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Delve into the historical events leading to the Reformation, examining the contamination of truth by traditions and political interests, eventually culminating in separation and purification of God's people.

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  1. Reformation 500 1517 - 2017

  2. Hosea 4:6-7: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee…  As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.” 1 Cor 10:11,12 “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

  3. Review The Scriptures consistently warn that Satan (and his agents) would seek to infiltrate the church for their own purposes. Mt. 7:15-23; 13:24-32; Acts 20:29-30; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; 4:1-4;2 Peter 2; Jude, etc. Human pride, Aided by demonic deception (1 Tim. 4:1) seeks to turn God’s “House” into a “den of thieves”. (Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46)

  4. Review “Church” history is filled with the sad evidence of Satan’s effectiveness and how he’s still contaminating God’s truths (which lead to a real relationship with Him) with Man made (or demonic) traditions which lead to the poor substitute of “Religion”. (Mt.7:15-23)

  5. While Jesus twice cleansed the “house” of God of such “False Faith”! (Jn 2:11,12;Mk. 11:17) He Always seeks to cleanse the “hearts” of God’s people! (Is. 1:18; Pr 23:26; Ps. 51:10; 139:24)

  6. Review While many individuals and “churches” remained faithful to God and his word, most became contaminated by “religion” and “political correctness”. (1 & 2 Tim. 4) Eventually the established “political” churches (and people) began to subjugate the others.

  7. In every age God uses “all things” (Ro. 8:28,29) to Purify His People! Titus 2:11-14 “the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God our Savior Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people.” (Perious’ios: A prized possession!)

  8. As God began to “purify unto himself a peculiar people”, these people had two basic choices. Try to “purify” or reform the existing church “structure” from within. a) This was usually their initial response. b) It was inevitably met with resistance. 2) Separate entirely from the existing church structure and start over. (2 Cor. 6:14-18) This led to the “Protestant” reformation.

  9. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! Most of the “Reformed” churches carried the contamination of some man made “traditions.” As they grew in power, they began to use force to “subjugate” other churches and people. As the spiritual “contamination” grew, God would continue to “purify for himself a people”, and the process would be repeated.

  10. How this happened in England. Henry creates the “Church of England”. He was both devout Catholic and a prideful King. A. This decision was motivated by: 1) Henry’s Personal interests: Henry himself called this “The Kings Great Matter” a) He wanted an annulment from Katherine b) He wanted to marry Anne Boleyn.

  11. A. Anglican Church was motivated by: 1) Personal interests 2) Political interests: Power struggles in Europe. a) Henry wanted Pope Clement to grant an annulment from Catherine of Aragon. b) Catherine was the aunt of King Charles V! c) Clement feared offending Charles who had recently sacked Rome and held him prisoner. (1527-28) Clement had to pay a high ransom for his freedom.

  12. Of this time Martin Luther observed: "Christ reigns in such a way that the Emperor who persecutes Luther for the Pope is forced to destroy the Pope for Luther" (LW 49:169).

  13. 2. Anglicanism was an English Controlled version of Catholicism. Henry wanted an English Church, independent of European (and Papal) influence. 1) Henry remained a devout “doctrinal” catholic. B. 1534 Supremacy and Treasons Acts effectively made King Henry the English version of “Pope”. 1) Any who refused to submit were executed. 2) Many Catholic leaders simply became Anglican Priests or Bishops.

  14. 2. Anglicanism was an English Controlled version of Catholicism. 3) As a result most of the traditions and doctrines remained fundamentally unchanged. It was still a “state-run” religion, but with a different “state”-head! History _________ Itself!!!!! This is what happened in Rome when Emperor Constantine became “Pontifex Maximus”

  15. 3. Henry isolated many Catholics. A. 1533: Henry rejects Queen Catherine and Princess Mary and Marries Anne Boleyn. 1) 1536: executes Anne and marries Jane Seymour (who died in childbirth delivering Edward). 2) Marries three more times, quickly divorcing Anne of Cleves, killing Catherine Howard and finally settling with Catherine Parr.

  16. 3. Henry isolated many Catholics. B. The Catholic Church (monasteries, Cardinals and Bishops) owned nearly 1/3 of England! Cardinal Wolsey built himself a 1,000 room castle. 1) 1536–40: Supremacy and Suppression Acts allowed Henry to confiscate all church owned property and wealth.

  17. 3. Henry isolated many Catholics. C. 1537 King Henry allowed the “Matthews Bible” (translated by John Rogers) to be printed and distributed in England. 1) This produced a “spiritual awakening” Movement bringing many to a personal relationship with Christ.

  18. 4. Henry’s death divided England A. 1547: Henry dies and his sickly 10 year old son, Edward VI became the King. 1) The Anglican Church began to “reform” rejecting the Mass and priestly celibacy. 2) In 1553 Edward dies at 16, rejecting his sisters and leaving his cousin Jane Grey as Queen!

  19. B. 1553: Mary Tudor (Catherine’s daughter) takes the throne aided by Catholic armies. 1) She beheads “Protestant Queen” Jane Grey. 2) She Imprisons her sister Elizabeth I. 3) She begins to force Catholicism on England by killing some 284 Protestant leaders Including John Rogers (who gave England the “Matthews Bible”)

  20. B. 1553: Mary Tudor (Catherine’s daughter) takes the throne aided by Catholic armies. 4) Thousands fled England to avoid her wrath. 5) She married Philip II of Spain but died childless after reigning for only 5 years! History remembers her as “Bloody Mary”. “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary…”

  21. C. 1558: Elizabeth I becomes Queen 1) She maintains a moderate position trying to bring peace to “religion torn” England. a) Crowned by a Catholic Bishop. b) Faced “puritan” pressure from Parliament. The 1559 Act of Uniformity made attendance at church and the use of the Book of Common Prayer compulsory. c) Became the “Supreme Governor” of the Church.

  22. 5. The Rise of the Puritans. Having English Scriptures available had some politically “unintended” consequences. A. Many began to recognized and challenge the Church’s unscriptural practices and traditions. 1) Many of these were educated noblemen. (Even some members of the House of Lords) 2) These were a constant source of irritation to Queen Elizabeth.

  23. 5. The Rise of the Puritans. B. The “Puritans” used a three fold plan: 1) Change via “Legislation”. a) Put political pressure for “moral” legislation. 2) Change via “Education”. a) Cambridge “graduates” brought reformation ideas into their churches. 3) Change via “Purification”. a) Local congregations focused on Scripture instead of the book of common prayer.

  24. Puritan Legislation…Education…Purification were seen as threats to the “Crown” and resisted by both Queen Elizabeth and King James. By the early 1600’s, some of these “Puritans” began to doubt that the political and spiritual corruption could ever be completed purged from the “Church.” Many chose to “separate” and form independent local congregational Churches. These were mockingly called “Separatists”.

  25. These became the “Pilgrims” who sailed to America in 1620 after decades of persecution from the “Church”. (Acts 5:29 and 2 Cor. 6:17)

  26. History repeats itself! Satan has always sought to infiltrate and contaminate God’s churches with deception and man made traditions! As these “take root” they produce spiritual “tares” incapable of producing the fruit that comes from a real relationship with God. (Mt. 13; John 15)

  27. Those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it! Israel consistently forgot the Lord and turned to false gods, With terrible consequences! Eventually Satan simply contaminated Jewish truth with paganism and man-made tradition, and infiltrated the priesthood and Sanhedrin who rejected and betrayed God’s Son!

  28. History repeats itself! While Satan works to “conform us to this world” God seeks to “transform us” (Ro. 12:2) through the truth of His word and the sacrifice of His Son: Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people.” (Perious’ios: A prized possession!) (Titus 2:14)

  29. Conformation or Transformation: Ro. 12:1,2 “I beseech you brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Which will it be for you?

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