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ICF Zurich Logo. Series’ logo. Leo und Susanna Bigger. Leo Bigger. affair. My sex life is fine for me !. My sex life is fine for me ! 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 "I have the right to do anything ," you say — but not everything is beneficial . ... .
Leo und Susanna Bigger Leo Bigger
My sex life is fine forme! My sex life is fine forme! 1 CORINTHIANS6:12 "I havethe right to do anything," yousay — butnoteverythingisbeneficial. ...
My sex life is fine forme! 1 CORINTHIANS6:12 ... "I havethe right to do anything"—but I will notbemasteredbyanything.
Sex is a normal desire! Sex is a normal desire! 1 CORINTHIANS6:13 Yousay, "Food forthestomach and thestomachforfood,...
My sex life is fine forme! 1 CORINTHIANS6:13 ... " Thebody, however, isnotmeantfor sexual immoralitybutforthe Lord, and the Lord forthebody!
In anycaseitis just sex! In anycaseitis just sex! 1 CORINTHIANS6:13b Thebody, however, isnotmeantfor sexual immoralitybutforthe Lord, and the Lord forthebody.
Bill & Hill Präsident Clinton Affaire: "improperrelationship"
C.S LEWIS C.S LEWIS «People forgetthatwhateverthey do withtheirbodiesaffectstheirsouls!»
EXODUS 20:14 EXODUS 20:14 Youshallnotcommitadultery. Adultery in Hebrewis = naàp Youshouldhave no sexoutside of thecovenant of marriage.
Leo und Susanna Bigger Susanna Bigger
Sexuality has the power to give and to destroy life! Sexuality has the power to give and to destroy life!
1 CORINTHIANS 6:18 1 CORINTHIANS 6:18 Fleefrom sexual immorality. All othersinspeoplecommitareoutsidetheirbodies, butthosewhosinsexuallysinagainsttheirownbodies.
Consequences of thesoul: Consequences of thesoul: Trapped in thedesire!
Consequences of thebody: Consequences of thebody: Subsequentdamagelikedepression, illness, abortion, shame, etc.
Spiritual consequences: Spiritual consequences: Destruction of a relationshipwithGod
Consequences in marriage: Consequences in marriage: Neverhavinglearned to befaithful and wait
Theprinciple of LUST! Theprinciple of LUST!
JOB 31:1 L = Leadyoureyes in the right direction! JOB 31:1 I made a covenantwithmyeyesnot to lookwithlust at a youngwoman. NLT
1 Corinthians 3:10 1 CORINTHIANS3:10 BythegraceGod has givenme, I laid a foundation as a wisebuilder, and someoneelseisbuilding on it. Buteachoneshouldbuildwithcare.
PHILIPPIANS 4:8 U = Untangleyourtension! PHILIPPIANS 4:8 Fix yourthoughts on whatistrue, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
1 Corinthians 3:10 1 CORINTHIANS3:10 BythegraceGod has givenme, I laid a foundation as a wisebuilder, and someoneelseisbuilding on it. Buteachoneshouldbuildwithcare.
GALATIANS 6:2 S = searchforstrengtheningrelationships! GALATIANS 6:2 Carry eachother'sburdens!
1 Corinthians 3:10 1 CORINTHIANS3:10 BythegraceGod has givenme, I laid a foundation as a wisebuilder, and someoneelseisbuilding on it. Buteachoneshouldbuildwithcare.
HEBREWS 12:1 T = To dare to deal withopposition! HEBREWS 12:1 Letusthrow off everythingthathinders and thesinthat so easilyentangles. And letusrunwithperseverancetheracemarked out for us.
1 CORINTHER 7:2 1 CORINTHER 7:2 Butsince sexual immoralityisoccurring, each man shouldhave sexual relations with his ownwife, and eachwomanwith her ownhusband.