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Rhwystrau Ar Lwybr Dwyieithrwydd. Dulliau Dysgu Diffygiol? Jeremy Evas Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd evas@caerdydd.ac.uk. Y Dirywiad Daearyddol. 1961 1971 1981 1991. Atgynhyrchwyd drwy garedigrwydd yr Athro J. Aitchison. Dulliau Dysgu Diffygiol?.
Rhwystrau Ar Lwybr Dwyieithrwydd Dulliau Dysgu Diffygiol? Jeremy Evas Adran y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd evas@caerdydd.ac.uk
Y Dirywiad Daearyddol 1961 1971 1981 1991 Atgynhyrchwyd drwy garedigrwydd yr Athro J. Aitchison
Dulliau Dysgu Diffygiol? • Yr ymennydd dynol: adnodd a esgeuluswyd? • Stimulus ac ymateb: seicoleg ymddygiadol a dysgu iaith • Wlpan ac Ulpan: dwy gangen o'r un goeden? • Dysgu Sbardun: newid gêr yn y dosbarth • Y Cyrchddull Naturiol: Krashen a damcaniaeth caffael iaith • The Silent Way/Y Dull Tawel • Dysgu-gynghori/Dysgu Iaith Cymunedol • 'Total Physical Response/Ymateb Corfforol Llwyr' • Suggestopedia • Casgliad
[current] foreign language teaching [assumes] that language is a system of skills and ought to be taught through drill […]. I think the evidence is very convincing that this [...] is entirely erroneous [...]. If it happens to work it would be an accident for some other reason. Certainly it is not a method that is based on any understanding of the nature of language. Our understanding of the nature of language seems to me to show quite convincingly that language is not a habit structure, but that it has a kind of creative property and is based on abstract formal principles and operations of a complex kind. Chomsky & Dril
Acquisition Similar to child’s first language acquisition 'Picking up' a language Subconscious Formal teaching doesnot help Learning Formal knowledge of language 'Knowing about' a language Conscious Formal teaching helps Dysgu A Chaffael (Krashen)
Siaradwyr Cymraeg a siaradwyr mamiaith fel canran o’r boblogaeth