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Gali keistis ivairus mokymo budai, metodai, bet visados ugdymo procese svarbiausias dalyvis bus vaikas - mokinys. . Mokytojas turi padeti vaikui surasti save
1. IKT taikymas biologijospamokose
3. Mokytojas turi padeti vaikui surasti save iame informacijos gausiame pasaulyje, imokyti ji savarankikai mastyti, priimti sprendimus, pasitiketi savimi
5. iuolaikika, veiksminga, rezultatyvi biologijos pamoka, kurios metu: Mokiniai itraukiami i pamokos tikslu skelbima;
Mokymo mediagos pateikimo budas turi buti naujas, sudominantis ;
Butinas integravimas pagal ugdymo lygius;
Rezultatu apibendrinimas.
6. Nauju mokymo technologiju taikymo tikslai: Padeti mokiniui mokytis ir bresti kaip asmenybei
Diferencijuoti ir individualizuoti mokyma bei vertinima
Nustatyti mokinio mokymosi galimybes, problemas ir spragas.
7. IT diegimas mokomajame procese turetu vykti dviem kryptimis: efektyvus darbas klases kolektyve ir optimalus savarankikas darbas po pamoku, todel ypatingai vertingas nuotolinis mokymas.
8. Pedagogine technologija, apima operaciju seka, suteikiancia galimybes siekti auktu rezultatu, panaudojant kuo maesnes sanaudas, idiegiant pedagogikoje sisteminio mastymo buda, kuris suteikia galimybe visapusikai valdyti mokymo procesa.
9. Ji realizuojama konkreciais technologiniais procesais, t.y. vykstant jiems butina atkreipti demesi i pasirinktos mokymo temos destymo forma, kryptis ir priemones, organizuojant praktine veikla, itvirtinant inias ir gebejimus panaudojant naujausius mokymo metodus.
10. Kuo naudinga IKT biologijos pamokoje?
Racionaliai organizuojama paintine mokiniu veikla ugdymo procese;
Kompiuterio pagalba individualizuojamas mokymo procesas ir panaudojamos naujos painimo priemones pamokoje;
Susipainimas su reikiniais, procesais mikro ir makro pasaulyje, sudetingu biologiniu sistemu veikimo stebejimas kompiuterines grafikos ir modeliavimo pagalba.
11. IKT taikymo pamokoje budai: Pieiniai ir pateiktys
CD- produktai
Kopijuoklio panaudojimas
Multimedijos naudojimas
Elektroniniu vadoveliu kurimas
Mokymasis VMA
12. Internetas ir jo galimybes:
13. DADU ledu chemine sudetis ir energetine verte
14. Who should count carbohydrate?
It doesnt matter if you take insulin, pills, or you manage your diabetes with diet and exercise.
Carbohydrate counting can improve diabetes control for anyone with diabetes. Who should count carbohydrate?
It doesnt matter if you take insulin, pills, or you manage your diabetes with diet and exercise.
Carbohydrate counting can improve diabetes control for anyone with diabetes.
If you have diabetes and would like to improve your blood glucose control, carbohydrate counting may be for you.
Today Im going to talk to you about how carbohydrate counting can be beneficial to you, how to count carbohydrates, what foods contain carbohydrate, and how to find carbohydrate information.If you have diabetes and would like to improve your blood glucose control, carbohydrate counting may be for you.
Today Im going to talk to you about how carbohydrate counting can be beneficial to you, how to count carbohydrates, what foods contain carbohydrate, and how to find carbohydrate information.
16. PIENAS VERTINGAS MAISTO PRODUKTAS i kurio gaminami ledai
17. The reason we focus on carbohydrate is because it is the one nutrient that raises blood glucose the most.The reason we focus on carbohydrate is because it is the one nutrient that raises blood glucose the most.
18. One major advantage of carbohydrate counting is that it can improve your blood glucose levels.
Lets review blood glucose goals:
The A1C test is a long-term test that shows what your average blood glucose has been over the past 2-3 months. The American Diabetes Association recommends striving for less than 7%, although some experts are recommending less than 6.5%. How many of you know what your A1C is? Most people should get it check about 3-4 times per year.
Blood glucose goals vary depending on the individual. These are general guidelines from the American Diabetes Association. Check with your health care team if you are not sure what your goals are.One major advantage of carbohydrate counting is that it can improve your blood glucose levels.
Lets review blood glucose goals:
The A1C test is a long-term test that shows what your average blood glucose has been over the past 2-3 months. The American Diabetes Association recommends striving for less than 7%, although some experts are recommending less than 6.5%. How many of you know what your A1C is? Most people should get it check about 3-4 times per year.
Blood glucose goals vary depending on the individual. These are general guidelines from the American Diabetes Association. Check with your health care team if you are not sure what your goals are.
19. Carbohydrate counting is easy because you only have to count carbohydrate. You dont have to count fat, protein or calories.
And, a major advantage is that youll have more flexibility in your food choices. So, you can learn how to fit practically any food into your meal plan - like breakfast bars or smoothies.Carbohydrate counting is easy because you only have to count carbohydrate. You dont have to count fat, protein or calories.
And, a major advantage is that youll have more flexibility in your food choices. So, you can learn how to fit practically any food into your meal plan - like breakfast bars or smoothies.
20. Carbohydrate counting simply means keeping track of the amount of carbohydrate you eat at meals and snacks.
For most people its important to be consistent in the amount of carbohydrate eaten at meals from day to day.
Some people who take insulin before each meal match the amount of insulin they take to the amount of carbohydrate they consume.Carbohydrate counting simply means keeping track of the amount of carbohydrate you eat at meals and snacks.
For most people its important to be consistent in the amount of carbohydrate eaten at meals from day to day.
Some people who take insulin before each meal match the amount of insulin they take to the amount of carbohydrate they consume.
21. Valgykite DADU ledus, nes jie nesukelia rupesciu del svorio! Remember the three major nutrients found in foods? They
include carbohydrate, protein and fat. Of course, vitamins,
minerals and water are also found in foods, but they dont
have any effect on blood glucose levels. Lets review what
foods contain carbohydrate. Remember the three major nutrients found in foods? They
include carbohydrate, protein and fat. Of course, vitamins,
minerals and water are also found in foods, but they dont
have any effect on blood glucose levels. Lets review what
foods contain carbohydrate.
22. Here is an example of a Nutrition Facts Label.
Note where the Serving Size and Total Carbohydrate information are listed.
Now, lets look at your handout on the food for orange juice. The serving size is 8 ounces. Now look for the total carbohydrate. It is 28 grams. How many carbohydrate choices would that be? (2) Youll notice that it also contains 24 grams of sugar. That is not important to us since sugar is included in the total carbohydrate.
Now look at the food label for vanilla wafers.
The serving size is 8. The total carbohydrate is 24 grams. How many vanilla wafers could you have for 1 carbohydrate
choice? (24 : 8=3) Each wafer contains 3 grams of carbohydrate. Therefore, 5 vanilla wafers contain 15 grams
of carbohydrate or 1 carbohydrate choice.
Here is an example of a Nutrition Facts Label.
Note where the Serving Size and Total Carbohydrate information are listed.
Now, lets look at your handout on the food for orange juice. The serving size is 8 ounces. Now look for the total carbohydrate. It is 28 grams. How many carbohydrate choices would that be? (2) Youll notice that it also contains 24 grams of sugar. That is not important to us since sugar is included in the total carbohydrate.
Now look at the food label for vanilla wafers.
The serving size is 8. The total carbohydrate is 24 grams. How many vanilla wafers could you have for 1 carbohydrate
choice? (24 : 8=3) Each wafer contains 3 grams of carbohydrate. Therefore, 5 vanilla wafers contain 15 grams
of carbohydrate or 1 carbohydrate choice.
23. Sieros ciklas
24. Fosforo ciklas gamtoje
25. Azoto ciklas
28. IKT panaudojimas pamokoje suteikia:
30. Vienintelis kelias, vedantis i painima, yra veikla.B. o