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Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism

Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism. Dissemination & exploitation strategy for Estonia. Database of networks and target groups. Foundation INNOVE: Enterprise Estonia (EAS): Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organisations: Estonian Tourism Cluster:

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Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism

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  1. Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism Dissemination & exploitation strategy for Estonia

  2. Database of networks and target groups • Foundation INNOVE: • Enterprise Estonia (EAS): • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: • Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organisations: • Estonian Tourism Cluster: • Association of Vocational Education Develpoment in Estonia • Estonian Rural Tourism • Association on Local Authorities of Pärnu County

  3. Database of networks and target groups • Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union • EVEA - Estonian Association of SME's • Unemployment Office of Estonia (Töötukassa) • Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association • NGO West-Estonia Tourism • Foundation South-Estonian Tourism • Foundation of Northern-Estonian Tourism • Association of Municipalities of Estonia (AME) • A list of Cooperational Network of Adult Training Departments in Estonian Vocational Schools (not an organisation)

  4. Key stages & timescales • September 2010 - Information about the project to personnel of the Vocational Centre of Pärnu County September 2010; • Information of the project in local newspaper «Pärnu Postimees » http://www.parnupostimees.ee/?id=316357

  5. Information of the project in local newspaper «Pärnu Postimees » http://www.parnupostimees.ee/?id=316357 • Kutsehariduskeskuse projekt liidab maaturismi naisettevõtjaid • 22.09.2010 10:20 • Kommenteeri | Prindi • Pärnumaa kutsehariduskeskus (PKHK) lööb kaasa rahvusvahelises projektis “Naisettevõtjad maaturismis”, Eestist on partnerina esindatud MTÜ Eesti Maaturism. • Maaturismiga seotud naisettevõtjad ja käsitöölised ning nendele vajalikke oskusi andvad kutseharidusasutused on projekti sihtrühm, PKHKs on kaheaastase projekti koordinaator koolitusjuht Kristina Papsejeva.

  6. Key stages & timescales 3. Information about the first meeting in Bristol and WHAT IS WERT on school´s web-page http://www.hariduskeskus.ee/index.php?id=1539

  7. The Parnu County Vocational Centrehttp://www.hariduskeskus.ee/index.php?id=1539

  8. Key stages & timescales Contact with Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Enterprise network http://www.maaturism.ee and introducing project 313 MEMBERS

  9. Key stages & timescales WERT Survey by e-formular through Estonian Rural Tourism contact list – 313 members Round table for adult educators and presentation of the project – 17 adult educators

  10. Round table for adult educators and presentation of the project – 17 adult educators

  11. Key stages & timescales • Leaflets of the project – March 2011 • Information about survey results – April 2011 • Meetings with different target groups to introduce the findings of the survey – May-June 2011 • Updating the project progress for VET providers – August 2011

  12. Key stages & timescales • Newsletter of the project progress – Ongoing • Information about the pilot training to the target groups – October 2011 • Newsletters about the training – Ongoing • Round table for VET providers, adult educators and target groups about the project outcome – September 2012

  13. Thank you The Parnu County Vocational Centre 08.04.2011 Athena

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