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Botany: Division of Plant Kingdom and Classifications

Explore the subdivisions and classes of the Plant Kingdom with a focus on Gymnosperms, their characteristics, and species. Discover the medicinal uses and unique features of various plant families.

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Botany: Division of Plant Kingdom and Classifications

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  1. Division of Plant Kingdom • Kingdoms • Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Anamilia • * Divisions (phyta) of Plant • Bacteriophyta • Cyanophyta • Phycophyta • Mycophyta • Bryophyta • Pteridophyta • Spermatophyta • Subdivision:Gymnospermae • Subdivision:Angiospermae • Class: Monocotyledones • Class:Dicotyledones • Subclass:Apetale • Dialypetalae • Sympetalae

  2. Division:Spermatophyta (Seed-bearing) Subdivision:Gymnospermae Subdivision:Angiospermae Class: MonocotyledonesClass:Dicotyledones Subclass:Apetale Dialypetalae Sympetalae

  3. Division:Spermatophyta • are the conifers (gymnosperms)(have strobili as reproduvtive organ) and flowering plants (have flowers as reproduvtive organ). • Plants with true roots, stem and leaves • Reproduction is by seeds, sometimes supplemented by vegetative propagation • have well-developed vascular bundles

  4. Subdivision: Gymnospermae (Cone-bearing) Evergreen shrubs or trees Resin ducts are found in most of the species Strobili unisexual or bisexual, ovules and resulting seeds not enclosed in carpels Vascular bundles collateral and arranged in cylindrical about a pith (the xylem region conatins tracheids but no tracheae) Phloem have only sieve-tube members but no companion cells Monoecious or dioecious They have no perianth Pollens have wings, and pollination is by wind (Anemophily) Seeds are polycotyledones Leaves are scale or needle like

  5. Subdivision: Gymnospermae (Conifer) 1-Class: Cycadinae Order: Cycadales Fam:Cycadaceae Genus: Cycas Species: Cycas revoluta Use: as food It has starch at cortex and pith of stem.

  6. Male cone Female cone

  7. Zamia female cone

  8. 2-Class: Ginkgoiae Order: Ginkgoales Fam: Ginkgoaceae Genus: Ginkgo Species: Ginkgo biloba

  9. Fam:Ginkgoaceae These are large trees, with simple leaves, recognized by their leaves with dichotomic venation, today their remains only one relict relict species, Ginkgo biloba. dioecious plants; the male and female strobili, on separate trees, are borne on short stalks.seed outer portion becomes soft and fleshy like a fruit, it has a disagreeable odor, and for this reason staminate trees are sometimes prefered to pistillate for ornamental planting.Seeds contains neurotoxins.

  10. Use:Medicinal Ginkgo Folium Flavoniod (ginkgo flavonoids, ginkgolid, bilobalid) Because of expansionary effect on blood vessels, it has used in disease seen in advanced ages, the forgetfulness of dementia with memory loss, hearing tinnitus and vertigo

  11. 3-Classis: *Coniferae

  12. 3-Classis: *Coniferae 1-No female strobili, not forming cones,red,fleshy drupe fruit aril around seed......Taxaceae 1- Have female strobili,fruit is not drupe 2-Leaves oppositte or vertisillate, scaly........................................................Cupressaceae 2-Leaves alternate, scaly or needle like (acicular) 3- Leaves are needle like........................................................................Pinaceae 3-Leaves are scaly 4-1 ovule in carpels of female strobili......................................Araucariaceae 4- More than 2 ovule in carpels of female strobili....................Taxodiaceae

  13. 3-Classis: *Coniferae Order1: Taxales Fam: Taxaceae Genus: Taxus Species: Taxus baccata T. brevifolia

  14. Fam: Taxaceae Resin bearing, evergreen, dioecious, leaves are alternate, linear 1-3 cm, acute, similar Abies leaf; but have no 2 wax line parallel to midrib at ventral surface of lamina. not forming cones.red,fleshy aril around seed Poisoning from taxanes, the taxines and taxol, both of which are nitrogenous ester alkaloids Generally contains toxic leves in all parts of the plants (except the fleshy aril around seed)

  15. Use: Medicinal Taxol, found at the bark of this species in structure of diterpene, has antitumoral activity

  16. Taxus - yew

  17. Order 2: Pinales i) Fam: Araucariaceae Genus: Araucaria Species: Araucaria araucana A. excelsa Genus:Agathis

  18. Use: Medicinal It has abuntant resin in stem and this resin is used in the preparation of pharmaceutical plaster

  19. Araucaria - Norfolk Island Pine

  20. Agathis

  21. ii) Fam: Pinaceae Genus: Pinus Species: P. pinea P. halapensis P. brutia P. silvestris P. nigra

  22. Fam: Pinaceae A very important family of cone-bearing plants, mostly evergreen trees, woody, All parts of the tree contain intercellular resin duct. linear, alternate leaves, or have scales. In the pines the leaf base are enclosed in sheaths—1,2,3,4 or 5 leaves depending on species, growing from each sheath. In the other genera the leaves are single.male and female strobili borne on the same tree, seeds bears a broad wing Use as lumber

  23. Use: Medicinal Oleoresin obtained from wounding of stem of P. brutia As a result of distillation with water vapour from oleoresin, volatile oil is obtained called Terebinthina Oleum. The residue is also drug, Colophonium Terebinthina Oleum, used inthe production of creams, applied externally for rheumatism, relieve pain. Analgesics in veterinary medicine, has antiseptic effect in respiratory and urinary tract diseases Colophoniumused in in the preparation of pharmaceutical plaster From wood of branches and trunk of P. brutia and P. nigra with dry distillation tar is obtained called Pini Pix. Used in respiratory and urinary tract diseases in pharmaceuticals and in particular used in the skin diseases of animals

  24. Pinus - pine

  25. Pinus - pine

  26. Genus: Abies Species: A. cilicica A. alba A. balsamea A. bornmülleriana A. nordmanniana

  27. From wounding of the stem of A. balsamea, Balsamum Canadense, a oleoresin is obtained.It is used to prepare permanent preparat (slide) for microscope investigations

  28. Abies - fir

  29. Abies - fir

  30. Cins: Picea Species: P. orientalis P. pungens P. excelsa Use as lumber

  31. Picea - spruce

  32. Genus:Cedrus Species: C. libani C. brevifolia (Cyprus species) Genus: Larix Larix decidua From the C. libani, Cedri Folia, it contains volatile oil that is used in perfumery industry Medicinal use From branches and trunk of C. libanitar is obtained called Cedri Oleum, it is a folk medicine, used in respiratory and urinary tract diseases in pharmaceuticals and in particular used in the skin diseasaes of animals

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