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Functional Groups

Functional Groups. Organic Reactions. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION. H. H. H. H. Cl. C. Cl. Halogen Molecule. Hydracid. Hydrocarbon. Halocarbon. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. +. →. +. C. C. Cl. Cl. Cl. H. Cl. CH 4. +. Cl 2. →. CH (4-1) Cl.

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Functional Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FunctionalGroups OrganicReactions

  2. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION H H H H Cl C Cl Halogen Molecule Hydracid Hydrocarbon Halocarbon

  3. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION H H H H H H H + → + C C Cl Cl Cl H Cl CH4 + Cl2 → CH(4-1)Cl CH3Cl + HCl → Chlorine Molecule Hydrochloric Acid Chloromethane Methane + +

  4. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION H H Cl Cl H H Cl C Cl- 2Halogen Molecules Halocarbon Disubstituted 2Hydracids Hydrocarbon

  5. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION Cl H H H H H H + → + C C Cl 2Cl Cl 2H Cl CH4 + 2Cl2 → CH(4-2)Cl CH2Cl2 + 2HCl 2 Hydrochloric Acid 2 Chlorine Molecule Dichloro methane → Methane + +

  6. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION • Foreveryhalogensubstitutionyouneed: • Only 1HydrocarbonMoleculeforallthesubstitutions as long as it has enoughHydrogens • 1 HalogenMoleculewith 2 atoms of thesamehalogen

  7. HALOGEN SUBSTITUTON REACTION • Foreveryhalogensubstitutionyou produce: • Only 1 HalocarbonMoleculewithallthesubstitutions. • 1 Hydrogenatomless and 1 Halogenatom more • 1 HydracidMolecule of thatHalogen

  8. HALOGEN ADDITION REACTION H H H H C C Cl Cl Halogen Molecule Disubstituted Halocarbon Unsaturted Hydrocarbon

  9. HALOGEN ADDITION REACTION H H H H H H H H → + Cl C C Cl C C Cl Cl C2H4Cl2 C2H4 + Cl2 → → Chlorine Molecule Dichloroethane Ethene +

  10. HALOGEN ADDITION REACTION • Foreveryhalogenadditionyouneed: • Only 1UnsaturatedHydrocarbonMoleculeforalltheadditions as long as it has enoughDoubleor Triple bonds • 1 HalogenMoleculewith 2 atoms of thesamehalogen

  11. HALOGEN ADDITION REACTION • Foreveryhalogenadditionyou produce: • Only 1 HalocarbonMoleculewithalltheadditions. • 2 Halogenatom more

  12. Namethe Halogen Branches Fluorine= Fluoro Chlorine= Chloro Bromine= Bromo Iodine= Iodo NamingHalocarbons Namethe Biggest Hydrocarbon Chain Select and Numberthe Biggest Hydrocarbon Chain Namethe Alkyl Branches Arrangethe Branches in Alphabetical Order 2 4 PERFECT! Cl Br CH3 C C 3 CH3 CH3 1 5 CH3 Cl 4 Carbons 5 Carbons 4 Carbons Pentane 2,3-dichloro 2-bromo 3-methyl =

  13. ALCOHOLS • An alcohol isanorganiccompound in which a hydroxylgroupreplaces a hydrogenatom of a hydrocarbon. • General Formula R-OH • Nameitthesame as alkanesbutchangetheending -e for –ol and addthe position of the OH. • Ifthere are more thanone OH, don’teliminatethe -e, puttheir positions, and put a prefix (d,tri,tetra, etc.)

  14. AMINES • An amine isanorganiccompoudthatcontainnitrogenatomsbondedtocarbonatoms in rings. • General Formula R-NH2 • Nameitthesame as alcoholsbutchangetheending -olfor –amine and thehydrocarbonpartisnamedlike a branch (exceptfor more thanone NH2).

  15. ETHERS • Anetherisanorganiccompoundcontaininganoxygenatombondedtotwocarbonatoms. • General Formula R-O-R’ • Nameitbynamingbothhydrocarbonchains as branches and addtheendingether

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