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CH 9, Sect. 5 – The Crusades Crusades: From 11 th C – 13 th C European Christians attempted to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.
CH 9, Sect. 5 – The Crusades • Crusades: From 11thC – 13thC European Christians attempted to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims. • Background: Islam was founded in the 600’s AD by the prophet Muhammad – within a few hundred years it had conquered parts of N. Africa, Arabia, SW Asia, and Persia. • There were two main Muslim empires: The Umayyads and The Abbasids.
The Seljuk Turks -- Nomads who had converted to Islam , they gained power from the Abbasids around 1055 AD. • The Seljuk Turks attacked the Byzantine Empire – their goal was to capture Constantinople. • Alexius I, the Byzantine emperor asked Europe for help.
Please Help! -- I am so sorry for excommunicating you… Alexius I
In 1095 Pope Urban II ordered Christians in Europe to take up a “holy war” to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land. • The First Crusade: • Mostly French, they captured Jerusalem in 1099, after committing horrible atrocities against Muslims and Jews. • Problems: Thousands of miles away from Europe, surrounded by Muslims
I say let’s help the Byzantines! (Plus it will give our knights someone to terrorize… but don’t tell anyone…)
Around 1140 the Muslims began to strike back – This resulted in a 2nd Crusade, which was a total failure. • 1187 – Jerusalem was recaptured by the Muslims, led by Saladin. • The 3rd Crusade: Led by Emperor Frederick of Germany, Richard I of England, and Phillip II of France. • 3rd Crusade had limited success, but was not able to move inland against Muslim forces.
Fourth Crusade: 1199, Pope Innocent III ordered the Holy Land to be retaken. • The crusader army (mostly Venetians) got into a conflict with the Byzantine Empire. • The Venetians saw this as a way to get rid of a competitor – so they sacked Constantinople in 1204. • The Children’s Crusade (5th Crusade): 1212 – read the paragraph and take two notes.
O.K., let’s try this again… Innocent III
Impact of the Crusades: • Italian port cites – Genoa, Pisa, Venice gain power. • Jews in Europe began to be targeted by Christians. • Feudalism began to decline due to the losses of so many knights and nobles. • Powerful nation states – Portugal, Spain, England, France emerged. • Weapons – firearms and gunpowder were obtained from the Muslims and brought to Europe. (theory, not proven)