Employment 1 st Taskforce. September 17, 2012. Why do this? People want to work. We need to rebalance our system This is not about closing our workshop. Leverage Point
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Employment 1stTaskforce September 17, 2012
Why do this? People want to work. We need to rebalance our system This is not about closing our workshop
Leverage Point The concept of leverage is one of the most powerful in all of science. Archimedes proved the Law of the Lever and applied the law in a variety of inventions. "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the world.“ Archimedes
Nudge To push against gently, especially in order to gain attention or give a signal.
Sheltered Workshops Hinder, Not Help Employment Possibilities (Cimera, 2011) Matched pairs studies show that individuals served in sheltered settings cost 42% more to serve in supported employment than individuals who never entered the sheltered settings. Matched pairs studies show that individuals with ASD who spent time in a sheltered setting cost 60% more to serve in supported employment than individuals who never entered the sheltered settings.
Accomplishments Increase the supported employment rate for IO and Level One Waviers Requires monthly data submission in return for the higher rate The data will be used to revise the rule by January 1, 2014
Accomplishments 2. SB 316 Passed 3323.011 (IEP Section) Requires IEP process to begin at age 14, not 16 Requires that that age appropriate competitive and integrated employment be made part of the IEP process 5123.022 (General Policy Statement) Makes Employment Frist the policy of the state of Ohio
Update on Employment First Advisory CMTE The Advisory CMTE established by the Executive Order is made up of the membership of SELN. The Advisory CMTE will be the driving force by identifying barriers and areas to address. These recommendations will be taken to Employment First Taskforce (EFT) for action. The Advisory CMTE met on May 21st, July 16th and will meet next on Aug 21st.
Update on Employment First Taskforce We have broken up the Advisory CMTE into the following sub-cmtes. Leadership Communication Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families School to Work Transition Data System Capacity Workshop (or Day Hab, ICF/DD, etc) to Work Transition Funding
Sub-CMTE Tasks Develop no more than three actions we can take to help ‘nudge’ our system Develop a strategy to execute the identified action Remember the concept of Leverage Points
Leadership Sub-CMTE The Leadership Sub-CMTE is led by Melanie Stretchbery, Superintendent of the Wood County Board of DD. The other members of this cmte is as follows:
Leadership Sub-CMTE The sub-cmte met July 16th and Aug 6th. Challenges Identified: Systems tend to focus on their own identified mission only A new federal definition of the drop-out rate is in effect for the next school year (i.e. students are expected to graduate within four years of their enrollment as a freshman) Guardians
Communication Sub-CMTE The Communication Sub-CMTE is led by Carolyn Knight, Director of the DD Council The other members of this sub-cmte include the following:
Communication Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte has met July 16th, July 31st, and Aug 8th. The Aug 8th meeting has a joint meeting held with the Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families Sub-CMTE as a way to coordinate activities.
Communication Sub-CMTE Audience: Who do we need to reach?Who needs to hear the Employment First message? Tier One Transitions Coordinators School Administrators/guidance counselors Special Education Teachers SSAs Tier Two Business Community Business Leadership Roundtable Local JFS Agencies-One Stop Shops Private Providers Family Members
Communication Sub-CMTE Message: What is the Employment First message? What ideas are we trying to convey? Explaining Employment First Law change for IEP Medicaid Buy-In DD Council Report due back in September Promoting new rate Promoting available Federal tax credits for hiring individuals with DD Success Stories/Best Practices
Communication Sub-CMTE Partners: DODD, RSC, MH, JFS, ODE Private Providers, OPRA County Boards, OACB, SEC, Ohio Association of Adult Services (Susan Duloughy) Business Leadership Network-Chris Miranda Advocate Community Business Community Tools: Website Website as central place for employment first Medicaid buy-in calculator: State of Washington’s E.F. site Fact Sheets Brochures Booklets Attending conferences/Stephanie
Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte is led by Stephanie Maynard, Advocate for DODD. Other members of this cmte are:
Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte has met July 16th, July 25th and Aug 8th they held a joint meeting with the Communication sub-cmte to coordinate activities.
Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families Sub-CMTE Areas of focus: Raise awareness of programs that assist individuals served and families such as Medicaid Buy-In. An issue seems to exist around how County Boards of DD, Local JFS Offices and Social Security Offices present Medicaid Buy-in. Role clarification and increase awareness seems to be needed. Develop brochures and PowerPoint in language people receiving services and their families can understand.
Outreach to Self-Advocates and Families Sub-CMTE Create a Speakers Bureau to present to Self-Advocate groups and Family Groups across the state.
School to Work Sub-CMTE This cmte is led by Chris Filler, OCALI and Pete Moore, OACB. Other members of this sub-cmte are as follows:
School to Work Sub-CMTE If EmploymentFirstis“successful” (i.e., on the right track) what will be different a year from now? Less Entry to Workshops: Higher percentage of students going directly from school into community employment(i.e. not workshops) Philosophical Shift: A recognizable change in themindset and expectations of parents, educators, the individuals with DD, and others involved in obtainingandmaintainingemployment(i.e. CountyBoardsofDD, RSC, ODE, providers, etc.) The desired shift in expectationswouldbeapositiveresponsetothevisionofcommunityemploymentasthefirstoptiontoemployment(ratherthanshelteredworkshops). SharedWorkingKnowledge: All parties involved in transition toemployment (parents, educators, individuals, providers, etc.) willhaveaclearunderstandingof the various resources available to make communityemploymentarealityfromavarietyofsources(needa“map” ofwhatthereis, howitworks, whenit’savailable) IncreaseinReferrals. RSCwillbe“flooded” withreferrals, with a recognizableincreaseinthe number of individuals that traditionallymay have been moving towards sheltered employment. [Note: One of the barriers reported today was the concern that there are too few RSC/BVR counselors. How canthisbeaddressedinanticipation of an increase?]
School to Work Sub-CMTE Area of focus: Work with ODE and RSC to provide best practices in working with individuals eligible for DD services. Ensure the transition process invloves the services a person will need once they leave school (ie follow along services)
Data Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte his led by Tina Evans, DODD. Other members of this sub-cmte includes the following:
Data Sub-CMTE This cmte met July 16th and will meet again on Aug 14th. The sub-cmte is also going to review several other states IT model for collecting employment data. This will be coordinated through SELN and take place on Aug 29th. This cmte is in the process of identify: What data is needed What are the desired outcomes What is the most effective way to collect the data
System Capacity Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte is led by Jeff Davis, OPRA. The other sub-cmte members are:
System Capacity Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte met on July 16th and July 27th. They identified the following areas of focus: The system needs more providers of this service The skill set of the current and new providers needs elevated
Workshop (or Day Hab, ICF/IDD, etc.) to Work Transition This sub-cmte is led by Jennifer Hudak, Trumbell County Board of DD. Other members are as follows:
Workshop (or Day Hab, ICF/IDD, etc.) to Work Transition This sub-cmte met July 16th and Aug 7th. Areas of Focus: Identify Best Practices and develop proposed pilot projects (i.e. Adult Project Search) Identify Benefits of Transition Identify Challenges around people leaving the workshop
Funding Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte is led by John Pekar, Superintendent of Fairfield & Vinton County Boards of DD. Other members of this sub-cmte are as follows:
Funding Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte met July 16th and Aug 2nd. The first work of this sub-cmte was to understand all the various funding streams available for employment services. Employment services is one area where many entities share some responsibility.
Funding Sub-CMTE This sub-cmte identified the following as areas of focus (their next meeting they will work to narrow this list to three): Interagency Collaborative Agreements (state and local) Change the Medicaid practice of requiring follow along before you are able to access Medicaid waiver transportation funding. Obtain information from ORSC regarding the match allocation requirement/percentate/amount for DD funding of voc. rehab. services. Set aside part of the Ohio Means Jobs funding and WIA Summer Youth funding for the DD population. Analyze GRF funds to determine if some can be used to match RSC funding.
Funding Sub-CMTE Area’s of focus continued: Ask each agency to reallocate funds/resources for the DD population. Eliminate the ORSC requirement for Medicaid providers to obtain CARF accreditation. Provide funding for vocational services to students while they are in school, during the summer months, and for graduates and other adults by developing an adult Project SEARCH type program where individuals rotate through paid internships at host employment sites while in job development status. Increase Medicaid Waiver funding for individuals who are in day programs and are receiving job development/job coaching services.
Anticipated Recommendations 1. RSC, ODE, and DODD should work to develop best practices for supporting students with DD to obtain employment upon graduations. Once best practices are identified a training plan should be developed and implemented. These best practices should include a process so school districts and county boards are using similar methods as to not duplicate efforts
Anticipated Recommendations 2. Develop a state level interagency agreement outlining the best practices for transition. Develop local interagency agreements (at the county level) outline specifically the process and roles in the process. 3. Development of an Employment 1st Website Website should include a benefits calculator, resume builder, links to service providers, etc.
Anticipated Recommendations 4. Develop a data collection platform 5. Review ways to streamline provider/vendor process for RSC and DODD Medicaid Waivers 6. Training efforts for providers 7. Communication plan for stakeholders
Anticipated Recommendations Use DODD’s rule authority to outline and implement Employment First Policy. Add SELF Wavier Requirements to IO and Level One Revise and/or Replace Adult Services Rule
Employment 1st Efforts MBR passed and codified the Employment First policy articulated in the Governor’s Executive Order MBR mandated transition planning start at age 14 and explore community employment before other services are explored.
Employment 1st Efforts RSC and DODD are working to develop an Adult Project Search project RSC and ODE is working on an agreement to fund transitional services. DODD has worked with ODJFS to increase the Medicaid Wavier rates for community employment
Process Report to the Governor is due at the end of September 2012. Advisory CMTE (including sub-cmtes) will finalize their recommendations for areas of focus by Sept 10th. The Taskforce will review, revise and provide input on these areas of focus at their Sept 13th meeting These areas of focus will make up the report that will go to the Governor. It will also lay out the game plan to implement Employment 1st.