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CASSIOBURY INFANT & NURSERY SCHOOL. Welcome to the Year 2 Curriculum Evening. Tuesday 16 th September 2008. Numeracy in Year 2. End of Year Expectations. Children will be able to count up to 100 objects by grouping them and counting in tens, fives, twos.
CASSIOBURY INFANT & NURSERY SCHOOL Welcome to the Year 2 Curriculum Evening Tuesday 16th September 2008
End of Year Expectations • Children will be able to count up to 100 objects by grouping them and counting in tens, fives, twos. • Children will be able to explain what each digit in a two-digit number represents including numbers where 0 is a place holder. • Children will be able to partition two-digit numbers in different ways, including into multiples of 10 and 1. • Children will be able to derive and recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10, all pairs with totals to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 with totals up to 100. • Children will be able to use the symbols +, -, x, ÷ and = to record and interpret number sentences involving all four operations. • Children will be able to calculate the value of an unknown in a number sentence e.g. ÷ 2 = 6, 30 - = 24.
End of Year Expectations • Children will be able to visualise common 2D and 3D solids. • Children will be able to identify shapes from pictures of them in different positions and orientations. • Children will be able to make and describe shapes referring to their properties. • Children will be able to use units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and know the relationships between them. • Children will be able to read the time to the quarter hour. • Children will be able to identify time intervals including those that cross the hour. • Children will be able to use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects. • Children will be able to explain choices using appropriate language, including ‘not’ .
Time Mathematical Vocabulary Mass A+d+d Capacity Length
add more double plus Add total make altogether sum
long longer Metre stick longest Length short ruler shorter Centimetre shortest Metre
scales weigh weighs weight balances balance heavy Mass heavier Gram heaviest Kilogram light lightest lighter
capacity container full empty millilitre Capacity half full litre holds contains
tomorrow Spring yesterday today Summer midnight Autumn night Winter Time evening day afternoon week morning month year weekend
O’clock Half past time Quarter to clock Time Quarter past analogue digital
Overview ·Daily Literacy Session ·Handwriting ·Phonics ·Reading ·High frequency words ·Spellings.
Daily Literacy Session • Shared reading • Shared writing • Speaking and listening • Group and independent work.
Handwriting “Efficient handwriting leads to higher quality writing.”
Phonics ‘High quality phonic work should be the prime means for teaching children how to read and spell words.’
s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er Letters and Sounds
Blending flower burger chair
Structure of a Guided Reading Session Book introduction or recap Strategy check Independent reading Response and returning to the text Next steps
Book Band Levels Turquoise level: ·Extract meaning from the text while reading with less dependence on illustrations. ·Approach different genres with increasing flexibility. ·Use punctuation and text layout to read with a greater range of expression. ·Sustain reading through longer sentence structures and paragraphs. ·Tackle a higher ratio of more complex words.
High Frequency Words we now I would like your