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2. Topics. BUPERS-3 Organization UpdateRetention Eligibles UpdateREGA and CREOE5 HYTSEA SHORE FLOWPS/PASS UPDATE. BUPERS-3Community Management Organization Update. 4. Military Community Management Organization. . Retention Eligibles Update. 6. . 7. . 8. . REGA and CREO Update. 10. REGA. Current StatusREGA message released 17 JulHighlightsNo Active duty
Supply Ratings Enlisted Community Manager .
2. 2 Topics BUPERS-3 Organization Update
Retention Eligibles Update
Community Management Organization Update
4. 4 BUPERS-3 Organization Update Notes:
Changes to the organization:
CAPT John Schultz has assumed the duties as the Head CM (BUPERS-3)
CAPT Mike Fair (the former Head ECM) has assumed the duties as the civilian deputy for the entire CM Organization (BUPERS-3B)
CAPT Bob Loken (LDO) will assume the duties as Head ECM on the 28th of July.
AEDO, AMDO, FAO, Chaplain, Intel OCM, and Intel ECM will remain in DC or Pax until incumbent reaches normal PRD (Reporting to N13, ADDU to BUPERS-3. Reporting to BUPERS-3 upon relocation).
USE OCM and SPECWAR OCM will remain in Washington (Reporting to N13, ADDU to BUPERS-3)
All other OCMs/ECMs are already located in Millington
The BUPERS-3 organization will be moving into a new building on NSA Mid South in mid-August. The entire organization will reside in building 453 with the ECMs on the 3rd deck and the OCMs on the 2nd deck. The Production Management Office headed by Mr. George Taylor will reside on the 1st deck of the buildingBUPERS-3 Organization Update Notes:
Changes to the organization:
CAPT John Schultz has assumed the duties as the Head CM (BUPERS-3)
CAPT Mike Fair (the former Head ECM) has assumed the duties as the civilian deputy for the entire CM Organization (BUPERS-3B)
CAPT Bob Loken (LDO) will assume the duties as Head ECM on the 28th of July.
AEDO, AMDO, FAO, Chaplain, Intel OCM, and Intel ECM will remain in DC or Pax until incumbent reaches normal PRD (Reporting to N13, ADDU to BUPERS-3. Reporting to BUPERS-3 upon relocation).
USE OCM and SPECWAR OCM will remain in Washington (Reporting to N13, ADDU to BUPERS-3)
All other OCMs/ECMs are already located in Millington
The BUPERS-3 organization will be moving into a new building on NSA Mid South in mid-August. The entire organization will reside in building 453 with the ECMs on the 3rd deck and the OCMs on the 2nd deck. The Production Management Office headed by Mr. George Taylor will reside on the 1st deck of the building
5. Retention Eligibles Update
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9. REGA and CREO Update
10. 10 REGA Current Status
REGA message released 17 Jul
No Active duty “OPEN” ratings, only “APPROVAL REQUIRED”, “A” SCHOOL REQUIRED or “CLOSED”
Future modifications
Starting in FY09, a rack and stack quota based process via Fleet- Ride. ECM’s will establish quotas based on Year Group needs.
11. 11 CREO Current Status
PTS message is in the chop chain to be released late July early August. Message will include Active, FTS and Reserve data.
Future modifications
WEB based, Monthly updated Excel spreadsheet
CREO groups will be replaced with a quota based system that will utilize available quotas (ECM input) and the Sailor’s Year Group
12. E5 High Year Tenure
13. 13 E5 High Year Tenure 724 Sailors approaching 14-Year HYT in FY09
01 July to 31 December 2009
With two more advancement cycles prior to July 2009, expect ~550 to 600 E5 Sailors to be affected
NAVADMIN Release July 2008
ECM info posted to BOL by 01 August 2008
Commands counsel Sailors and submit Sailor’s desires to ECM by 01 October 2008
ECM’s review and respond by 12 December 2008
Commands submit Sailors official request by 16 January 2009
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19. Sea Shore Flow Update
20. 20 Sea Shore FlowDesired Outcomes under a New Lens
21. 21 Sea Shore FlowLeaky Bucket Analogy Sea Shore Flow Model – The Leaky Bucket Analogy (SSF for Aviators)
The “flow” of personnel through a 30-year career with alternating sea tours and shore tours is analogous to the “flow” of water through a series of leaky buckets.
- Volume of the buckets represent the number of billets to be filled in each tour
- Leaks in the bucket represent attrition (attrition rate = 1 - continuation rate)
- Flow rate is proportional to the EPA (i.e., the larger the community, the greater the accession mission, the more people flowing through the buckets)
- The time it takes to fill up each leaky bucket corresponds to the tour length (i.e., the time a Sailor can expect to spend on each sea tour)
Therefore we can improve sea shore flow for an enlisted community by:
- Closing the attrition valve (i.e., improve retention)
- Opening the accession valve (i.e., increase the EPA thus increasing the number of Sailors flowing through the system)
- Varying the size of each bucket (i.e., align the number of billets in each tour to ensure every sea billet is manned)
Sea Shore Flow Model – The Leaky Bucket Analogy (SSF for Aviators)
The “flow” of personnel through a 30-year career with alternating sea tours and shore tours is analogous to the “flow” of water through a series of leaky buckets.
- Volume of the buckets represent the number of billets to be filled in each tour
- Leaks in the bucket represent attrition (attrition rate = 1 - continuation rate)
- Flow rate is proportional to the EPA (i.e., the larger the community, the greater the accession mission, the more people flowing through the buckets)
- The time it takes to fill up each leaky bucket corresponds to the tour length (i.e., the time a Sailor can expect to spend on each sea tour)
Therefore we can improve sea shore flow for an enlisted community by:
- Closing the attrition valve (i.e., improve retention)
- Opening the accession valve (i.e., increase the EPA thus increasing the number of Sailors flowing through the system)
- Varying the size of each bucket (i.e., align the number of billets in each tour to ensure every sea billet is manned)
22. PS/PASS Update
23. 23
Accessions (Reduce accessions)
Conversions (Give proper consideration to all
requests to convert out)
PTS (Limit In-Rate Quotas)
HYT (Scrutinize/limit waivers)
Restrict Reclassifications into Rating
Career Progression
Stable and Predictable Advancement
Brief in response to PS/PASS Deep Dive Working Group tasker to:
Set a goal for the number/% of PS Sailors that we desire to convert to other rates
Develop a process to ensure PS Sailors are not unfairly impacted by the dual actions of a PS force reduction and 14-year HYT (Jul 2009)
Develop goals and monitor the desired retention.
As we develop the SSF model, ensure PS Rating is monitored for sea rotation and geo-stability. Brief in response to PS/PASS Deep Dive Working Group tasker to:
Set a goal for the number/% of PS Sailors that we desire to convert to other rates
Develop a process to ensure PS Sailors are not unfairly impacted by the dual actions of a PS force reduction and 14-year HYT (Jul 2009)
Develop goals and monitor the desired retention.
As we develop the SSF model, ensure PS Rating is monitored for sea rotation and geo-stability.
25. 25 Qualify Sailors in Fleet Ride and prepare conversion packages for CREO 1 or 2 ratings
Separating Sailors may elect to continue their career in the Selected Reserves (SELRES) through RESCORE
May qualify for a prior service affiliation bonus of up to $20K if they choose to convert to a critical SELRES rating
2-year mobilization deferment also in effect ( NAVADMIN 007/07)
- Sailor or CCC may contact the recruiter in the geographic area of separation for current opportunities. Stay Navy Actions
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