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CH 22: The Cardiovascular System: Vessels & Circulation

CH 22: The Cardiovascular System: Vessels & Circulation. Histological Organization of Blood Vessels Pulmonary & Systemic Circulation Circulatory Changes at Birth. 1 aorta & 1 pulmonary trunk 2.5 cm 10 bio capillaries (~ length 5,000 miles) ?. Histology of Blood Vessels.

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CH 22: The Cardiovascular System: Vessels & Circulation

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  1. CH 22: The Cardiovascular System:Vessels & Circulation Histological Organization of Blood Vessels Pulmonary & Systemic Circulation Circulatory Changes at Birth

  2. 1 aorta & 1 pulmonary trunk 2.5 cm 10 bio capillaries (~ length 5,000 miles) ?

  3. Histology of Blood Vessels • Tunica interna or intima (endothelium + c.t.) • Tunica media (muscle + c.t.) • Tunica externa or adventitia (thick layer of c.t.)

  4. Arteriesvs. Veins

  5. Distinguishing Arteries from Veins: • Artery walls thicker (more muscle and elastic fibers) • Additional: internal & external elastic membrane in histology slide: • Arterial walls contract; endothelium cannot contract: pleated appearance • Veins collapse Fig 2-1c Fig 2-1a

  6. elastic arteries muscular arteries arterioles large vein medium-sized vein venules capillaries

  7. Superior & inferior vena cavae and their tributaries Pulmonary trunk & aorta and their major branches

  8. ~ 4 mm 2 - 9 mm External carotid, brachial & femoral arteries

  9. ~ 10 -50 µm ~ 30 µm

  10. Different Types of Capillaries: ~ 8 µm Choroid plexus, endocrine organs, kidneys (special case: sinusoids) Most body regions

  11. Sinusoids • Resemble fenestrated capillaries, yet • irregular shapes • have longer pores • thinner (or no) basement membranes • Blood movement very slow • Location?

  12. Capillary Bed = Capillary region serving a body area • BF controlled via arterioles • Precapillary sphincterat entrance to each capillary • Arteriovenous anastomosis

  13. From Capillary Bed Blood Returns to Heart 3 exceptions!!! ?? • Hypophyseal portal system • Hepatic portal system • In kidney nephrons Fig 19-6 Fig 22-26

  14. Uneven Distribution of Blood Total blood volume: ? 65 -70% in veins (= blood reservoir) Walls of veins easily stretch and recoil depending on volume changes 30-35% in heart, arteries and capillaries

  15. Why are valves found in veins but not in arteries? Do all veins have valves?

  16. someBlood Vessel Pathologies p 768 • Aneurysms • Problems with venous valve function • Loss of elasticity and resilience in c.t. throughout body due to ?? • Found where especially?

  17. Atherosclerosis (= type of Arteriosclerosis) thickening and toughening of arterial walls Pathogenesis covered in Physiology

  18. Gross Anatomy of Circulatory System Pulmonary & Systemic Circulations

  19. Brachiocephalic artery 1 Left common carotid 2 Left subclavian 3 Aortic Arch

  20. Circle of Willis = Cerebral Arterial Circle = Ring of vessels surrounding the pituitary gland (ring shaped anastomosis) Brain can receive blood from carotids or vertebrals (significance?) ic v

  21. Abdominal aorta Common iliac External iliac Femoral Descending aorta • thoracic aorta • abdominal aorta

  22. Circulation Changes at Birth • Fetus gains O2 from? • Umbilical arteries and vein • Two passage ways to bypass lung: • Foramen ovale • Ductus arteriosus

  23. ? The End

  24. back Circle of Willis

  25. back Abdominal Aorta:

  26. Fetal Circulation

  27. Foramen ovale back

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