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Explore the rise of powerful rulers like Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror shaping England's history. Learn about Magna Carta, Parliament, and the Kingdom of France. Delve into the Eastern Europe and Russia's development, including Kiev and Mongol invasion.

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  2. ALFRED THE GREAT • king of Wessex • drove Vikings out of Britain • united Anglo-Saxon kingdoms • new kingdom known as “Angleland” or “England” • founded schools • hired scholars to rewrite Latin books in Anglo-Saxon language • weak rulers followed 2

  3. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR • ruler of Normandy (part of western France) • descendant of Viking ruler who conquered Normandy • cousin of King Edward of England • when Edward died, noble Harold Godwinson claimed throne • William believed he was rightful king • William & his army defeated Harold & his foot soldiers at Battle of Hastings • crowned king of England • became known as William the Conqueror 3

  4. Anglo-Saxon resisted his rule • gave land to Norman knights • made them swear loyalty to him as ruler • officials & nobles spoke French • Anglo-Saxons spoke own language, later known as English • took first census since Roman times • known as Domesday Book • counted people, manors, & farm animals 4

  5. HENRY II • King of England • used law courts to increase his power • central court with trained lawyers & judges • circuit judges traveled country hearing cases • established common law • same laws throughout whole kingdom • set up juries to handle argument over land • grand jury – decided whether people should be accused of a crime • trial jury – decided whether an accused person was innocent or guilty 5

  6. KING JOHN • son of Henry II • raised taxes • punished enemies without a trial • English noble resented his power • refused to obey unless guaranteed certain rights • forced king to sign Magna Carta, or the Great Charter 6

  7. MAGNA CARTA • a document of rights • king & vassals both had certain rights & duties • established people have rights • power of government should be limited • took away some of king’s power • no longer collect taxes unless Great Council agreed • freemen accused of crime had right to fair trial by their peers or equals 7

  8. PARLIAMENT • King Edward I held meeting of people from different parts of England • job was to advise king & help make laws • step towards representative government • original Parliament • two knight from every county • two people from every town • all high-ranking nobles and church officials • later Parliament • divided into two houses • House of Lords • high-ranking nobles • church officials • House of Commons • townspeople 8

  9. KINGDOM OF FRANCE • Charlemagne’s empire divided into three parts • western region – Kingdom of France • Hugh Capet – first Capetian king • Capetians controlled area around Paris – capital • French nobles had more power than kings • changed when Philip II became king 9

  10. went to war against England • conquered most of western France territory • result – French kings gained more land & became more powerful • Philip IV – called Philip the Fair • met with representatives of three estates, or classes, of French society • first estate – clergy (ordained as priests) • second estate – nobles • third estate – townspeople or peasants • meeting began the Estates-General • France’s first parliament • first step towards representative government 10

  11. EASTERN EUROPE & RUSSIA • Slavs • organized villages in Eastern Europe • made up of families related to each other • shared land, animals, tools, seeds, etc • built houses partly underground • kept family warm during cold winters • divided into three major groups 11

  12. three major groups • Southern • Croats, Serbs, & Bulgarians • Western • Poles, Czechs, & Slovaks • Eastern • Ukrainians, Belorussians, & Russians • controlled land between Carpathian Mountains & Volga River • created farmland by chopping down forests & burning trees to fertilize the soil • planted barley, rye, & flax 12

  13. KIEVAN RUS • Vikings moved into Slav territory • became rulers • Slavs called Viking rulers the Rus • intermarried into one people • Oleg – Viking leader • created Rus state around city of Kiev • called Kievan Rus • main ruler – Grand Duke of Kiev • Boyars – local princes, rich merchants, & landowning nobles helped him govern 13

  14. rulers who followed increased Kievan Rus size • from Baltic Sea in north to Black Sea in south • from Danube River in west to Volga River in west • growth attracted missionaries from Byzantine Empire • Vladimir - Rus ruler • married sister of Byzantine emperor • became Eastern Orthodox Christian • declared his people Eastern Orthodox 14

  15. MONGOL INVASION • Slavs call Mongols “Tatars” • named after Mongol tribe- the Tata people • destroyed almost all major cities • only city spared was Novgorod • killed many people • Novgorod rulers (and Russian) • had to pay tribute to khan • accept Mongols as their rulers • faced attacks by Germans & Swedes • Alexander Nevsky & Slavs defeated Germans & Swedes • Mongols reward him with title “grand duke” 15

  16. THE RISE OF MOSCOW • damaged during Mongol invasion • recovered & began to grow • located at crossroads of several important trade routes • Nevsky’s son & descendants became grand dukes of Moscow 16

  17. THE CRUSADES • Christian holy war • total of ten crusades • Muslim Turks seized control of Byzantine lands in Asia Minor • Byzantine emperor asks pope for help • Pope Urban II • asked Europe’s nobles to launch war against Muslim Turks • urged capture of Jerusalem & free Holy Land 17

  18. EARLY VICTORIES • red cross: sign of obedience to pope’s call • First Crusade • captured… • Antioch in Syria in 1098 • Jerusalem in 1099 • crusaders created four states • Kingdom of Jerusalem in Palestine • country of Edessa • principality of Antioch in Asia Minor • country of Tripoli (Lebanon today) • surrounded by Muslims • depended on Italian cities of Genoa, Pisa, & Venice for supplies • Muslims fought back & captured Edessa in 1144 • European rulers sent another crusade to regain lost lands • Second crusade a total failure 18

  19. DEFEAT • Muslim named Saladin became ruler of Egypt • united Muslims • declared war against Christian states • brilliant commander • defeated Christians • captured Jerusalem in 1187 • led to Third Crusade 19

  20. THIRD CRUSADE PROBLEMS • European rulers gathered armies to fight Saladin • Frederic emperor of Holy Roman Empire • drowned crossing a river • King Richard I of England • Richard the Lion-Hearted • captured a coastal city • agreed to truce with Saladin • Christian pilgrims could travel to Jerusalem in safety • King Phillip II of France • went home 20

  21. FOURTH CRUSADE • called by Pope Innocent III • Venice merchants used crusade to weaken trading rival (Byzantine Empire) • convinced crusaders to attack Constantinople • burned looted city • shocked Western Europeans • weakened Byzantines 21

  22. AFFECT ON EUROPE • increased trade between Europe & Middle East • helped break down feudalism • nobles who joined Crusades sold land & freed serfs • reduced their power • helped Kings build stronger centralized governments • Kings taxed new trade with Middle East • taxes built stronger kingdoms in Western Europe 22

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