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ITRS 2003 Factory Integration Chapter Electrostatic Discharge - Backup Section

Learn about the impact of electrostatic discharge on semiconductor manufacturing, dangers of static charge, and control measures to ensure production efficiency. Explore ESD damage, contamination risks, and EMI effects on devices and equipment.

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ITRS 2003 Factory Integration Chapter Electrostatic Discharge - Backup Section

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  1. ITRS 2003 Factory Integration Chapter Electrostatic Discharge - Backup Section Details and Assumptions for Technology Requirements ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  2. Outline • Problems Caused By Static Charge • attraction of contamination • electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage to devices and photomasks • equipment malfunction due to ESD-generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) • SEMI E129 – Guide to Assess and Control Electrostatic Charge in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility • Conclusions ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  3. Static Charge + Static Charge -- + --- --- + + --- + --- + --- --- Yield Throughput Equipment Pellicles Wafers Integrated Circuits FPD Screens Reticles Contamination ESD Damage Process Interruptions Static Charge Problems:Contamination and ESD ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  4. gravitational aerodynamic for 1000 V surfaces, the greatest force is electrostatic! Electrostatic Forces on a Contaminant Particle Near Charged Surfaces ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  5. Polarity Dependence of ESA at One Fab 0.030 300 mm 0.025 200 mm 0.020 Rate of Contaminating (/cm2-hr) 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 negative positive neutral Electrostatic Attraction200mm vs. 300mm Particle deposition 3-6 times higher for wafers at 10kV Particle deposition 30-60% greater at 300mm than 200mm ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  6. Device ESD Failure Mechanisms • Human Body Model • human contact with a sensitive device • Machine Model • charged conductor contacting a sensitive device • Charged Device Model • device contacts ground when in an electric field • device package is charged and device contacts ground ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  7. Destruction of Silicon Due to ESD ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  8. 1.5 m ESD Effects on Semiconductor Manufacturing Photomask Damage Due to ESD ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  9. ESD Events CreateElectromagnetic Interference (EMI) ESD Radiates Radio Waves and induces signals in microprocessors and metrology tools • Scrambled Program Instructions • Scrambled Data • Confusing Error Messages • Microprocessor Lockup • Calibration Failures • Apparent Software Bugs ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  10. EMI Events in Photo Ratio - 30:1 ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  11. Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) E129-1003 SEMI E129 :Guide to Assess and Control Electrostatic Charge in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  12. SEMI E129 Guide – Recommended Electrostatic Limits ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  13. ITRS Technical Requirements - Electrostatics 2002 2003 Note: 2003 changes shown in bold ITRS Factory Integration TWG

  14. Conclusions • Major elements of technology change are smaller device geometry, lower defect densities, larger wafers, faster equipment operating speeds, and more dependence on automation. All of these areas are adversely affected by the presence of static charge in the semiconductor factory. • Static charge needs to be controlled before it becomes a barrier to new technology introduction, slows the ramping of new factories, or a costly learning experience. • SEMI Standards is in the process of releasing E129 which contains electrostatic limits and measurement methods for the entire semiconductor facility. • The technology requirements in the ITRS will solve the static problem in factory construction and in equipment design - before static charge can impact production. ITRS Factory Integration TWG

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