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Welcome to Year Four Curriculum Development Evening. Staff. Class teachers: Miss Maguire and Miss Heskin Literacy ,SEN and G and T teacher: Mrs Gaffney Class teaching assistants: Miss Langford-Jackson Other teaching assistants: Mrs Atkins and Miss Zengin
Staff. Class teachers: Miss Maguire and Miss Heskin Literacy ,SEN and G and T teacher: Mrs Gaffney Class teaching assistants: Miss Langford-Jackson Other teaching assistants: Mrs Atkins and Miss Zengin Other teachers and teaching assistants take the children for other non-core areas selected by the teacher.
Aims of the Evening. • To give you an overview of the subjects and skills taught in Year Four. • To enable us to create a partnership so that you can help your child make the most progress possible. • To inform you of any changes as we move into our second year as a federation.
Reading. Children will implicitly internalise language patterns and reuse them in their writing, if they read a lot, or read repetitively, or are read a regular bedtime story. It is probably a matter of quantity- Pie Corbett • Why have just one book? • A range of books is vital! • Higher order skills for all (bookmark).
Introduction to Writing. • We are continuing to make improvements in basic skills; handwriting, spelling and punctuation. • Writing targets • VCOP pyramid. • More able- Variation in style. Steal better vocabulary and sentence structure from texts around them. • KS2 assessment has changed. We need your help! Learning given spellings and testing HF and MF words. Extra handwriting sheets and rewriting homework in best (insist on joined).
How we teach Writing. • We immerse the children in text first. • WMG (What makes good) • Make checklists and success criteria • 1st try (short or long writing) • Edit (self, peer and teacher assessment) • 2nd try (improve!!) • Independent tasks (teacher can assess what the child does naturally)
Mathematics. • We are continuing to focus on learning basic skills. • Understanding is key to using and applying independently. We need your help! Learning times tables. Using maths vocabulary everyday e.g. time, money, measuring. Working towards the number star targets. Counting, partitioning and calculating Securing number facts, understanding shape Handling data and measures Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Securing number facts, relationships and calculating
Some areas of learning in Year 4: • To confidently know number bonds to 100 • Developing strategies for use of the 4 operations • Gaining a good understanding of the times tables up to X12 • Using problem solving skills and explaining strategies used • Name and describe 2d and 3d shapes • To tell the time to five minute intervals • Good knowledge of money and measures
Other curriculum areas. • RE • PSHE • Science • Design and technology • ICT • History • Geography • Art and design • Music • Physical education • We follow statutory and whole school guidance on how many hours to spend on each area.
Whole School Behaviour Policy. • Rewarding good behaviour: Table points (reward time), Merit assembly (with a certificate on Friday), golden time on Friday afternoon. Other class rewards from teacher. • Consequences for low level inappropriate behaviour: Warning given. If child doesn’t respond to warning golden time is taken. • Serious incident: Logged and sent to HT or DH. Loss of golden time and/or breaks. • Year Four: Learning not completed in class time might be completed during part of break or lunch.
General Information continued. • PE kit due in every school day (we will contact you if your child regularly forgets). PE kit is not to be worn home after clubs. • Please name all school uniform and stationary so that lost items can be returned easily! • Trips: Sutton Ecology Centre. We will look into further ways to promote learning outside the classroom later in the year.
Homework. • Homework is to consolidate class learning not to teach new concepts. • Monday: Spellings (differentiated), literacy(differentiated as appropriate). To be given in or tested on Friday. • Friday: Mathematics task (differentiated). To be given in Monday. • Occasional other homework e.g. Science/topic etc. • Ongoing!! Read, read, read (all abilities child and adult to read). Learning times tables. • Three homework tasks not handed in and we will contact you.