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Bibliography of Quantitative Research in Composition and TESOL Composition section prepared by Judy Bertonazzi, Stephen Swartz, Mary Verbout TESOL section prepared by Ikuko Fujiwara, Bangchoon Lee , Thomas McLaren . ENGL700 -- Fall 2003 rev Dec 1, 2003. Composition – 1960’s.
Bibliography of Quantitative Research in Composition and TESOLComposition section prepared by Judy Bertonazzi, Stephen Swartz, Mary VerboutTESOL section prepared by Ikuko Fujiwara, Bangchoon Lee, Thomas McLaren ENGL700 -- Fall 2003 rev Dec 1, 2003
Composition – 1960’s • Braddock, R., Lloyd-Jones, R. and Schoer, L. (1963). Research in Written Composition. Urbana, Illinois. National Council of Teachers of English. (Judy) • Tate, G. and Corbett, E. P. J. (1967). Teaching Freshman Composition. New York: Oxford UP. (Mary)
Composition – 1970’s • O’Hare, F. (1971). Sentence-Combining: Improving Student Writing without Formal Grammar Instruction. Urbana, Illinois. National Council of Teachers of English • Britton, J., Burgess, J., Martin, N., McLeod, A., and Rosen, H. (1975.) The Development of Writing Abilities (11-18). Urbana, IL: Schools Council Publications. (Mary)
Composition – 1980’s (page 1 of 3) De Beaugrande, R. (1980). Text, discourse, and process: Toward a multidisciplinary science of texts. Vol. IV in the series Advances in Discourse Processes. Freedle, R. O. ed. Norwood, New Jersey. Gregg, L. W. & Steinberg, E. R. eds. (1980). Cognitive processes in writing. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Mary) ABLEX Publishing Corp. Cooper, T. C. (1981). Sentence Combining: An Experiment in Teaching Writing. Modern Language Journal, 65, 158-165.
Composition -- 1980’s (page 2 of 3) Fredericksen, C. H. and Dominic, J. F. (Eds.). (1981). Writing: Process, Development and Communication. Writing: The Nature, Development, and Teaching of Written Communication Ser. vol. 2. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Pub. (Steve) Daiker, D. A., Kerek, A., and Morenberg, M. (Eds.). (1985). Sentence Combining: A Rhetorical Perspective. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. (Judy)
Composition – 1980’s (page 3 of 3) Neville, D. D. and Searls, E. F. (1985). The Effect of Sentence-Combining and Kernel-Identification Training on the Syntactic Component of Reading Comprehension. Research in the Teaching of English, 19, 37-60. Hillocks G., Jr. (1986). Research on Written Composition. Urbana, IL: National Conference on Research in English. Phelps, L. W. (1988). Composition as a Human Science: Contributions to the Self-Understanding of a Discipline. New York, Oxford: Oxford UP.
Composition – 1990’s (page 1 of 2) Russell, D. R. (1991). Writing in the Academic Disciplines, 1870-1990: A Curricular History. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP. Faigley, L. (1992). “The Changing Political Landscape of Composition Studies.” Fragments of Rationality: Postmodernity and the Subject of Composition. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P. Adams, K. H. (1993). “Teaching Creative Writing.” A History of Professional Writing Instruction in American Colleges: Years of Acceptance, Growth, and Doubt. SMU Studies in Composition and Rhetoric Ser. Gen. Ed. Gary Tate. Dallas: Southern Methodist UP.
Composition – 1990’s (page 2 of 2) Berlin, J. A. (1996). “Where do English Departments Really Come From?” Rhetorics, Poetics, and Cultures: Refiguring College English Studies. Refiguring English Studies Ser. Ser. Ed. Stephen M. North. Urbana, IL: NCTE. Myers, D. G. (1996). The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing Since 1880. Studies in Writing and Culture Ser. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Harris, J. (1997). A Teaching Subject: Composition Since 1966. Studies in Writing and Culture Ser. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Steve)
TESOL – 1980’s Henning, G. (1986). Quantitative methods in language acquisition research. TESOL Quarterly, 20 (4), 701-708.
TESOL – 1990’s (page 1 of 2) Brown, J., D. (1992). Statistics as a foreign language – part 2: more things to consider in reading statistical language studies. TESOL Quarterly, 26 (4), 629-64. Brown, J., D. (1990). The use of multiple “t” Tests in language research. TESOL Quarterly, 24 (4), 770-73. Crookes, G.(1991). Second language speech production research: a methodologically oriented review.Studies in second language acquisition.13(2),113-132. Hughes, R., McCarthy, M. (1998). From sentence to discourse: Discourse grammar and English language teaching. TESOL Quarterly 32 (2), 263-287.
TESOL – 1990’s (page 2 of 2) Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. Harlow: Longman. Perfetti, C., A. (1998). The limits of co-occurrence: tools and theories in language research. Discourse processes 25 (2), 363-77. van Lier, L. (1994). Some Features of a Theory of Practice. TESOL journal 4 (1), 6-10.
TESOL – 2000’s (page 1 of 2) Biber, D., Conrad S. (2001). Quantitaive corpus-based research: Much more than bean counting. TESOL Quarterly 35 (2), 331-340. Conrad, S. (2000). Will corpus linguistics revolutionize grammar teaching in the 21st century? TESOL Quarterly, 34, (3), 548–560. Coxhead, A. (2000). A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly, 34 (2), 213–238. Dobly K. M., Reppen R. (2001, Autumn). TESOL Journal, 7-12.
TESOL – 2000’s (page 2 of 2) Lazaraton, A. (2000). Current trends in research methodology and statistics in applied linguistics. TESOL Quarterly, 29(1), 175-181. Lazaraton, L., Riggenbach, H., & Ediger, A. (2000). Forming a Discipline: Applied Linguistics literacy in Research Methodology and statistics. TESOL Quarterly, 21 (2), 263-277. Yihong, G., Lichun, L., & Jun, L. (2001). Trends in research methods in applied linguistics: china and the west. English for Specific Purposes, 20 (1) 1-14.