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Presentation Transcript

  1. Please do the following: • Unipac page 11 and pen/pencil. • Turn off all electronic devices • Be seated and ready to go! I need all of the time I can get today. Thanks a bunch!!!!

  2. William Howard Taft 27th President – 1909-1913

  3. William H. Taft – “The Man” (1857-1930) • Republican. • Lawyer, professor, judge, Governor of Philippines. • Picked by T.R. to be his successor…….later fight. • Wins 1908 Election in a virtual landslide. • Wife – Nellie suffers a stroke during his term.

  4. William H. Taft – Public Office 10th Chief Justiceof the Supreme Court (1921 –1930)

  5. Election of 1912 Two Presidents, an unknown, and a Socialist.

  6. Let’s meet the candidates!

  7. Who were the candidates? • William H. Taft (R) (James Sherman)/(Nicholas Butler) • Woodrow Wilson (D) (Thomas Marshall) • Theodore Roosevelt (Bull Moose) (Hiram Johnson) • Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) (Emil Seidel)

  8. William H. Taft(R) • Was not very aggressive as President. • Angered many Republicans and Progressives while President. • Publicly fights with T.R. • Republican Convention chaos.

  9. Taft’s 1912 Platform • Defend his program of higher tariffs • Continue to break up Trusts. • Push for Federal Income Tax and Direct Election of Senators.

  10. Woodrow Wilson (D) • Relatively unknown. • College professor and Former Governor of New Jersey. • Was nominated after 46th ballot at the Democratic Convention. • “New Freedom”

  11. Wilson’s 1912 Platform • Bank reform. • Reduce Tariffs. • Break up trusts to help small businesses. • More government help to Farmers and Laborers. • Be a strong leader.

  12. Theodore Roosevelt(Bull Moose) • 26th President. Held two terms from 1901-1909. • Very popular President. • Republican with progressive ideas. • Shot during campaign.

  13. T.R’s 1912 Platform • “New Nationalism” stressed a liberal reform policy. • Direct Election of Senators. (17th Amendment) • States should have referendum, recall, and initiative. • Women suffrage. (19th Amendment) • Labor reform.

  14. Eugene V. Debs(Socialist) • Former ARU leader. • Considered a Radical. PLATFORM • Pushes for Government ownership of Railroads and Banks • Labor and Farm reform.

  15. 1912 Campaign issues • Who to vote for?????? • Each candidate considers themselves “Progressive”. • Taft had angered many Progressives during his presidency. • Wilson is a very good speaker, starts gaining a good following – not quite as radical as T.R.

  16. What they should’ve asked? • What are your thoughts on Foreign Policy? • What is your stance on segregation and minorities? • Do you have anything in the past that might make people question your character? • Are you prepared to go to war?

  17. 1912 Election ResultsNovember 5th , 1912 • Wilson* - Electoral 435 Popular 6,297,000 • Taft - Electoral 8 Popular 3,481,000 • T. R. - Electoral 88 Popular 4,119,000 • Debs - Electoral 0 Popular 1,100,000 *Wilson wins but only receives 42% of the popular vote.

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