from all or part of a punishment for sin

  10. Relics & Spiritual Salvation (cont.) • Person could also “receive” (i.e. purchase) an indulgence • Result #1: great wealth for Church leadership • Result #2: People viewed indulgences as Church’s lack ability to meet spiritual needs

  11. SC Question #1 (Std. 3) • Christian humanists believed that: • A. If people read the classics, and especially the basic works of Christianity, they would become more pious. • B. God did not intend man to know more than what was written in the Bible. • C. By entering a monastery, one could assure one’s salvation. • D. Society should return to simpler ways and not focus on gaining wealth & material possessions.

  12. SC Question #2 (Std. 2) • Johannes Gutenberg’s invention has been described as revolutionary because • A. With easier access to books, more people learned to read and more books were printed. • B. Coupled with a large pool of unemployed workers, it led to early industrialization in parts of Central Europe. • C. With oil paints, Renaissance artists could paint much more detail than they could with watercolors. • D. Until guilds were created, craftspeople were unable to control the goods they produced.

  13. SCQuestion #3 (Std. 3) • Which of the following was the best known of all Christian humanists? • A. Desiderius Erasmus • B. Filippo Brunelleschi • C. Martin Luther • D. Albrecht Dürer

  14. SC Question #4 (Std. 2) • All of the following were reasons for the Reformation with the exception of: • A) Too much focus on relics & spiritual salvation • B) Corruption within the Catholic Church & its leadership • C) Too much focus on teaching believers how to live a good life on a daily basis • D) Failure to meet responsibilities and the spiritual needs of the people

  15. The Protestant ReformationPart II

  16. Martin Luther • German Monk & professor Lectured on the Bible Curious about the idea of certainty of Salvation (how to gain acceptance into heaven)

  17. Martin Luther • Justification of Faith: Humans not saved through good works, but faith alone • *Main idea of Protestant Reformation* • Bible also only source of religious truth

  18. Division Catholic Church Martin Luther Humans flawed + powerless; could never do enough to earn salvation • Faith + good works = personal salvation

  19. Luther’s 95 Thesis (1517) Essay nailed to Wittenberg Church attacked sale of indulgences + other abuses

  20. Birth of Lutheranism • Luther asked German Princes to overthrow Catholic Church & create a reformed German Church (Lutheranism) • Disregarded all but 2 sacraments: • 1. Baptism • 2. Communion Also wanted clergy to be able to marry

  21. Diet of Worms • Issued by Catholic Church • Labeled Luther an “outlaw” • Punishment: 1) All personal books burned 2) To be arrested & sent to Holy Roman Emperor (Charles V) to stand trial

  22. Question to Consider • Was the Catholic Church’s labeling of Martin Luther as an “Outlaw” justified/legitimate? Why/why not? • Discuss

  23. Revolution! • Luther’s movement became a revolt against Catholic Church • German princes took control of Catholic churches & createdState churches supervised by the gov’t

  24. Lutheranism • new services replaced Catholic Mass • Featured • 1) Bible readings • 2) preaching Word of God(Sermon) • 3) song/hymns • Doctrine became known as Lutheranism (1st Protestant faith)

  25. SC Question #4 (Std. 3) • Martin Luther believed that • A. Good deeds were necessary for salvation. • B. The Bible should not be translated into the vernacular. • C. The pope was the sole religious authority. • D. Salvation could be achieved through faith alone.

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