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Measuring Interaction QoE in Internet Videoconferencing Prasad Calyam (Presenter) Ohio Supercomputer Center, The Ohio State University Mark Haffner, Prof. Eylem Ekici Prof. Chang-Gun Lee The Ohio State University Seoul National University MMNS, November 1 st 2007. Outline.

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  1. Measuring Interaction QoE in Internet VideoconferencingPrasad Calyam (Presenter)Ohio Supercomputer Center, The Ohio State UniversityMark Haffner, Prof. Eylem Ekici Prof. Chang-Gun LeeThe Ohio State UniversitySeoul National UniversityMMNS, November 1st 2007

  2. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  3. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  4. Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Large-scale deployments of VVoIP are on the rise • Video streaming (one-way voice and video) • MySpace, Google Video, YouTube, IPTV, … • Video conferencing (two-way voice and video) • Polycom, MSN Messenger, WebEx, Acrobat Connect, … • Challenges for large-scale VVoIP deployment • Real-time or online monitoring of end-user Quality of Experience (QoE) • Traditional network Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring not adequate • Network QoS metrics: bandwidth, delay, jitter, loss • Need objective techniques for automated network-wide monitoring • Cannot rely on end-users to provide subjective rankings – expensive and time consuming

  5. Network QoS and End-user QoE • End-user QoE is mainly dependent on the combined impact of network factors • Device factors such as voice/video codecs, peak video bit rate (a.k.a. dialing speed) also matter • Our study maps the network QoS to end-user QoE for a given set of commonly used device factors • H.263 video codec, G.711 voice codec, 256/384/768 Kbps dialing speeds Network QoS End-user QoE

  6. Voice and Video Packet Streams • Total packet size (tps) – sum of payload (ps), IP/UDP/RTP header (40 bytes), and Ethernet header (14 bytes) • Dialing speed is ; = 64 Kbps fixed for G.711 voice codec • Voice has fixed packet sizes (tpsvoice ≤ 534 bytes) • Video packet sizes are dependent on alevin the content

  7. Video alev • Low alev • Slow body movements and constant background; E.g. Claire video sequence • High alev • Rapid body movements and/or quick scene changes; E.g. Foreman video sequence • ‘Listening’ versus ‘Talking’ • Talking video alev(i.e., High) consumes more bandwidth than Listening video alev (i.e., Low) Foreman Claire

  8. End-user QoE Types • Streaming QoE • End-user QoE affected just by voice and video impairments • Video frame freezing • Voice drop-outs • Lack of lip sync between voice and video • Interaction QoE • End-user QoE also affected by additional interaction effort in a conversation • “Can you repeat what you just said?” • “This line is noisy, lets hang-up and reconnect…” • QoE is measured using “Mean Opinion Score” (MOS) rankings

  9. Network Fault Events • “Best-effort service” of Internet causes network fault events that impact application performance • Cross traffic congestion, routing instabilities, physical link failures, DDoS attacks • Our definition of network fault events is based on the “Good”, “Acceptable” and “Poor” (GAP) performance levels for QoS metrics causing GAP QoE • Type-I: Performance of any network factor changes from Good grade to Acceptable grade over a 5 second duration • Type-II: Performance of any network factor changes from Good grade to Poor grade over a 10 second duration

  10. Related Work • Characteristics of network fault events well understood • Bursts, spikes, complex patterns – lasting few seconds to a few minutes (Markopoulou et. al., Ciavattone et. al.) • Measuring Streaming QoE impact due to network fault events has been well studied • ITU-T E-Model is a success story for VoIP QoE estimation • Designed for CBR voice traffic and handles only voice related impairments • ITU-T J.144 developed for VVoIP QoE measurement • “PSNR-based MOS” – Requires original and reconstructed video frames for frame-by-frame comparisons • Offline method - PSNR calculation is a time consuming and computationally intensive process • Online VVoIP QoE measurement proposals • PSQA (G. Rubino, et. al.), rPSNR (S. Tao, et. al.) • Measuring Interaction QoE impact due to network fault events has NOT received due attention • Need for schemes to measure interaction difficulties in voice and video conferences presented by A. Rix, et. al.

  11. Problem Summary • Given: • Voice/video codecs used in a videoconference • Dialing speed of the videoconference • Network fault event types to monitor • Develop: • An objective technique that can measure Interactive VVoIP QoE • Real-time measurement without involving actual end-users, video sequences and VVoIP appliances • An active measurement tool that can: (a) emulate VVoIP traffic on a network path, and (b) use the objective technique to produce Interaction QoE measurements Multi-Activity Packet Trains Methodology Vperf Tool

  12. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  13. Proposed Solution Methodology • “Multi-Activity Packet Trains” (MAPTs) measure Interaction QoE in an automated manner • They mimic participant interaction patterns and video activity levels as affected by network fault events • Given a session-agenda, excessive talking than normal due to unwanted participant interaction patterns impacts Interaction QoE • “Unwanted Agenda-bandwidth” measurement and compare with baseline (consumption during normal conditions) • Higher values indicate poor interaction QoE and caution about potential increase in Internet traffic congestion levels • Measurements serve as an input for ISPs to improve network performance using suitable traffic engineering techniques

  14. Proposed Solution Methodology (2) ‘repeat’ ‘disconnect’ ‘reconnect’ ‘reorient’ Type-I and Type-II fault detection

  15. Participant Interaction Patterns • Assumption: Question (Request) and Answer (Response) items in a session agenda • Side-A listening when Side-B talking, and vice versa Normal – PIP1

  16. Participant Interaction Patterns (2) • Participant Interaction Patterns (PIPs) using MAPTs for a “Type-I” network fault event Repeat – PIP2

  17. Participant Interaction Patterns (3) • Participant Interaction Patterns (PIPs) using MAPTs for a “Type-II” network fault event Disconnect/Reconnect/Reorient – PIP3

  18. Participant Interaction Patterns (4) • Our goal is to measure the UnwantedAgenda-bandwidth and UnwantedAgenda-timemeasurements after MAPTs emulation of the Q & A session agenda

  19. Traffic Model for MAPTs Emulation • Traffic Model for probing packet trains obtained from trace-analysis • Combine popularly used low and high alev video sequences and model them at 256/384/768 Kbps dialing speeds for H.263 video codec • Low – Grandma, Kelly, Claire, Mother/Daughter, Salesman • High – Foreman, Car Phone, Tempete, Mobile, Park Run • Modeling • Video Encoding Rates (bsnd) time series • Packet Size (tps) distribution • Derived instantaneous inter-packet times (tps) by dividing instantaneous packet sizes by video encoding rates

  20. Video Encoding Rates (bsnd) Modeling • Time-series modeling of the bsnd data using the classical decomposition method • We find a Second order moving average [MA(2)] process model fit • θ1 – MA(1) parameter • θ2 – MA(2) parameter High alev Low alev

  21. Video Packet Size (tps) Distribution Modeling • Distribution-fit analysis on the tps data • We find a Gamma distribution fit • α – shape parameter • β – scale parameter For High alev at 256 Kbps

  22. Traffic Model Parameters for MAPTs Emulation

  23. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  24. Vperf Tool Implementation of MAPTs • Per-second frequency of “Interim Test Report” generation • Interaction QoE reported by Vperf tool - based on the progress of the session-agenda

  25. Example – Session Agenda and Network Factor Limits File

  26. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  27. MAPTs Emulation at different Dialing Speeds 256 Kbps 384 Kbps 768 Kbps

  28. MAPTs Measurements Evaluation • Increased the number of Type-I and Type-II network fault events in a controlled LAN testbed for a fixed session-agenda • NISTnet network emulator for network fault generation • Recorded Unwanted Agenda-Bandwidth and Unwanted Agenda-Timemeasured by Vperf tool (b) Impact of Type-II Network Fault Events on Unwanted Agenda-Bandwidth • Impact of Type-I Network Fault Events on Unwanted Agenda-Bandwidth

  29. MAPTs Measurements Evaluation (2) (c) Impact of Type-I and Type-II Network Fault Events on Unwanted Agenda-Time

  30. Outline • Background • Voice and Video over IP (VVoIP) Overview • Network QoS and End-user QoE in VVoIP • Streaming QoE versus Interaction QoE • Network Fault Events • Multi-Activity Packet Trains (MAPTs) methodology • Participant Interaction Patterns • Traffic Model for MAPTs emulation • Vperf tool implementation of MAPTs • Performance Evaluation • Concluding Remarks and Future Work

  31. Conclusion • We proposed a Multi-Activity Packet Trains methodology • Mimic participant interaction patterns and video activity levels as affected by network fault events • MAPTs provide real-time objective measurements of Interaction QoE in a large-scale videoconferencing system • Without requiring end-users, actual video sequences, VVoIP appliances • Defined new Interaction QoE Metrics • Unwanted Agenda-Bandwidth, Unwanted Agenda-Time • Implemented MAPTs in an active measurement tool called Vperf and evaluated Interaction QoE measurements on a network testbed

  32. Future Work • Our work is a first-step towards measuring how network fault events impact Interaction QoE in videoconferencing sessions • We considered basic participant interaction patterns and network fault event types • Future scope could include several other participant interaction patterns and network fault event types • E.g. MAPTs for network fault events that cause lack of lip-sync • Human subject testing to more accurately map and validate network fault event types and participant interaction patterns

  33. Thank you for your attention!☺Any Questions?

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