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Tutorial Navigation in the PIP

Tutorial Navigation in the PIP.

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Tutorial Navigation in the PIP

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  1. Tutorial Navigation in the PIP The Flying Scholarship Programmed Instruction Package uses action buttons to make navigation as easy and intuitive as possible. This tutorial will give you a overview of the buttons and take you through a step by step sample lesson to help you familiarize yourself with this interactive program. All of the navigation in this package is done using the computer mouse and keyboard. Simply point on a button on the screen that corresponds to the action or choice you wish to make and click on it, using the left button on the mouse. The mouse is also used to transition from fact to fact in the lesson. Simply press the left mouse button to advance. If you advance too far, use the back arrow key to return to the previous transition. Note: 1. You must use the buttons for the confirmation questions in order to verify your answer. 2. You will notice that when the mouse cursor passes over an “action button” it will change from an arrow to a hand. 3. You can simply click on exit or press Esc to exit the current slide. Lets give this a try… When you are ready to go to the next page, click on the “next page” button below.

  2. Tutorial Action Buttons Excellent! Now lets examine the different action buttons you will encounter inside this package and what they represent: Takes you to the next slide Takes you to the Airfield Takes you directly to the tutorial module Takes you to the previous slide Takes you back to the main screen of a module Opens a handout document for the lesson Takes you to the beginning of the current stage Allows you to challenge a final exam Takes you to the beginning of the next stage Terminates the current module All these buttons will be typically placed in the bottom right of every page. Proceed to the next page using the appropriate button above.

  3. Module Title Tutorial Typical Page Layout Lesson title Module pictogram Content section A typical lesson page of the Flying Scholarship PIP will look like this Action buttons

  4. Tutorial Question Sample Questions in the PIP are all in multiple choice, true/false or match format. Simply read the question and select the best possible answer by clicking the appropriate letter box(A, B, C or D). A correct answer will take you to the next question whereas an incorrect one will allow you to challenge the question again. If your selection is correct, the slide with the correct answer will appear automatically. Here is an example for you to try out: Which of the following action buttons will take you directly to the PIP Airfield? Button A Button B Button C Button D

  5. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  6. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  7. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  8. Flying Scholarship Program That answer iscorrect. Let's move on...

  9. Tutorial Modules The Flying Scholarship PIP is divided into seven training modules, the tutorial module, a recommended reading module, the self test module, and a print handout module. Even if there is no obligation for you to complete the training modules in numerical order, it is recommended that you do so as they are designed in increased order of difficulty. You may also find some modules less challenging than others. However, all the information in each module is important. Each module may be accessed by going to the Airfield and clicking its corresponding pictogram . The recommended reading module is a link to pages from the Millennium Edition of the From The Ground Up. It is not mandatory for you to read them but doing so will certainly give you a great advantage for the exam. The self test module is several sample exams that closely resemble the one you will have to complete in order to be accepted on Glider or Flying Scholarship. It is a good measure of your understanding of all seven training modules. All these modules may be accessed from the Airfield.

  10. Tutorial Conclusion Congratulations! You now know everything you need to challenge on to your first training module. There is no time limit to complete any module. The PIP is lengthy so proceed at your own pace and don’t wait until the last week before the exam. If you require any additional assistance contact your Commanding Officer who will then contact the Regional Cadet Air Operations Officer for your region. You may now proceed to the Airfield. GOOD LUCK!

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