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Canossa School (H.K.) 200 9 -20 10 P.1 Parents’ Meeting 2 2 -8-200 9

Canossa School (H.K.) 200 9 -20 10 P.1 Parents’ Meeting 2 2 -8-200 9. English language curriculum ( 英語課程 ). English Language Curriculum ( 英語課程 ). P.1- P.3 (Key stage 1 初小階段 ) IELP : Integrated English Language Programme ( 小學英語教學計劃 ) P.4 - P.6 (Key stage 2 高小階段 )

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Canossa School (H.K.) 200 9 -20 10 P.1 Parents’ Meeting 2 2 -8-200 9

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  1. Canossa School (H.K.)2009-2010 P.1 Parents’ Meeting22-8-2009 • English language curriculum (英語課程)

  2. English Language Curriculum (英語課程) • P.1- P.3 (Key stage 1 初小階段) • IELP : Integrated English Language Programme (小學英語教學計劃 ) • P.4 - P.6 (Key stage 2 高小階段) • textbooks 課本

  3. What is IELP? 20-24 story books • Shared Reading (分享閱讀教學) • Phonics & letter-sound relationships (拼音) • Language Activities (語文學習活動) • The Writing Process (課堂寫作、小組寫作及個人寫作) Vocabulary (生字) Sentence structure (句式) Grammar (文法) Phonics (拼音) Listening skills (聆聽) Speaking skills (說話) Reading skills (閱讀) Writing skills (寫作) Communication (溝通) Generic skills (共通能力)

  4. Shared Reading (分享閱讀教學) • Sing songs (唱歌) • Read story books (閱讀故事書) Vocabulary (生字) Phonics (拼音) Sentence structure (句式) Grammar (文法) Reading skills (閱讀) Speaking skills (說話) Listening skills (聆聽)

  5. Phonics & letter-sound relationships (拼音) Sing this song: ants on my apple a…a…a… ants on my apple a…a…a…ants on my apple a…a…a…a is the sound of A

  6. Language Activities (語文學習活動) Communication (溝通) Generic skills (共通能力) Listening skills (聆聽) Speaking skills (說話) Sentence structure (句式) Grammar (文法)

  7. The Writing Process (課堂寫作、小組寫作及個人寫作 ) Listening skills (聆聽) Speaking skills (說話) Writing skills (寫作) Vocabulary (生字) Sentence structure (句式) Grammar (文法) Communication (溝通) Generic skills (共通能力)

  8. NET Scheme (外籍英語教師計劃) • Two lessons every week • Extra-curricular activities • English Day

  9. Module One 單元一 Book 1 & 2 1.1

  10. Module One: Module Guideline 單元指引 Book 1 Book 1 Book 2 1.2

  11. Target Vocabulary 重點生字 Sentence structures 句子 Letter sound 拼音

  12. Sight vocabulary

  13. Revision Sheet 溫習紙 Book 1 Book 2 1.3

  14. Song Sheet 歌紙 Book 1 Book 2 1.4

  15. Worksheet (1) Book 1 1.5

  16. Worksheet (8) Book 2 1.14

  17. Homework (功課) • Reading aloud (朗讀) • Worksheet(工作紙) • Writing Vocabulary (生字) / Phonics (拼音) Vocabulary (生字) / Sentence structure (句式) / Grammar (文法) / Letter sound (拼音) Vocabulary (生字) / Sentence structure (句式)

  18. Assessment (評估) • Examination 考試 (G.E. / Writing / Listening / Speaking) • Formative assessment 進展性評估 • Dictation 默書 • Dictate once in every two weeks • First dictation will be in early October • Module Guidelines (Target vocabulary, sentence structures, revision sheet and letter sound) • The marks will be shown on their reports • Ask them to spell the vocabulary every day • Help your children decode words with phonics skills

  19. Dictation (默書) Sample 樣本 Dictation 4 Date: 8/12 (Monday) Phonics: Sound a, b, c, d, e and f Vocabulary: Book 6 (Refer to Module Guideline 3.3) Sentences: Book 6 (Refer to Module Guideline 3.5) Set sentences: What can you see? I can see a teddy bear. What is father doing? He is swimming.

  20. Dictation (默書) Sample 樣本

  21. Angel Helpers Scheme

  22. Angel Helpers

  23. The End

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