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Learning To Use New Testament Greek

Learning To Use New Testament Greek. Lesson I. John 19:28-30. “It Is Finished” – tetelestai Verb – denotes action Root – teleo Means: to bring to a close, or to complete, or bring to an end - II Tim 3:16-17 In the perfect tense

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Learning To Use New Testament Greek

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning To Use New Testament Greek Lesson I

  2. John 19:28-30 • “It Is Finished” – tetelestai • Verb – denotes action • Root – teleo • Means: to bring to a close, or to complete, or bring to an end - II Tim 3:16-17 • In the perfect tense • Tense has reference to the kind of action and time of action • Perfect tense describes a state resulting from a completed action • “It Is Finished” has reference to the completed redemptive process.

  3. What To Expect • Introduce the general concepts for utilizing the Greek New Testament • General Concepts • Greek Alphabet • Vowels & Diphthongs • Guidelines for pronunciation • Parts Of Speech • Overview of the verb system • Overview of nouns • Prepositions • Participles • Vocabulary

  4. What To Expect • Assist you in becoming proficient in the use of lexical aides • Illustrate how the Greek New Testament can be utilized for personal study as well as sermon and Bible class preparation. • Helpful Books • Learn To Read New Testament Greek by David Alan Black • Greek NT or Greek Interlinear • Grammar Books • Greek Lexicon

  5. 10 Commandments For Learning Greek • I can do it • I must work • I must keep up • I must learn, relearn, and relearn • I must not grow discouraged • I must memorize alphabet & vocabulary • I will work daily • I won’t be embarrassed when I don’t understand • I won’t become arrogant in my knowledge • I will use what I learn to be a better teacher, Bible student and Christ-like individual

  6. Greek Alphabet

  7. Greek Alphabet

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