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Interpretivist Research Meta-Physical Assumptions. The Observer's Perspective is a Factor:in the selection and formulation of Theoryin the formulation of Hypothesesin choices made in the Research Design processin the selectiveness of observation in the process of observation. Interpretivist Research Data Assumptions.
1. Invitation to ResearchINTERPRETIVIST RESEARCH TECHNIQUESRoger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy, CanberraVisiting Professor, CSIS, Uni of Hong KongVisiting Fellow, Australian National University http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/......Res /53-Int.pptebs, 16-18 January 2003
3. Interpretivist ResearchData Assumptions Objectivity, in the sense in which it is used in Scientific Research, is meaningless, because:
it presumes the existence of a unitary Truth
it presumes that Truth to be accessible by humans
it overlooks the fact that entities within the domain think they can exercise free will
An Alternative Interpretation:
Try to identify Researcher Biases
Try to avoid or allow for Researcher Biases
Enable evaluators to assess Researcher Biasses
4. Hermeneutics The study of the interpretation of texts
Text is to be understood generically
Four Approaches:
5. Conservative (Romantic) Hermeneutics Origins in studies of scripture
Meaning is embedded in the text by the originator, and is to be extracted by the reader
Hence the interpretation of texts is based primarily on the presumed intent of the author
Truth is correspondence between the interpreters appreciation and the texts meaning
The reader is obligated to research:
the historical, cultural and lingual contexts
the background of the originator
6. Critical Hermeneutics The originator was constrained and biassedby social, economic and political forces
The reader is ... <ditto>
The reader cannot fully appreciate either set of constraints and biasses (Habermas)
The reader is obligated to:
be sceptical (critical) about constraints and biases
investigate those constraints and biases
7. Dialogical Hermeneutics Language may express experience, butlanguage is also itself experience (Heidegger)
Meaning is in the eye of the beholder, and is conditioned by the significance that the beholder ascribes to the text
Research cannot eliminate all bias (Gadamer)
The reader cannot transcend their own biases in order to comprehend the text as it was intended
8. Radical Hermeneutics There is no Truth (or meta-narrative),or alternatively Truth is relative
The reader is obligated to be sceptical:
not only about constraints and biases
but also about the meta-assumptions underlying the endeavour, e.g. language, and the concept of meaning
Post-Structuralism (Foucault, Derrida)
Post-Modernism (Lyotard)
9. Interpretivist Research Techniques A Taxonomy (5+5) Descriptive/Interpretive
Focus Group
Action Research
Ethnographic Research
Grounded Theory
10. Interpretivist Research TechniquesCommon Characteristics Immersion of the Researcher in the Context
Awareness of Multiple Perspectives
Data is mostly qualitative:
spoken word, documents, observations
gather data
extract themes
postulate generalisations
propose taxonomies
11. Interpretivist Research Techniques Some Principles An iterative process, not fully predeterminable
Meaning must be sought within context
Multiple meanings must be accommodated
Data emerge, and Researchers participate
Theories need not deal in falsifiable propositions
Dependance on self-knowledge and self-scepticism
Requires sceptical probing behind conventions
12. Descriptive / Interpretive Research The disciplined study of consciousness from a 1st-person perspective
Subject to limited formal rigour, but controls over the researchers intuition include:
self-examination of pre-suppositions
cycles of data collection and analysis
peer review
Phenomenology (Husserl) seeks toreject all commitments to existing theories
13. Focus Group A meeting in which a Moderator informs, and encourages discussion among, a group of 6-12 people, usually strangers, typically for 1.5 - 2.5 hours
The groups demographic profile is important, but the identities of the participants are not relevant
Discussion is 'focussed' on a topic, but is allowed to range across many (often, any) aspects of that topic
A record is kept. Any observers must be outside the vision of the participants, and must not participate, in order to avoid influencing the discussion
14. Focus Group Suitability Original use was in the 1940s,to assess the effectiveness of propaganda
Common in commercial research into consumer and citizen attitudes
Effective where the opinions of the target population are difficult to extract, e.g.
people in the relevant category currently have limited information available to them about the topic
the topic is highly multi-dimensional
the opinions are polarised, or fluid
15. Action Research Study conducted from within a settinge.g. by an employee or consultant
The researcher not merely observes, but also participates, typically by acting as a change agent in relation to some intervention
Achieves depth, including appreciation of dialects, contexts, and tacit knowledge
Has to cope with lack of independence
ETHICS (Mumford), Soft Systems Methodology (Checkland), Multiview (Wood-Harper)
16. Ethnographic Research Originated in anthropological studies(typically by colonialists of natives)
Seeks detailed understanding of a focal topic
Comprises observation of, and conversation with, people in their own environment
Seeks to reflect relevant cultural factors
17. Analysis of Qualitative Data Classification of data into Categories, and postulation of Networked Relationships among the Categories:
Open Coding in first pass
Axial Coding, once categories exist
Selective Coding, in last pass
Reporting of:
The Categories and Network
Quotations to Support the Concepts
18. Grounded Theory(Strauss) A particular discipline for extracting meaning from qualitative data collected in the field(mainly collected by means of interviews, but possibly observation or written questionnaires)
substantial and careful collection
continual reflection and self-questioning
story-telling reporting, from the subjects perspective(s), not the researchers
19. The Process of Grounded Theory Two or more Researchers, independently:
read and reflect on the materials
generate a list of Concepts
cluster the concepts into Themes
The Researchers:
review one anothers lists
debate and negotiate
re-code based on revised lists
Repeat until adequate commonality