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VOLUNTEERS BRIEFING 18 th September 20 10 WELCOME. Association Activities & Progress Report Anastasia Laskari E DTNA/ERCA President. Did w e a chieve o ur o bjectives for 200 9 /20 10 ?.
Association Activities • & • Progress Report • Anastasia Laskari • EDTNA/ERCA President
Did we achieve ourobjectives for 2009/2010 ? Enhance and maintain the continuity ofthe good collaboration with industry partners and corporate members FromSeptember 1st 2009 the Executive Director Jitka Pancirova, is on post to directly liase with industry partners and keep continuity for projects, sponsorship and international conferences
Enhance and maintain the continuity ofthe good collaboration with industrypartners and corporate members I. (Executive Director achievements) • Stabile number of corporate members • Presence of new exhibitors at this Conference • 5th Operational Industry Advisory Board (IABM) planned for December • Exclusive Conference partnership with Gambro has been successfully established • Exclusive projects partnership with Fresenius Medical Care has been successfully established • 4thFresenius Middle East (FME) Renal Education Project was held in June, 5th is planned for 2011 • FME, Diaverum and Genzyme courseshave been successfully endorsed
Enhance and maintain the continuity of the good collaboration with industry partners and corporate members II. (Executive Director achievements) • Go Green in Dialysis – A campaign to achieve more sustainability in dialysis care, joint EDTNA/ERCA and Fresenius Medical Care project – update presented at this Conference • Venous Needle Dislodgement Project Part II.- in cooperation with Redsense Medical – VND risk assessment tool is available • Guidelines on Vascular Access Cannulation and Care – new joint EDTNA/ERCA and Fresenius Medical Care project being launched at this Conference
Did we achieve ourobjectives for 2009/2010 ? Further develop the QualityManagement System throughout the Association EDTNA/ERCA will review its current QualityManagement documents and apply for the ISO9001:2008 certification within the next 4 years. This is an ongoing strategy since 2008
Management policies Strategic Management EDTNA/ERCA policies Finance Management Quality Management MembershipServices Core policies Conference Services Product & service management Support policies Human resources Balanced Scorecard Document control
Did we achieve ourobjectives for 2009/2010 ? Publications consolidated in 2010 added to theregular Journal of Renal Care and Newsletter Journal supplement on: “Cardiology and Nephrology: time for a more integrated approach” (Sponsor Novartis) PD handbook is now availablein English, Dutch and Spanish (Sponsor Baxter)
Publications consolidated in 2010 added to theregular Journal of Renal Care and Newsletter Recommendations for prevention and management ofViolence & Aggression in renal units • Zampieron, M. Saraiva, R. Pranovi (now available in English and Portuguese) Annual report Maria Cruz Casal (coordinator)
Publications consolidated in 2010 added to theregular Journal of Renal Care and Newsletter Newsletter Available in 13 languages: Dutch,English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew,Hungarian,Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Serbian,Spanish andTurkish
Publications consolidated in 2010 added to theregular Journal of Renal Care and Newsletter Publications Portfolio • All EDTNA/ERCA publicationsavailable are registered in it • Usefultooltoidentifywhen a publicationneeds a revieworisobsolete • Willbeupdatedyearly
Did we achieveourobjectives for 2009/2010 ? Establish closer links withrenal/non-renalassociations Signed level 1 collaborationagreement with: VASBI (Vascular Access Society ofBritainandIreland), EfCCNa (European federation of Clinical Care Nursing Associations) INNA (IndonesianNephrologyNursesAssociation) Establish closer links withother International Associations Signed collaboration agreement with: KHATO Nairobi (Kidney HealthAwareness and Treatment Options)
Did we achieveourobjectives for 2009/2010 ? Establish closer collaboration with National Associations “EDTNA/ERCA Recommendationsfor Preventionand Management ofViolenceand Aggression in renal units” (ENRCA project) “Survey on violence and aggression prevention and managementstrategies in European renal units” (Zampieron A, Saraiva M,PranoviR, Laskari A, Buja A.), JoRC 2010;36(2):60-7. Future publication in Portuguese in ActaPaulista de Enfermagem
Objectives 2010/2011 • Enhance and maintain the continuity ofthe goodcollaboration with industrypartnersandcorporatemembers • Further develop the QualityManagement System throughout the Association
Objectives 2010/2011 Handbooks • A practical guide for caring for patients who have no wish for or chose to withdraw from dialysis • Meeting the Challenges of Caring for the Elderly Renal Patient • Caringfor the DiabeticPatientwithChronicKidneyDisease, A Guide to ClinicalPractice
Objectives 2010/2011 Establish closer collaboration with National Associations and new projects which will promote continuity to both sides Proposal for a new Project to developfurther collaborationwith EDTNA/ERCA & EuropeanRenal Care National Associations,aEuropean Network of Renal Care Associations (ENRCA) Project: “SURVEY ONATTITUDES OF THE EUROPEAN RENAL NURSESTOWARDS OLDER PEOPLE”
Objectives 2010/2011 Positioning of EDTNA/ERCA towards an international concept EDTNA/ERCA will provide a platform to allowinternationalmembers to take active part in educational and research activities inorder to improve the Global quality of renal care and disseminatescientific results ofthe Association. This is an ongoing strategy since 2008.
Corporate Education Sessions CES Fresenius Medical Care Sunday 19th September: 09.00-10.30 CES Gambro Sunday 19th September: 11.00-12.30 CES Baxter Sunday 19th September: 14.00-15.30 CES Diaverum Monday 20th September: 09.00-10.30 CES Fresenius Medical Care Monday 20th September: 11:00-12.30
Summary Pleaseattendthe AGM • Motions this year • IfyouhaveanyquestionsrelatedtotheAssociation pleasefeel free toraisethemnow Thankyouto all the volunteers for the ongoinghardwork for the Association Thank you to our Conference Department and Secretariat Enjoy the Conference!
Nomination Committee Update Maria Saraiva NC Chair
New NominationsCongratulations President Elect of EDTNA/ERCA 2010-2011 Michel Roden
New NominationsCongratulations New Treasurer of EDTNA/ERCA 2010-2012 Alessandra Zampieron
New NominationsCongratulations Welcome the new EC Member Kai-Uwe Schmieder
Leaving volunteers Executive Committee Iris Romach EDTNA/ERCA Treasurer Key Member Rebecca Kinton Key Member UK E&RB team John Sedgewick E&RB chair Margaret McCannE&RB member Marisa PegoraroE&RB member Theodora KafkiaE&RB member Melissa ChamneyE&RB member Hildur EinarsdottirE&RB member Jean-Pierre Van WaeleghemE&RB member Karen Pugh-ClarkeE&RB member
Leaving volunteers Scientific Programme Committee Maria Fettouhi SPC member Interest Groups Tai Mooi Ho WongCKD member Consultants Ray TrevittTransplant Consultant Ione AshurstNutrition Consultant Gunnar MalmströmTechnical Consultant
Volunteers changing posts Jitka Pancirova Executive Director & EC Member Maria Cruz CasalPublication Coordinator John SedgwickEducation Consultant
SPC update Paula Ormandy SPC Chair
Conference Overview Opening Ceremony: President of Ireland Mary McAleese, Dr Liam Plant Closing Ceremony: Mr Frank Simonis 5 CES Sessions: Fresenius x2, Baxter, Gambro, Diaverum 5 Practical & Education Workshops: Vascular Access, PD Prescribing, Renal Workforce, Hypertension and lifestyle, The family- hidden partner 3 Master Classes: Cardiovascular, Water treatment, Patient led self-management and empowerment 4 Lunchtime Symposia & Workshops: DOPPS, Greek Language, Technician Education course update, Collaborative National Association projects 2Country meetings: Spain & Israel 7 Moderated Poster sessions: all dayMonday 20th Sept Industry Exhibition
Conference Statistics 305abstracts submitted 32oral presentations 8short oral presentations 138 posters presentations 33 guest speakers invited by EDTNA/ERCA from 15 different countries worldwide 18 European CME credits (ECMEC) awarded by the European accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) 1583Number of delegates registered
Manuscript Winners 1st Prize – 500 Euros A randomised controlled trial of Buttonhole cannulation for the Preventionof fistula access Complications. (P O13) Chow J., Rayment G., SanMiguel S. , Whyte L. (Sydney, Australia) 2nd Prize – One year free membership Integrated Vital Sign Monitoring of Haemodialysis Patients. (P 043) Hills L., Sutherland S.,Meredith D., Borhani Y., Clifton D., Fleming S., Mosson A., Thornley A., Tarassenko L., Pugh C. (Oxford, UK) 3rd Prize – Certificate of Merit Self-efficacy and long-term medication use in patients with chronic kidney disease (O 12) Wierdsma J., van Zuilen A., Boom M., van der Bijl J. (Utrecht, Netherlands)
10 Manuscripts reviewed by: Manuscript ScholarshipCommittee 2010 Dr Cordelia Ashwanden Maria Fettouhi, Dr Paula Ormandy Dr Elizabeth Lindley Gitte Solgaard Larsen Presentation of Scholarship: at 16:00, Auditorium - EDTNA/ERCA Monday, 20th September Annual General Meeting
2011 Conference Celebrating 40 years EDTNA/ERCA Health Improvement and Quality Care Abstract submission Feb 15th Need volunteers for:Guest speaker recommendations, Plenary session topics, Workshop ideas, Abstract assessment, Session chairs & poster moderation
Thankyouforyourattention Welcome to Dublin ! ENJOY THE CONFERENCE
LOC update Anne Murphy LOC Chair
INVITATION TO THE • DUBLIN CONFERENCE • Anne Murphy Local Organising Chairperson
CÉAD MÍLE FÁILTE Ireland is on periphery of Europe and at least 5000 years old. It has made its mark on the world stage with the wealth of scholars, writers that travelled across Europe in times past. Last July Dublin has been named as the Literature Capital by UNESCO.
SHORT HISTORY The Celts were among the first settlers. And evidence of their work can be seen all across Ireland notably in the Book of Kells annals in Trinity College, Dublin. Viking came next whereby the capital was name Dublin translation for ‘Black Pool’ They made settlements of farm type communities. Normans and the English were the next invaders but the Romans did not come here. Later the Spanish and French came but to the West of Ireland. 1840’s:Potato crop failed and resulted in a Famine, death and the start of mass emigration mostly to the USA, UK, and the new world of Australia, New Zealand, South America.
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Anne Murphy LOC Chair • Mary O’Gara LOC Member & Key Member • Sheila Boyle LOC Member • Fiona Leigh LOC Member • Emer KennyLOC Member • We are honoured to host this esteemed annual conference of our Association for the first time in our beloved capital Dublin and Ireland.
The future of Renal Care lies with Education and Innovation and this full conference programme will reflect this and so the delegates can listen, participate and share with their colleagues new ideas and take back to their workplace improved care for their patients. • Talk to each other you will find you share similar problems and ideas. Participate in the workshops, the poster sessions and the oral presentations. • ‘BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD’ • (M.Gandhi)of Renal Care
LEARNING • Higher education is served by 4 universities and Institutes of Technology reflecting the importance of ongoing education, research & development. • Emerging youthful city where 50% of pop. under 35 and 50% of those under 25. • Outdoor pursuits to suit all interests .
Welcometo the EDTNA/ERCA conference in Dublin 2010 in the Land of a Thousand Welcomes (Céad Míle Fáilte)
ConferenceDepartment Update Monika Fialova Project Manager