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The Exiled Nation

The Exiled Nation. A Survey of the Bible Ezekiel, Daniel, Job http://kohlin.com/BibleSurvey/. The Exiled Nation. Ezekiel’s Restoration Prophecies Jerusalem’s Fall Announced (Ezek 33:21,22) – 586 BC Reason for Dispossession (Ezek 33:23-26) Desolation Not Ended (Ezek 33:27-29)

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The Exiled Nation

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  1. The Exiled Nation A Survey of the Bible Ezekiel, Daniel, Job http://kohlin.com/BibleSurvey/

  2. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Restoration Prophecies Jerusalem’s Fall Announced (Ezek 33:21,22) – 586 BC Reason for Dispossession (Ezek 33:23-26) Desolation Not Ended (Ezek 33:27-29) Nobody Really Cares (Ezek 33:30-33) Leaders Accountable (Ezek 34:1-10) Nation to be Restored (Ezek 34:11-16) Individual Judgment (Ezek 34:17-19) The Good Shepherd (Ezek 34:20-24) The New Covenant (Ezek 34:25-31) Edom’s Punishment (Ezek 35:1-15) Scorn to Repay Scorn (Ezek 36:1-7) Israel to Prosper (Ezek 36:8-12) Taunts Will Cease (Ezek 36:13-15) Holy Name Honored (Ezek 36:16-23) A New Spirit (Ezek 36:24-32)

  3. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Restoration Prophecies (continued) A Great Replanting (Ezek 36:33-36) Re-population of Nation (Ezek 36:37,38) Vision of Dry Bones (Ezek 37:1-14) Sign of Two Sticks (Ezek 37:15-23) The New Kingdom (Ezek 37:24-28) Judgment Against Evil (Ezek 38:1-6) Hordes of Evil (Ezek 38:7-9) Evil Covets the Righteous (Ezek 38:10-13) Battle to be Sign (Ezek 38:14-16) Destruction of Evil (Ezek 38:17-39:6) The Day is Coming (Ezek 39:7,8) Finality of Destruction (Ezek 39:9-16) Celebration of Righteous (Ezek 39:17-20) Israel Example of Judgment (Ezek 39:21-24) Restoration of Spirit (Ezek 39:25-29)

  4. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Restoration Prophecies (continued) Lament for Egypt (Ezek 32:1-10, 11-16) Graves of Evil (Ezek 32:17-32) Watchman’s Accountability (Ezek 33:1-9) God Hates Punishment (Ezek 33:10,11) Repentance Can Save (Ezek 33:12-16) God is Just (Ezek 33:17-20) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Golden Image Erected (Dan 3:1-3) – ca 584 BC Mandate Requiring Worship (Dan 3:4-7) Astrologers Accuse Hebrews (Dan 3:8-12) Nebuchadnezzar Rebuffed (Dan 3:13-18) Three Thrown into Furnace (Dan 3:19-23) Three Rescued by Angel (Dan 3:24-27) Three Are Honored (Dan 3:28-30)

  5. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Great Temple Vision Ezekiel Taken to Israel (Ezek 40:1-4) – 572 BC The East Gate (Ezek 40:5-16) The Outer Court (Ezek 40:17-19) The North Gate (Ezek 40:20-23) The South Gate (Ezek 40:24-27) Gates to Inner Court (Ezek 40:28-37) Rooms for Preparation (Ezk 40:38-43) Rooms for Priests (Ezek 40:44-46) Court and Altar (Ezek 40:47) The Portico (Ezek 40:48,49) Outer Sanctuary (Ezek 41:1,2) Most Holy Place (Ezek 41:3,4) Side Rooms (Ezek 41:5-12) Temple Measurements (Ezek 41:13-15a) Decorations (Ezek 41:15b-20)

  6. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Great Temple Vision (continued) Table and Doors (Ezek 41:21-26) Use of Priests’ Rooms (Ezek 42:1-14) Outer Temple Area (Ezek 42:15-20) Glory Enters Temple (Ezek 43:1-5) Holiness of Temple (Ezek 43:6-9) Vision for Sinners Shame (Ezek 43:10,11) Surrounding Area Holy (Ezek 43:12) The Altar (Ezek 43:13-17) Dedication of Altar (Ezek 43:18-27) Privilege of Prince (Ezek 44:1-3) Uncircumcised Excluded (Ezek 44:4-9) Limitations on Levites (Ezek 44:10-14) Priests of Zadok Ancestry (Ezek 44:15,16) Priest’ Garments (Ezek 44:17-19) Restrictions on Priests (Ezek 44:20-23,24b,25-27,31)

  7. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Great Temple Vision (continued) Priests to be Judges (Ezek 44:24a) No Possession for Priests (Ezek 44:28-30) Sacred Land (Ezek 45:1-5) Land for City (Ezek 45:6) Prince’s Land (Ezek 45:7,8a) Justice of Princes (Ezek 45:8b-12) Offerings from People (Ezek 45:13-16) Prince’s Role in Offerings (Ezek 45:17) Sin Offerings (Ezek 45:18-20) Passover (Ezek 45:21-25) Sabbaths and New Moon (Ezek 46:1-8) Entry and Exit (Ezek 46:9,10) Grain and Freewill Offerings (Ezek 46:11,12) Grain and Burnt Offerings (Ezek 46:13-15) Inheritance to Prince’s Sons (Ezek 46:16-18)

  8. The Exiled Nation Ezekiel’s Great Temple Vision (continued) Preparation of Offerings (Ezek 46:19,20) The Kitchens (Ezek 46:21-24) The Temple’s River (Ezek 47:1-12) Equal Division of Land (Ezek 47:13,14) Outer Boundaries (Ezek 47:15-20) Inheritance of Aliens (Ezek 47:21-23) Seven Tribes’ Land (Ezek 48:1-7) The Sacred Lands (Ezek 48:8-14) Common Land (Ezek 48:15-20) The Prince’s Land (Ezek 48:21,22) Five Tribes’ Land (Ezek 48:23-29) City Gates (Ezek 48:30-34) Total Circumference (Ezek 48:35a) City’s Name (Ezek 48:35b)

  9. The Exiled Nation End of Ezekiel’s Ministry Unprofitable Siege of Tyre (Ezek 29:17-20) – 570 BC Ezekiel’s Future Role (Ezek 29:21) Nebuchadnezzar’s Temporary Insanity Nebuchadnezzar Issues Edict (Dan 4:1-3) – ca 562 BC Daniel told of Dream (Dan 4:4-18) Dream is Warning (Dan 4:19-27) Year without Repentance (Dan 4:28-30) Temporary Insanity (Dan 4:31-33) Sanity Restored (Dan 4:34,35) Praise to the True God (Dan 4:36,37) End of Jeremiah’s Ministry Jehoiachin’s Release (Jer 52:31-34, 2 Kgs 25:27-30) – ca 561 BC

  10. The Exiled Nation Job and the Problem of Suffering Prosperity of Job (Job 1:1-3) righteousness of Job (Job 1:4,5) … … … Job’s Reply (Job 42:1) Job’s Confession (Job 42:2,3) Job’s Repentance (Job 42:4-6) Job’s Friends Rebuked (Job 42:7-9) Job’s Prosperity Restored (Job 42:10-17)

  11. The Exiled Nation Psalms of a People in Exile Confession of National Sin, Prayer for Restoration (Psalm 44) Prayer for God to use Limitless Power to Restore the People (Psalm 74) When will God hear the Captives’ cry and repay Enemies? (Psalm 79) Prayer for Restoration of the Vine brought out of Egypt (Psalm 80) Restoration must be Accompanied by Righteousness (Psalm 85) Call for God to Remember His promise to David (Psalm 89) Nation’s Prayer is like that of an Afflicted Man (Psalm 102) Israel’s history and prayer for People’s Return (Psalm 106) Prayer for Mercy (Psalm 123) Lament in Babylon (Psalm 137)

  12. The Exiled Nation Daniel’s Apocalyptic Visions Dream of Four Beasts (Dan 7:1-14) – 552 BC The Interpretation (Dan 7:15-18) Daniel’s Further Questions (Dan 7:19-22) Further Explanation (Dan 7:23-27) Daniel Troubled (Dan 7:28) Vision of Ram and Goat (Dan 8:1-14) Interpretation Given (Dan 8:15-26) Daniel Mystified (Dan 8:27)

  13. The Exiled Nation The Writing on the Wall Banquet and Revelry (Dan 5:1-4) – 542 BC Writing on Wall (Dan 5:5,6) Wise Men Cannot Interpret (Dan 5:7-9) Daniel Brought In (Dan 5:10-16) Reason for Writing (Dan 5:17-23) Writing Interpreted (Dan 5:24-28) Daniel Elevated (Dan 5:29) Belshazzar Killed (Dan 5:30,31) The Seventy “Sevens” Daniel Reads Jeremiah (Dan 9:1,2) – 542 BC Daniel’s Prayer (Dan 9:3-19) Gabriel Appears to Daniel (Dan 9:20-23) – 542 BC The Seventy “Sevens” (Dan 9:24,25) Gabriel’s Explanation (Dan 9:26,27)

  14. The Exiled Nation Daniel in the Lions’ Den Daniel’s High Rank (Dan 6:1-3) – 541-540 BC Conspirators Plot Trap (Dan 6:4,5) Decree Against Prayers (Dan 6:6-9) Daniel Prays Anyway (Dan 6:10) King Told about Daniel (Dan 6:11-15) Daniel in Lions’ Den (Dan 6:16-18) Daniel Unharmed (Dan 6:19-23) Conspirators Killed (Dan 6:24) King’s Decree (Dan 6:25-27) King’s Service Ends (Dan 1:21) Daniel’s Fate (Dan 6:28)

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