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The Renaissance and Reformation. Pages 558-575. Vocabulary. Humanism – The study of history, literature, public speaking, and art that led to a new way of thinking in Europe.
The Renaissance and Reformation Pages 558-575
Vocabulary • Humanism – The study of history, literature, public speaking, and art that led to a new way of thinking in Europe. • Catholic Reformation – The effort to reform the Catholic Church from within. This was also known as the Counter Reformation.
Vocabulary • Protestants – A Christian who protested against the Catholic Church. • Reformation – A reform movement against the Roman Catholic Church that resulted in the Protestant Churches. • Renaissance – A period of “rebirth” and creativity that followed Europe’s Middle Ages.
The Italian Renaissance • The Black Death was horrible because it killed so many people, however… it wasn’t all bad!
The Italian Renaissance • Farmland, buildings, ships, machines, and gold were just a few of the things that weren’t harmed by the Black Death. • People who were left used those things to make new products and raise crops for food. • With fewer workers, those who were left were paid more money. • Europe’s economy grows!
The Italian Renaissance • As new goods were produced and more goods became available the prices went down and trade increased. • Four cities in Italy became major trade ports. • Florence • Genoa • Milan • Venice
The Italian Renaissance • A variety of goods would be available to those shopping in these Italian cities. Also many languages and ideas would be traded freely throughout the streets of these towns.
The Italian Renaissance • The Italian cities played two roles in trade. • A port city, like Genoa or Venice, that would receive goods from Asia and then distribute them by ships and inland to the rest of Europe. • These towns were also manufacturing centers. • Venice – Glass • Milan – Weapons and Silk • Florence – Weaving Wool into Cloth
The Italian Renaissance • With so much trade it allowed the merchants to become richer and richer. • This wealth let them focus on culture because they no longer needed to focus on survival.
The Italian Renaissance • Florence, Italy • Wool trade started off as Florence’s primary industry. • Banking soon became a focus in Florence’s economy. • People from all over Europe kept their money in Florence banks. • Bankers would make money by giving out loans. If someone takes out a loan they must pay a percentage of the money they borrowed back to the bank in the form of interest. • Example: Borrow $100/10% Interest/Pay back $110
The Italian Renaissance • During this time the richest family often ruled the government. • The Medici family was the richest banking family in Florence. • Cosimo de’Medici was the head of the family and ruled the government. • He wanted Florence to be the best and most beautiful town.
The Italian Renaissance • Cosimo de’ Medici did the following to improve his town and make it the best in the world. • Hired artists to decorate the palace • Paid architects to redesign buildings in Florence • Built libraries • Collected books
The Italian Renaissance • Medici valued education. He would be in need of workers for his banks that could read, write, and do math. The libraries and books would allow people to become educated. • Florence became a center of art, literature, and culture. • Other Italian towns tried to outdo each other when it came to their support of culture.
The Italian Renaissance • This was the start of the Renaissance! • This Renaissance was a renewed interest in art and education • People started to look back at the ancient Greek and Roman cultures • Also people began to realize the importance of people as individuals.
The Italian Renaissance • During Medieval Times people focused their lives on religion. • The Renaissance brought about a time of change as people studied poetry, history, art, and the Greek and Latin languages. These are called the humanities because they study human activity rather than nature or religion. • Studying the humanities led to Humanism. Humanism was a way of thinking and learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions.
The Italian Renaissance • During this time ancient writings were rediscovered. • Many of them were found in monasteries, where monks had copied them and saved them. • The renewed interest in ancient writings led new interests in art and architecture.
The Italian Renaissance • Dante Alighieri • Italian Politician and Poet • Wrote in Italian. Latin was the accepted language, usually used in writings. Writing in Italian showed he believed Italian was as good as Latin.
The Italian Renaissance • Niccolo Machiavelli • Italian Writer and Politician • WroteThe Prince a book that gave advice to rulers on how to rule. • Wasn’t interested in what should be but how things actually were. Also believed that rulers must sometimes be ruthless to keep order. • Great example of how people were interested in human behavior and society.
The Italian Renaissance • During the Renaissance new techniques in art were discovered. • Ideas about the value of human life helped change the style of art.
The Italian Renaissance • Renaissance artists showed people more realistically than artists of the medieval times.
The Italian Renaissance • Italian Renaissance Artists mimicked their work after statues of Greek Gods so their work often appeared perfect.
The Italian Renaissance • Italian Renaissance Artist also used Perspective. • Objects farther away are made smaller. Objects that are closer are larger. • Diagonal parallel lines are used to show things getting farther away. • Close objects are sharp, with brighter colors. Objects that are farther away appear hazy.
The Italian Renaissance • Renaissance Man – This is a term used to describe a person who can do practically anything well!
The Italian Renaissance • Michelangelo – Italian Renaissance Man • Designed Buildings • Wrote Poetry • Carved Sculptures • Painted Fantastic Picture • Most famous work of art is the Sistine Chapel.
The Italian Renaissance • Leonardo da Vinci – Italian Renaissance Man • Expert Painter • Sculptor • Architect • Inventor • Engineer • Town Planner • Mapmaker • Studied Anatomy • Most famous work of art is the Mona Lisa Painting
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Many people read the ancient and newer works of literature during the Renaissance. This allowed them to gain knowledge that would let them make their own discoveries. • Scientific and Mathematic Discoveries are made.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Renaissance Scientist thought that math could help them to figure out the world. To do this they studied ancient math and then added their thoughts and discoveries to them. • This allowed them to create many math symbols that we use even today. • Square Root • Positive and Negative Numbers
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Math advancements led to other advancements. • Engineers and Architects used this to strengthen buildings. • Other scientist used math to help them study the sky and eventually learn that the Earth moves around the sun.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Education during the Renaissance still taught religion but also the humanities. • Petrarch was a Renaissance scholar. He had ideas about how history was important. His ideas would influence education for many years. • Education and new ways to spread information would help the Renaissance spread from Italy to the rest of the world.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Travelers, Traders, and Artist helped to spread the Renaissance. But there was one thing that was even more responsible for spreading the ideas of the Renaissance… The Printing Press!
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Paper started in China. It soon spread to the Middle East and then Europe. By the 1300’s paper was cheaper to produce than using the prepared animal hides.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • In the 1400’s German, Johann Gutenberg created the printing press with moveable type. • This means each letter was on a separate piece of metal. This allowed them to be arranged and rearranged in many different ways. • After being arranged, ink would then be spread over the letter and a piece of paper would be pressed against it. A whole page would print at one time.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • In 1456 Gutenberg printed the Bible. He first printed it in Latin, the language of the church. • Next he printed it in other languages. This made the Bible available to many people. • They began to read it an then wanted to get more education. • His printing press spread religious, political, and artistic ideas.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Students traveled to Italy to study the new humanist ideas. The students would take their new ideas back with them to their own countries. • Universities started to pop up all over Europe – France, Germany, and Netherlands. • The universities were set up by humanists. This means they taught the value of the human as an individual.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Only men were educated at these universities. • Many rich Italian families could afford however, to educate their daughters at home. • These educated women could not be influential on their own; however, they could marry nobles and become influential in their lands.
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Important figures in the Renaissance beyond Italy: • Desiderius Erasmus: criticized the corrupt church and wanted to get rid of rituals. He believed devotion to God and Jesus’ teachings was far more important. • Albrecht Duer: German who studied anatomy so that he could paint people more realistically. Painted in great detail. Famous for his prints (reproduced work)
The Renaissance Throughout The World • Miguel de Cervantes: A writer from Spain who wrote a book called Don Quixote. This book and others written by him made fun of the Middle Ages. • William Shakespeare: Greatest writer in the English language. Famous for his plays. He wrote more than 30 comedies, histories, and tragedies. Also, wrote poems.
The Reformation • Near the end of the Renaissance people were starting to really become upset with the church. • The people wanted to end corruption and focus again on the religion. • This started what is known as the Reformation.
The Reformation • The complaints of those calling for change from the church were as follows: • Priest and Bishops weren’t religious anymore • Pope is too involved in politics • Pope neglects his religious duties • The church was too rich • The sale of indulgences (People could pay to be forgiven for their sins. People thought this meant you could buy your way into Heaven.) • Read and interpret the Bible for yourself
The Reformation • Martin Luther • A Priest from German state of Saxony • Nailed a list of complaints to the door of a church. This list was called the Ninety-Five Theses. • Many copies were made due in part to the printing press. • Luther’s ideas made a lot of Catholics angry. The pope excommunicated him and the emperor ordered him to leave the Holy Roman Empire. • A noble who was on Luther’s side helped him to stay in the empire and hide from the emperor.
The Reformation • Martin Luther’s ideas caused the Catholic church to split yet again. • Those who protested against the corrupt church were known as Protestants. • Those who specifically followed Martin Luther’s teachings were called Lutherans.
The Reformation • Luther taught that people could have their own direct relationship with God. • He told people to live as the Bible instructs not as the popes and priests said. • He also translated the Bible into German so many people could read it that never before had been able to do so on their own. • Luther wrote pamphlets, essays, and songs about his ideas on religion.
The Reformation • Many nobles liked Luther’s ideas because they did not want the church clergy getting involved in politics. • These nobles let their people become Lutherans as a result. • The Lutheran religion became the dominate religion in Northern Germany.
The Reformation • Other examples of Reformation: • John Tyndale – Translated the Bible to English so everyone could read it. He was executed for this action.
The Reformation • John Calvin – Taught predestination, the idea that God knows who will go to Heaven from the moment that you are born and that nothing you do matters. He also thought people should try and live good lives as well. He became the political and religious leader of the Calvinist of Geneva, Switzerland.
The Reformation • King Henry VIII – The king of England wanted to get a divorce however the Pope would not approve it. Henry decided to quit listening to the pope and to make his own church. He called it the Church of England, or Anglican Church. He was the leader of the church but most other practices stayed the same as the Catholic Church.
The Counter Reformation • The efforts to stop the reformation were known as the Counter Reformation or Catholic Reformation. • The Catholic Church used methods like the Spanish Inquisition to fight back against the Reformation. • The Catholic Church also developed new religious groups such as the Jesuits. The Jesuits served the pope and church and worked to turn people against Protestant ideas.
The Counter Reformation • Finally they felt more change was necessary. They convened at the Council of Trent. • The results of this meeting are as follows: • Popes were no longer allowed to sell indulgences • Bishops had to live in the areas they oversaw • Protestant ideas are rejected: A list of dangerous books is created that Catholics are not to read. Heretics continue to be weeded out and punished. • Missionaries are sent around the world to help gain more people into the Catholic Religion.
The Reformation • There were political and social changes as a result of the Reformation. • Politically wars broke out as Protestants tried to gain freedoms to practice their religions.