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( Forest EU) Governance and Stability of Regulative Forest Policy Measures in Post-socialist C ountry: Case Study Slovenia. Milan Šinko University of Ljubljana , Biotechnical Faculty Dept. of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources.
(Forest EU) Governance and Stability of Regulative Forest Policy Measures in Post-socialist Country: Case Study Slovenia Milan Šinko University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Dept. of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources
(Forest EU) Governance and Stability of Regulative Forest Policy Measures in Post-socialist Country: Case Study Slovenia Road map of presentation Introduction Research question Theoretical framework Research design Data Analysis Data Collection Preliminary results Contribution to COST action
Introduction Forest policy design • Policy problems • Policy goals • Forest policy tools mix: • Regulative tools prevail (e.g. obligatory forest management planning for all forests, obligatory tree marking for felling) • Economic tools (less important - e.g. financing of silviculture approx. 1 €/ha/year on average) • Informational tools. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Introduction Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research question • How the international forest governance affect the stability of regulative measures of forest policy in Slovenia (as a post-socialist country)? Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Theoretical framework Theories of policy /change (policy difussion, policy transfer (‘policy learning’), ACF) /stability (path dependency, policy regime). Policy transfer (lesson drawing) Theory of policy “unlearning”? Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Theoretical framework Global level Regional level (EU, Forest Europe) Policy difussion: Constructivism Coercion Economic competition Learning Policy transfer (e.g. emulation, lesson drawing) Slovenian Forest policy (policy measures) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research design • Case study approach(why/how question, historical and contemporal phenomenon, unability to influence important variables) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWOR Policy theories Governance (OMC) Historical institutionalism Goals Analysis and interpretation of historical important phenomena Theory improvement RESEARCH QUESTION: » How the international forest governance affect the stability of regulative measures of forest policy in Slovenia” METHODS Qualitative approach Text analysis Semi-structured problem-centred interviews VALIDITY Triangulation, comparative analysis of published case studies Research design Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research design • Specifics of Forest policy: • Long term impacts of present decisions • Involves strong values (emotions) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research design • Specifics of policy making during transition: • Address urgent and key topics within the time constraints • Considerable uncertainty about the processes and objectives • Rapid change of authoritarian power structures with the new structure of political actors, • Concentration in the elite and the short period of mobilization of the masses, who quickly returned to private sphere • Introduction of negotiations in a decision making process. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research design • Context of Slovenian forest policy making(GoFor 2004) Socio-economics factors Political factors Ecological factors • Main political actors(GoFor 2004) Assumptions Preferences Policy position Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Research design • Who learns? • Who is a teacher? • What it is learned? Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana May 1992, Radaelli 2009
Data analysis • Qualitative analysis • Text analysis (Coding) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Data collection • Scientific papers, policy papers, political articles, press releases) • Semi-structured problem-centred interviews with relevant policy stakeholders (experts, public officials, stakeholders) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Preliminary results • EU and Pan European forest policy processes influence political learning in Slovenia to a significant extent, but exercise a much smaller influence on social and instrumental learning. • Political learning is associated with the stability of forest policy. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Contribution to COST Action • Analysis of the EU and pan European forest focused policy processes (multilevel, multi-stakeholder governance) on choice of national forest policy measures • Analysis of presence of OMC as governance by soft modes in Slovenia Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Thank you for your attention! Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
EU and Pan European level of forest governance Governance by legislation Governance by cooperation Governance by soft modes: - Open method of coordination (includes a notion of learning) - … Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
EU and Pan European level of ofrest governance Governance by legislation Governance by cooperation Governance by soft modes: Open method of coordination (includes a notion of learning) Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
2; According to Yin (1994), a • case study approach is advisable when “how” or “why” questions are posed, when • the investigator has little control over events and when the research focus is on • contemporary phenomena within some real-life context” (Yin 1994,13). Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana
Lastnosti tranzicije v večini tranzicijskih držav so: obravnavanje nujnih in ključnih tematik v časovnih omejitvah, velika negotovost o procesih in ciljih, hitra sprememba avtoritarne strukture oblasti z novo strukturo političnih igralcev, osredotočenost v elite in kratko obdobje mobilizacije množic, ki so se hitro vrnile v zasebno sfero. Tranzicijo lahko razumemo tudi kot spremenjen način urejanja konfliktov v prehodu iz avtoritarnih režimov v večstrankarske sisteme. S tranzicijo se pojavlja koncept pogajanj v odločanju, kar je za Welsha (1994, 381) ključno v razumevanju tranzicijskih procesov, v katerih morajo pogajalci doseči dogovor, vendar želijo hkrati doseči izid, ki jim ustreza. Milan Šinko - University of Ljubljana