1. Long Term Integrity of Cement Systems Oct 4, 2002
2. Agenda Participants/Financials
Project Focus/Management
Project Tasks
Summary Action Items
3. Participants Commitments
MMS, Petrobas, Unocal, BP, ExxonMobil
Saudi Aramco, ONGC, Conoco, AGIP
DOE, Anadarko, PDVSA
ChevronTexaco, Stat Oil
What about Service Companies ?
4. Financials Commitments - $50k each
$600k 12 Companies
Potential additional $100 to 150k
Project Timing – 18 months
5. Management of Project Fred Sabins – Project Manager
Bryan Simmons – Operations Manager
Lab support
Westport Rock Mechanics
Mathematical Analysis – University of Houston
Rock Properties Instruments - Chandler
6. Project Communications Steering Committee – Voting Members
Meeting notes/ voting privileges
Short Monthly reports - Email
Quarterly Progress Report/Meeting
Feb 2003
7. Project Objective Determine the cement system properties that effects the ability of cements to seal fluids
Primarily in Deep Water
General application
Develop a correlation of the cement properties to performance
Determine laboratory methods to determine key properties
8. Tasks Task 1 – Problem Analysis
Task 2 – Property Determination
Task 3 – Mathematical Analysis
Task 4 – Testing Baseline
Task 5 – Refine Procedures
Task 6 – Composition Matrix
Task 7 – Conduct Tests
Task 8 – Analyze Results
Task 9 – Decision Matrix
9. Testing Program Deep Water/All Conditions in Gulf of Mexico
Cement Slurries
Class A
Foamed Cement
Bead Cement
Class H
Latex Cement
Other modifications of above
10. Conventional Tests Conditions – 45 F BHST, 65 F BHCT
Thickening Time - 4 to 6 hours
Free Water < 1%
Compressive Strength (24hr and 14 days)
Fluid Loss, SGS when appropriate
11. Thickening Time & Free Water
12. Mechanical Integrity Issues Flow of Fluids
Around the Cement
Bonding, Microannulus, Deformation
Through the matrix of the Cement
Cracking, Permeability changes
Pressure, Temperature, Pipe Buckling, Formation Compaction
Cycling Conditions
13. Mechanical Properties Rock mechanics/Acoustic Measurements
Tensile Strength/Youngs Modulus (T)
Young’s Modulus/Poisson’s Ratio
14. Tensile Strength Brazilian Test Method
Tensile Strength Young’s Modules
Maximum Yield
16. Young’s Modules Compressional Tests
Confining Loads – Defined by 0psi break
Base line 14 day cure
Acoustic Data
Poisson’s Ratio
17. Comparison of Compressive Strength
18. Type 1 CYM
19. 12 ppg Foam CYM
20. 12 ppg Bead CYM
21. Latex CYM
22. Hydrostatic Cycles
23. Acoustic Measurements Chandler’s New Mechanical Properties Device
24. Chandler Device
26. Performance Tests Shear Bond Measurements (Cycling conditions)
Soft formations
Hard Formations
Annular Seal/Hassler Sleeve (Cycling Conditions)
Soft Formations
Hard Formations
27. Temperature Cycling Procedures Samples are then cured at 45°F for 14 days.
Samples are then temperature cycled from 45°F to 180°F to 45°F as described below:
Samples are placed in a 96°F water bath for 1 hour.
Samples are placed in a 180°F water bath for 4 hours.
Samples are placed in a 96°F water bath for 1 hour.
Samples are placed back in a 45°F water bath.
The samples are cycled once per day during the cycling period.
28. Shear Bonds
29. Annular Seal Test Configurations The pipe-in-pipe configuration consists of a sandblasted internal pipe with an outer diameter (OD) of 1 1/16 in. and a sandblasted external pipe with an internal diameter (ID) of 3 in. and lengths of 6 in. A contoured base and top are used to center the internal pipe within the external pipe. The base extends into the annulus 1 in. and cement fills the annulus to a length of 4 in. The top 1 in. of annulus contains water.
For the pipe-in-soft shear bonds, plastisol is used to allow the cement to cure in a less-rigid, lower-restraint environment. Plastisol is a mixture of a resin and a plasticizer that creates a soft, flexible substance. This particular plastisol blend (PolyOne’s Denflex PX-10510-A) creates a substance with a hardness of 40 duro.
The pipe-in-pipe configuration consists of a sandblasted internal pipe with an outer diameter (OD) of 1 1/16 in. and a sandblasted external pipe with an internal diameter (ID) of 3 in. and lengths of 6 in. A contoured base and top are used to center the internal pipe within the external pipe. The base extends into the annulus 1 in. and cement fills the annulus to a length of 4 in. The top 1 in. of annulus contains water.
For the pipe-in-soft shear bonds, plastisol is used to allow the cement to cure in a less-rigid, lower-restraint environment. Plastisol is a mixture of a resin and a plasticizer that creates a soft, flexible substance. This particular plastisol blend (PolyOne’s Denflex PX-10510-A) creates a substance with a hardness of 40 duro.
30. Annular Seal Tests
31. Annular Seal Test Model
32. Pipe in Pipe Testing No fluid external to the cement
6” flanged models
6” flanged model with pressure (200 psi)
5’ flanged model vacuum system
5’ flanged model with pressure (200 psi)
Conclusion – tight seal to gas
33. Mathematical Model Presented by:
University of Houston
34. Future Work