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16469 Low Energy Building Design 2010 Dr N J Kelly

16469 Low Energy Building Design 2010 Dr N J Kelly. Contents. overview of class class details 1 st semester – lectures and assignments 2 nd semester – group design project tour of previous group web sites. Staff Involved. Lecturers: Nick Kelly - Registrar (nick@esru.strath.ac.uk)

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16469 Low Energy Building Design 2010 Dr N J Kelly

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  1. 16469 Low Energy Building Design 2010 Dr N J Kelly

  2. Contents • overview of class • class details • 1st semester – lectures and assignments • 2nd semester – group design project • tour of previous group web sites

  3. Staff Involved • Lecturers: • Nick Kelly - Registrar (nick@esru.strath.ac.uk) • Paul Strachan • Gavin Murphy (assistant semester II)

  4. Objectives • ‘… aims to impart an understanding of, • and provide practical experience in, the • different aspects of design relating to • the engineering of a low-energy built • environment and the energy systems • therein.’

  5. Class Details • 20 credit class • running over both semesters: • semester 1 – 3 x team-based assignments 1 x individual assignment • semester 2 – group design exercise 4 group critiques + project web site • Erasmus students you can only take this class if you are here for both semesters • final marks are based only on coursework and critique results

  6. 1st Semester Work

  7. 1st Semester • the first semester will consist of a series of lectures aimed at introducing you to the emerging principles underpinning low energy building design • each lecture will cover a different area of building or systems design • the lectures are associated with 4 assignments • the assignments form the basis of the class assessment and are marked on a scale out of 1-10

  8. 1st Semester – Web Assignments • 3 of the assignments are team based and 1 is an individual assignment • assignments should be ~4 pages in length and include any illustrations or calculations you think appropriate • assignments must also include a ½ page statement from each team member outlining their individual contribution to the work • the deadline for assignment hand in is 3 weeks after the assignment is presented to class • the assignments will be listed on www.esru.strath.ac.uk • there is a student intranet page for this class – username: e_student password: e+e02

  9. 1st Semester – Web Assignments • one member of the team to e-mail assignments to nick@esru.strath.ac.uk • put ‘16469 group x assignment y’ in the subject line of the e-mail • e.g. • to … nick@esru.strath.ac.uk • cc … • subject: 16394 group 1 assignment 3

  10. A Good Assignment? • what makes a good assignment? • answer the question being asked! • well written and structured • shows some insight into subject NOT just regurgitation of material culled from the internet • evidence of additional study • references (and not just the internet – journals, books, conference papers etc.)

  11. 2nd Semester Work

  12. 2nd Semester Activities and Outcomes • activities: • generate design hypotheses; • factor in sustainability considerations; • undertake performance and cost appraisal; • communication of findings (critique and webpages) • outcomes: • deepen core understanding of the building as an energy system; • develop problem solving and analysis skills; • develop performance modelling skills • understand and communicate performance, cost and sustainability issues; • develop team working and communication skills;

  13. 2nd Semester • working within a team, you will develop a concept design with the emphasis on new engineering approaches to sustainability. • It is expected that modelling will be used to appraise design options and support decision-making in relation to • energy consumption and the impact of demand reduction measures; • the role of embedded new and renewable energy supply technologies; • the environmental performance of the design; • the environmental impacts of the embodied and operational energy.

  14. 2nd Semester • team embers will take responsibility for the • relevant technical areas such as: • design of the building and materials used; • energy demand and demand reduction measures; • services systems design; • energy supply systems design. • none of these areas exists in isolation and team members will need to co-operate • a team member will take responsibility for project co-ordination

  15. 2nd Semester • the class will meet at 2.00 on Tuesdays in M309 class tutors will be present to advise and comment on progress of design • however it’s YOUR design and your responsibility to develop it • you are expected to do significant amounts of background reading and design work out with the tutored period of the class • …. come prepared to summarise the work undertaken in the previous week and with any questions you may have

  16. 2nd Semester • assessment will be based on 4 presentations and critiques (weeks 3,6,9 and 12) and a • web site (week 14): • 16469 (continuation of assessments) + 40% web site

  17. Web Site • the web site should: • describes your design to the world • outline the design methodology • present the technical evidence which supports your design decisions • presents the simulated performance of the building and comparison this to benchmarks

  18. Example Project Web Sites Low Energy Highland Hotel Low Energy Urban School

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