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Academic Excellence Indicator System 2007-08

Academic Excellence Indicator System 2007-08. Annual Report and Public Hearing Midland ISD January 13, 2009. Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS). Comprehensive reporting system defined by statute Published annually since 1990-91 Gives parents and community a snapshot of

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Academic Excellence Indicator System 2007-08

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  1. Academic Excellence Indicator System2007-08 Annual Report and Public Hearing Midland ISD January 13, 2009

  2. Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) • Comprehensive reporting system defined by statute • Published annually since 1990-91 • Gives parents and community a snapshot of • District/Campus Performance (Section I of AEIS Report) • District/Campus Profile (Section II of AEIS Report) • Contains all data used to determine District/Campus accountability ratings • Uses data collected through: • State data reporting system (PEIMS) • Student assessment system

  3. AEIS Reports(Overview – Three Sections) Cover Page District Performance District Profile

  4. AEIS Reports(Cover Page) • District 2008 Accountability Rating: • Academically Acceptable • District PBM Special Education Monitoring Results: • Local Interventions Implemented • Each status is explained in detail in Appendix G to the 2007-08 AEIS Glossary (p. 57) • District 2008 Gold Performance Acknowledgments: • None applicable at the district level • 52 received at the campuses -- an increase of 6

  5. AEIS: 2008 Accountability Standards ** Recognized Standard • In the 2007 Accountability Manual, the Commissioner proposed that the Recognized standard increase to 80% in 2009 • It will remain at 75% in 2009, but is scheduled to go to 80% in 2010 (subject to review in 2009) * TAKS-Accommodated (Group 1) • Science (Grades 5, 8, 10, 11); Spanish (5) • Social Studies (Grades 8, 10, 11) • ELA (Grade 11) • Math (Grade 11)

  6. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • TAKS performance – Spring 2008 (p. 1 – 5) • “Met Standard” by grade, subject, and student group • Divided by English and Spanish Test Takers • Comparison to 2007 performance • Comparison to State and Region performance

  7. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • TAKS performance – Spring 2008 AccountabilityMeasure: “Met Standard” – Sum of All Grades Tested (3-11 or all grades tested at campus) • By subject • Reading/ELA, Math, Writing, Science, Social Studies • By student group • All Students, African American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged

  8. 2008 TAKS Performance Sum of All Grades Tested 2008 Accountability Indicator

  9. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • TAKS Met 2010 Standard – Preview (p. 5) • 2010 preview at Panel Recommendation • “Met Standard” by grade, subject, and student group • Additional TAKS (Accommodated) subjects/grades • Reading and Math 3-10 • Writing 4, 7 • Comparison to State and Region performance

  10. TAKS Met 2009 StandardSum of All Grades Tested 2010 Accountability Indicator Preview

  11. AEIS ReportsCommended Performance • Achieved Commended Performance (p. 5) • ~90% of the items correct; Scale score of 2400

  12. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • TAKS/TAKS-Acc/TAKS-M/TAKS-Alt Participation (p. 6) • Sum of all grades by student group • TAKS Exit-Level Cumulative Pass Rate (p. 6) • Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers (p. 7) • TGI (Texas Growth Index) (p. 7 and p. 33 Glossary) • Student Success Initiative Results (p. 7-9) • English Language Learners Progress Measure (not shown this year) • Scheduled future accountability indicator

  13. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • Attendance Rate (p. 9) • Annual Dropout Rate (2006-07) (p. 9) • Grades 7-8 [Standard Accountability Measure] • Grades 7-12 [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Grades 9-12 • Completion Rate II (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (with GED) [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate I (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (without GED) [Standard Accountability Measure]

  14. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • Attendance Rate (p. 9) • Annual Dropout Rate (2006-07) (p. 9) • Grades 7-8 [Standard Accountability Measure] • Grades 7-12 [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Grades 9-12 • Completion Rate II (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (with GED) [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate I (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (without GED) [Standard Accountability Measure]

  15. AEIS: 2008 Accountability Standards • Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) (p. 9) • Final Decision: Standards by Accountability Year (school year of dropout in parentheses)

  16. 2006-07 Annual Dropout Rate (Gr. 7-8)

  17. AEIS Key Issues for 2007-08 • Implementation of NCES definition of dropout impacted the following accountability indicators in 2006-07: • Grade 7-8 dropout rate [Standard Accountability Measure] • Grade 7-12 dropout rate [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate I [Standard Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate II [Alternative Accountability Measure] • School Leaver Provision for 2007-08 • Dropout rate or completion rate cannot be the cause of a lowered district/campus rating

  18. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • Attendance Rate (p. 9) • Annual Dropout Rate (2006-07) (p. 9) • Grades 7-8 [Standard Accountability Measure] • Grades 7-12 [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Grades 9-12 • Completion Rate II (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (with GED) [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate I (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (without GED) [Standard Accountability Measure]

  19. 2006-07 Annual Dropout Rate (Gr. 7-12)(2008 Alternative Education Accountability Indicator)

  20. AEIS Reports(Section I - Performance) • District performance indicators include: • Attendance Rate (p. 9) • Annual Dropout Rate (2006-07) (p. 9) • Grades 7-8 [Standard Accountability Measure] • Grades 7-12 [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Grades 9-12 • Completion Rate II (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (with GED) [Alternative Accountability Measure] • Completion Rate I (p. 10) • Class of 2007 (without GED) [Standard Accountability Measure]

  21. 2006-07 Annual Dropout Rate (Gr. 9-12)(Report Only)

  22. AEIS: 2008 Accountability Standards • Completion Rate (HS)(p. 10) • Grades 9-12 (2003-04 Freshman Class) • Final Decision: Standards by Accountability Year (freshman year of cohort in parentheses)

  23. Completion Rate I(2008 Accountability Indicator) (p. 10) • Percent of students (longitudinal measure) who first attended 9th grade in 2003-04 who graduated or who are continuing their education 4 years later: • Graduated with class of 2007 (or earlier) • Re-enrolled in school in fall of 2007

  24. Completion Rate IClass of 2007 (Longitudinal) State=78%

  25. Violent and Criminal Incidents • Texas statute (TEC 39.053) requires every district to publish an annual report on violent and criminal incidents at campuses in the district • Number • Rate • Type • No conduct reported punishable as a felony

  26. Violent and Criminal Incidents

  27. AEIS ReportsCollege Readiness Indicators • District performance indicators include: • Advanced Courses/Dual Enrollment (p. 10) • Recommended High School Program (RHSP)/Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) Graduates (p. 10) • AP/IB Results (p. 10) • Texas Success Initiative – Higher Education Readiness Component (HERC) (p. 10) • SAT/ACT Results (p. 11) • College-Ready Graduates (Class of 2007) (p. 11) • Scheduled future accountability indicator

  28. Additional Indicators:College Readiness Indicators • 19.3% of high school students completing an Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment –increase by 0.2% over prior year (p.10) • 73.1% of 2007 graduates completing the RHSP/DAP – an increase by 2.7% from last year (p.10) • 7.4% of AP students tested on at least one AP exam – increase of 2.4% over prior year examination results (p. 10) • 38.8% of SAT/ACT scores at or above criterion – increase of 1.6% over prior year

  29. Additional Indicators:College Readiness Indicators • Texas Success Initiative (TSI) • HERC – Higher Education Readiness Component • Measures Math and ELA proficiency • ≥2200 on both + 3 on writing • Includes TAKS-Accommodated

  30. Additional Indicators(2008 11th Graders Meeting HERC vs. Passing TAKS: ELA)

  31. Additional Indicators(2008 11th Graders Meeting HERC vs. Passing TAKS: Math)

  32. Additional Indicators:College Readiness Indicators • College-Ready Graduates • High school graduates who: • Met HERC standard on Exit Level ELA/Math; OR • Scored >=500 on SAT Reading/Math and >=1070 Total; OR • Scored >= 19 on ACT English/Math and >=23 Composite

  33. Additional Indicators2007 College-Ready Graduates ELA & Math State = 49% ELA State = 56% Math

  34. Tested: All Students: 51.2% Af. Amer.: 52.2% Hispanic: 23.6% White: 64.6% Eco. Dis.: n/a At/Above Criterion All Students: 38.8% Af. Amer.: 11.4% Hispanic: 19.0% White: 44.3% Eco. Dis.: n/a Additional IndicatorsSAT/ACT Results (p. 11)

  35. Student Enrollment and Academic Performance (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board) • Data collected and reported by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board • Reported for each high school in the district • Reports on student performance in postsecondary institutions • Most recent report (2005-06) available at: • http://www.txhighereddata.org/Interactive/HSCollLink.cfm

  36. AEIS Reports(Section II - Profile) (p. 1-2) • Student Information • By grade • Ethnicity • Program areas • Graduates • Retention rates • Class size

  37. AEIS Reports(Section II - Profile) • Staff Information (p. 3-4) • Professional staff • Educational aides/auxiliary staff • Ethnicity and gender • Degrees held • Experience • Average teacher salary • Turnover rate for teachers • Financial Information (p. 5-6) • Tax information • Revenues • Expenditures

  38. Campus Performance Objectives • Campus Improvement Plans are based on the AEIS (available online on campus webpages) • Performance Objectives are approved by the Board of Trustees (February Meeting) • Data from the AEIS gives direction for the development of performance objectives that are low in relation to the accountability standards

  39. Accessing the AEIS Report • Public Hearing • January 13, 2009 – Board Meeting • Campuses schedule their own meetings • Where the report is available • TEA website • District website • Campus libraries or offices

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