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Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM . Lidhja e Kombeve. HistorikuOrganizata e Par? Mbishtet?rore dhe Nd?rkomb?tare, me q?llim t? ruatjes s? paqes dhe siguris? n? Bot?! Propozimi i Presidentit t? SHBA-s? prej 14 pikash m? 8 Janar 1918 (Woodro? Wilson). (Aleatet fitues: UK, France, Russ. USA) Themeluar me Tra
1. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Organizatat Ndėrkombėtare Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM.Eur (PhD Candidate)
Semetri Veror, 2011
2. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Historiku
Organizata e Parė Mbishtetėrore dhe Ndėrkombėtare, me qėllim tė ruatjes sė paqes dhe sigurisė nė Botė!
Propozimi i Presidentit tė SHBA-sė prej 14 pikash mė 8 Janar 1918 (Woodroė Wilson).
(Aleatet fitues: UK, France, Russ. USA)
Themeluar me Traktatet e Paqes
ėilson's final plans for the League ėere strongly influenced by the South African Prime Minister, Jan Christiaan Smuts. In 1918 Smuts had published a treatise entitled The League of Nations: A Practical Suggestion. According to F.S. Crafford's biography on Smuts, ėilson adopted "both the ideas and the style" of Smuts.
3. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Konferenca e Paqes nė Paris 1919:
Takimi i Fituesve tė Luftės qė tė pėrcaktonin kushtet e paqes pėr Gjermaninė dhe vendet e tjera humbėse pas pėrfundimit tė luftės nė 1918:
Pėrmbante njė sėri traktatesh tė cilat ripėrcaktuan hartėn Evropės dhe tė Botės si dhe pėrcaktuan detyrimet financiare pėr Gjermaninė
Nė qendėr tė Konferencės ishin Tre tė Mėdhenjt, udhėheqėsit e tre fuqive mė tė mėdha:
Presidentin ėoodroė ėilson, USA,
Kryeministrin David Lloyd George tė Britanisė sė Madhe,
Kryeministrin e Francės Georges Clemenceau
Si dhe Kryeministrin e Italisė Vittorio Orlando me tė cilin formohej Katėrshja e Madhe".
4. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Gjermania dhe Rusia nuk u ftuan nė kėtė konferencė.
Pėr gjashtė muaj Parisi nė fakt ishte qendra e Qeverisė Botėrore, ku paqebėrėsit shpėrbėnė perandori tė dėshtuara dhe krijuan shtete tė reja.
Rezultate mė tė rėndėsishme pėrfshinė:
Traktatin e paqes qė shpallte Gjermaninė fajtore, zvoglonte ushtrinė e saj, dhe ju kėrkua tė paguante fituesve tė gjitha dėmet e luftės. E njohur si Klauzola e Fajtorit tė Luftės e pėrfshirė nė traktatin e Versajės (Versailles).
U shpėrbė Perandoria Austro-Hungareze dhe u krijuan shtetet e reja, si dhe
5. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Konferenca e Paqes nė Paris 1919, pėrfshiu kėto katėr traktate:
Traktati i Versajės, 1919, 28 June 1919,
Traktati i Sen-Zhermenit, 10 September 1919, (Austria)
Traktati i Nejit (Neuilly), 27 November 1919, (Bulgaria)
Traktati i Trianonit (Trianon), 4 June 1920, (Hungary)
Traktati i Servit (Sčvres), 10 August 1920; subsequently revised by the Treaty of Lausanne, 24 July 1923, (Ottoman Empire).
6. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Pra, e Themeluar nga Konferenca e Paqes nė Paris 1919
Kishte 26 shtete themeluese
Numrin mė tė madh tė shteteve qė arriti tė kishte ishte 58!
Lidhja e Kombeve veproi prej vitit 1920 1939
Formalisht u shua nė Prill tė vitit 1946 (pronat e saj i kaluan OKB)
7. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Organet e Lidhjes sė Kombeve
Kėshilli i Lidhjes
Gjykata Permanente e Drejtėsisė Ndėrkombėtare (organ autonom i Lidhjes)
8. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Organet tjera tė Ligės:
the Disarmament Commission,
the Health Organization,
the International Labour Organization,
the Mandates Commission,
the International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation (precursor to UNESCO),
the Permanent Central Opium Board,
the Commission for Refugees, and
the Slavery Commission.
9. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Shumica e tyre, pas LDB u transferuan nė OKB:
the Permanent Court of International Justice (as the International Court of Justice), and
the Health Organization (restructured as the ėorld Health Organization)
10. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Asambleja:
Kompetenca tė pėrgjithshme
3 pėrfaqėsues nga secili shtet, njė votė.
Mbledhje tė Rregullta (ēdo shtator) dhe tė jashtėzakonshme
Pėrzierje e Kompetencave me Kėshillin
11. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Kėshilli i Lidhjes
4 anėtarė tė pėrhershėm
Britania e Madhe, Franca, Italia, dhe Japonia
Mė vonė u shtuan edhe Gjermani adhe BRSS
Si dhe 4 tė pėrkohshėm, pėr periudhė 1 3 vjet.
Mė vonė u shtuan nė 11 (pas daljes sė Gjerm, Jap dhe Ital. nga Lidhja)
Procedura e Vendim-marrjes Unanimitet!
12. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Lidhja e Kombeve Dėshtoi: PSE?
Statuti i Lidhjes sė Kombeve (unanimiteti pėrdorimi i vetos)
Pėrzierja e Kompetencave mes Kėshillit dhe Asamblesė
Qasja e vet shteteve anėtare (kalimi i ēėshtjeve nė konferenca)
Nuk arriti tė bėhet Organizatė Universale (pėr tė cilin qėllim edhe ishte themeluar)
Shtete tė rėndėsishme mbeten jasht sajė.
13. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Lidhja e Kombeve Lidhja e Kombeve Dėshtoi: PSE?
SHBA nuk e ratifikoi Statutin e Lidhjes sė Kombeve (edhe pse Presidenti i SHBA kishte meritat kryesore pėr kėtė organizatė)
BRSS ishte kryesisht jasht sajė (hyri 1934, u pėrjashtua nė 1939 Konflikti me Finlandėn)
Gjermania po ashtu nė fillim ishte jasht sajė (meqė ishte humbėse e Luftės dhe Lidhja ishte e fituesve)
Gjermania hyri nė 1926 ama e lėshoi mė 1933 (Hitleri erdhi nė pushtet dhe donte shkatrrimin e sistemit tė Versajės)
14. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM
15. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Entente Powers were the countries at war with the Central Powers during world war I. The key members of the Triple Entente were:
the United Kingdom,
France, and
the Russian Empire.
USA (Zimmermann Telegram!)
These other countries were also minor members of the Entente: Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania.
16. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The Central Powers were composed of the following nations: Austro-Hungarian Empire: entered the war on 28 July 1914
German Empire (including German colonial forces): 1 August 1914
Ottoman Empire: secretly 2 August 1914; openly 29 October 1914
Kingdom of Bulgaria: 14 October 1915
17. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note) was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States. The proposal was declined by Mexico, due to a Civil war in the country, but angered Americans and led in part to a U.S. declaration of war in April
18. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Zimmermann's message was:
"we intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. we shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN
19. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM The message came as a coded telegram dispatched by the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmermann, on January 16, 1917, to the German ambassador in washington, D.C., Johann von Bernstorff, at the height of world war I. On January 19, Bernstorff, per Zimmermann's request, forwarded the telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt. Zimmermann sent the telegram in anticipation of the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany on February 1, an act which German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg feared would draw the neutral U.S. into war on the side of the Allies.[1] The telegram instructed Ambassador Eckardt that if the U.S. appeared likely to enter the war, he was to approach the Mexican Government with a proposal for military alliance. He was to offer Mexico material aid in the reclamation of territory lost during the Mexican-American war (the Southeastern section of the area of the Mexican Cession of 1848) and the Gadsden Purchase, specifically the American states of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Eckardt was also instructed to urge Mexico to help broker an alliance between Germany and the Japanese Empire.
The Zimmermann Telegram was intercepted and decoded by the British cryptographers of Room 40.[2] The revelation of its contents in the American press on March 1 caused public outrage that contributed to the U.S.'s declaration of war against Germany and its allies on April 6.
20. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Allies of world war II The Allies of world war II were the countries that opposed the Axis powers during the Second world war (19391945). Former Axis states contributing to the allied victory are not considered Allied states. The Allies became involved in world war II either because they had already been invaded, were directly threatened with invasion by the Axis or because they were concerned that the Axis powers would come to control the world.[1] The anti-German coalition at the start of the war (September 1, 1939) consisted of France, Poland and the United Kingdom.[2] After 1941, the leaders of the British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America, known as the "Big Three",[3] held leadership of the allied powers. France, before its defeat in 1940 and after Operation Overlord in 1944, as well as China[4][5][6] at that time, were also major Allies.[7] Other Allies included Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Union of South Africa and Yugoslavia.[8]
21. Bardhyl Hasanpapaj, LLM Allies of world war II During December, 1941, US President Franklin Roosevelt devised the name "United Nations" for the Allies. He referred to the Big Three and China as a "trusteeship of the powerful", and then later the "Four Policemen".[9] The Declaration by United Nations on 1 January 1942 was the basis of the modern United Nations (UN).[10] At the Potsdam Conference of JulyAugust 1945, Roosevelt's successor, Harry S. Truman, proposed that the foreign ministers of China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States "should draft the peace treaties and boundary settlements of Europe", which led to the creation of the Council of Foreign Ministers.[11]