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Spring 2014 Computer-Based Testing Training Materials. Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading Grades 5 and 6 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake FCAT Mathematics Retake. Overview.
Spring 2014Computer-Based TestingTraining Materials Grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading Grades 5 and 6 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake FCAT Mathematics Retake
Overview These training materials are designed to highlight important information regarding policies and procedures for computer-based test administrations. Not all information from the test administration manual is included in this presentation, so it is imperative that district and school staff read and familiarize themselves with all information in the manual in addition to using these training materials.
Overview • These training materials are based on the Spring 2014 Computer-Based Reading and Mathematics Test Administration Manual (Spring 2014 CBT Manual). • There are separate training materials for Spring 2014 FCAT 2.0 Writing and the Spring 2014 Paper-Based Reading, Mathematics, and Science tests. • This training powerpoint is posted on the Evaluation Services web site. http://ecsd-fl.schoolloop.com/eval
Overview These training materials should be used in conjunction with the Spring 2014 Reading, Mathematics, and Science training materials for paper-based tests to ensure that all general information regarding test administration policies and procedures is covered.
Glossary of Terms PearsonAccess www.pearsonaccess.com/fl • A website used for almost all test preparation (e.g., PreID), setup, administration, and reporting tasks. • Requires a username and password. • Verify that you are working in the correct test administration each time you log in. • Links to support materials: www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS • PearsonAccess will timeout after 14 minutes of inactivity.
Glossary of Terms PearsonAccess Training Center • Accessed from the Training Center tab on the PearsonAccess Home page. • Provides an opportunity to • Practice PearsonAccess tasks. • Manage the Infrastructure Trial in preparation for testing. • Requires a username and password.
Glossary of Terms Proctor Caching • Proctor Caching is a process of loading or “caching” test content locally on a computer at the school level. • Does not require a separate caching server and can run on any workstation on the network that meets minimum requirements. • Proctor Caching software is provided by Pearson. • Reduces test delays due to network congestion. • Provides students with a more seamless testing experience. • Requiredfor all FCAT/FCAT 2.0/EOC computer-based testing in Florida.
Glossary of Terms TestNav 6.9 (TestNav) • Platform for Florida’s high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. • Software application installed either on a file server or on each computer that will be used for testing.
Glossary of Terms TestHear • Platform used to deliver accommodated forms (e.g., large print, zoom, color contrast, screen reader, assistive devices) for Florida’s high-stakes computer-based statewide assessments. • Software application installed on each computer that will be used to test students who require computer-based accommodations. • TestHear will operate on Windows PC workstations and on Macintosh workstations that have Mac OS 10.5 or later installed and are running Windows (e.g., via Boot Camp). • TestHear will not work on Mac OS X 10.4 or on Macs that cannot also run Windows.
Glossary of Terms ePAT • Electronic Practice Assessment Tool • Provides students an opportunity to practice using the computer-based platform prior to testing. • Available for download at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs. • Download ePAT launcher separately from practice test content. • Accommodated ePATs are also available. Launcher is bundled with the practice test content for accommodated forms. • Scripts and instructions for downloading ePATs are under the Resources tab.
Pearson Customer Support and PearsonAccess Contacting Pearson Customer Support • Phone Number: 1-877-847-3043 • E-mail: Florida@support.pearson.com Appendix B in the Spring 2014 CBT Manual provides the following information: • PearsonAccess • User Accounts • Instructions for setting up user accounts are posted on PearsonAccess. • Browser requirements • Logging in for the first time • Resetting passwords • Training Center • Test Setup Exercise
What’s New Student Demographic Information The English Language Learner (ELL) category of student demographic information no longer records the length of time ELLs have been receiving ESOL services but is now updated to record the length of time ELLs have been enrolled in a U.S. school.
What’s New Testing Rules Acknowledgment • The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the test items with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing information about test items, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” • Students and their parents/guardians should be made aware of this clarification to the testing rules prior to testing.
What’s New Student Registration If a student’s grade level is incorrect, school or district personnel must modify the “Grade” field in the student’s profile under Student Registration in PearsonAccess before or after that student completes testing.
What’s New ePATs • Accommodated and non-accommodated computer-based practice tests (ePATs) and scripts for administering ePATs are available at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs. Schools must administer the appropriate practice test(s) to all students to be tested using the ePAT script; however, if a student has previously participated in an ePAT for the subject test he or she will take, the student is not required to participate in an ePAT for this administration. • The link to the ePATs should be provided to all students prior to testing, and students should be made aware that they can access the ePATs at this location and practice on their own at any time.
What’s New CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide The CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide is available at www.FLAssessments.com/AdditionalResources and is no longer included as an appendix in the test administration manual.
What’s New Test Group Code • Schools must ensure that each test administrator is given one unique four-digit test group code to use in his or her testing room for both test sessions. • Each testing room must use a different test group code. • For example, students testing in Ms. Smith’s room will use the same unique code for both Session 1 and Session 2, and students testing in Mr. Black’s testing room will use a different code for both Session 1 and Session 2.
What’s New Required Administration Information • The list of required administration information has been updated to include both the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students during the test administration. • If a student does not use an accommodation that is provided, the school assessment coordinator should be notified when testing is completed, and the accommodation should not be recorded in PearsonAccess. • Schools are responsible for maintaining documentation of accommodations that are provided but not used. • This information may be recorded on the Session Roster. • The blank Administration Record/Security Checklist has been updated to include fields for both accommodations provided and accommodations used.
What’s New TestHear Scripts and Instructions • The Spring 2014 CBT Manual no longer includes scripts and instructions for administering TestHear accommodated computer-based test forms. • Scripts and instructions for administering these accommodations are located at www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS. • It is important that school personnel who will administer computer-based accommodations locate and familiarize themselves with the appropriate script(s) and instructions before the beginning of a test administration.
What’s New CBT Worksheets • For students taking computer-based Reading tests, CBT Worksheets may be provided if students prefer to make handwritten notes instead of using the online notepad tool. The worksheet is an 8½ x 11 page (located in Appendix D of the Spring 2014 CBT Manual and PearsonAccess) that may be copied and distributed to students at the beginning of a test session. • If schools are providing worksheets, students must be given a new, unused worksheet at the beginning of each test session. Used worksheets are considered secure materials.
What’s New Incorrect Student Profiles • Incorrect student profiles added to PearsonAccess via the New Student wizard may be updated before or after testing. • The district assessment coordinator can submit a request to update a profile by calling Pearson Customer Support at 877‑847‑3043.
What’s New Test Security Statute and Rule • Florida Test Security Statute, Section 1008.24, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, previously located in Appendix B, are now located in Appendix C of the Spring 2014 CBT Manual. (Still located in Appendix B of the 2014 RMS Manual) • The Statute and Rule are now printed on perforated pages that may be removed for review during trainings.
What’s New Alternate Passing Score (APS) Flag • An APS flag for the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is available in PearsonAccess for students who are eligible for the APS. • This is an optional field that can be specified when adding a new student or assigning a Reading Retake test to a student. • The following students are eligible for the APS of 241: • Students who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier whose graduation requirement includes earning a passing score on Grade 10 FCAT Reading • Students who participated in the Spring 2011 administration of Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading as first-time tenth graders
What’s New FCAT Mathematics Retake • The FCAT Mathematics Retake will be available in Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015 forstudents who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier and have not yet met the graduation requirement. • ONLY those students who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier and have not obtained a passing score or a concordant score may participate. • The FCAT Mathematics Retake will be offered in computer-based format. TestHear accommodated forms and paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, and braille) are available for eligible students. • There is no PreID window for the FCAT Mathematics Retake. School personnel are responsible for entering students into PearsonAccess through the New Student wizard or hand-gridding student demographic information on student grid sheets.
Test Security Policies and Procedures Per Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, and Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., district and school personnel are required to maintain test security before, during, and after testing. Inappropriate actions can result in student or classroom invalidation and/or loss of teaching certification. All school personnel, including itinerant teachers and proctors, must receive thorough training in test administration and security policies and procedures, familiarize themselves with all relevant content of the test administration manual(s), read the Statute and Rule in Appendix C, and then sign an FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement. All test administrators must be certified educators and must sign a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.
Test Irregularities/Security Breaches Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students) and possible security breaches to the school assessment coordinator immediately. School assessment coordinators must notify district assessment coordinators of any test irregularities that are reported. Decisions regarding test invalidation should not be made prior to communicating with the district assessment coordinator.
Test Irregularities/Security Breaches • Within 10 calendar days of the incident, a written report must be submitted to the FDOE (from District Assessment Coordinator). The report must include the following, as applicable: • The nature of the situation • The time and place of the occurrence • The names of the people involved • Copies of completed forms (FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreements, Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreements, Test Materials Chain of Custody Form, etc.) • A description of the communication between the district assessment coordinator’s office and school personnel • How the incident was resolved • What steps are being taken to avoid future test irregularities or security breaches • A form to report test irregularities and security breaches can be found at www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS.
Proctors • When testing a large group of students, proctors must be assigned to the room. Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors. *It is strongly recommended that a proctor be assigned to rooms with 25 or fewer students whenever possible.
Proctors & Volunteers Proctors are school district employees Non-school personnel are permitted to serve as volunteers (2nd set of eyes) Both proctors and volunteers MUST be trained, made aware of security rules, and sign the FCAT Administration and Security Agreement Signed documents will be kept on file at the school
Proctors’ Role Remain alert Circulate quietly about the room Be a careful observer Primary role is to assist the Test Administrator and report any suspected problems in the room immediately If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s) during testing(on or off), his or her test must be invalidated CANNOT do anything that would compromise the integrity of the testing process
Proctor/Volunteer cont. Materials to be provided to Proctors and Volunteers: • Daily Test Schedule • Prohibited actions during testing Best practice is to assign a minimum of 2 people to all test groups If proctor is assisting with accommodations for 504/ESE students then specific information about the accommodation(s) should be provided
Reminders Technology Coordinator Guide • Information and instructions for technology coordinators to follow before, during, and after testing are provided in the online 2013–2014 Technology Coordinator Guide. • Technology coordinators must familiarize themselves with all information in this guide prior to the test administration. • The Technology Coordinator Guide is available at www.FLAssessments.com/AdditionalResources.
Reminders Chain of Custody Form • Schools are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form posted at www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMSand located in Appendix D of the Spring 2014 CBT Manual. (Appendix C of the RMS Manual) • Record accurate information on the form, including the dates and times activities are completed, the names of the people performing activities involving the materials, and information about the locked storage room. • Retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms after materials are packaged for pickup, and email or return the originals to the district assessment coordinator.
Reminders Resources • The following resources for this administration can be found at www.FLAssessments.com/SpringRMS: • Test administration manuals • Scripts and instructions for administering TestHear accommodated computer-based test forms • Student tutorials • Forms to report missing materials and test irregularities/security breaches • Training materials • Comment forms • Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist • Security Log • Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement • Test Materials Chain of Custody Form • FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement • Parent/guardian letters • Materials Return List • CBT Worksheet • Reference sheets • Checklists for district and school personnel to reference before, during, and after testing
Reminders Electronic Devices • School personnel must ensure that students do not have access to their cell phones or other electronic or recording devices at any time during testing, including breaks within a test session (e.g., lunch, restroom breaks). • If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic devices during testing OR during a break, his or her test must be invalidated. • Students and their parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing.
Reminders Leaving Campus • If a student begins a session and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete that session. • No exceptions will be made once the student leaves the school’s campus, so parents/guardians and students must be made aware of this policy prior to testing. • If you have concerns about a student (e.g., if a student seems ill), that student should be tested on a make-up day.
Reminders Marking Tests Complete A computer-based test should only be Marked Complete in one of the following circumstances: • A student had to exit the test (e.g., cheating, illness) and will not finish the test. (After being marked complete, school personnel must invalidate the test.) • A student finished the test but exited instead of submitting the test and the test should be scored. • A student completed Session 1 and never started Session 2. (In this circumstance, the test does NOT need to be invalidated.) • As otherwise directed by FDOE or Pearson after a technical difficulty or other extenuating circumstance. For FCAT 2.0 tests, do NOT mark tests complete or stop the session in PearsonAccess after Session 1.
Reminders Test Sessions • For all FCAT 2.0 tests, Session 1 MUST be completed before Session 2. • Any students absent for Session 1 may not participate in Session 2 until they have completed Session 1. • Test administrators are required to use ALL of the allotted time in each session and should not end a session early.
Reminders Test Administrator Policies • ALL test administrators must be certified educators. • In addition to signing a security agreement, test administrators are required to sign a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement. • Test administrators must NOT administer the FCAT 2.0 to their family members. • Under NO circumstances may a student’s parent/guardian be present in that student’s testing room.
Reminders Seating Charts • Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their rooms during testing. • All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction the students are facing. • If students are moved to a different location or the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created and maintained.
Reminders Seal Codes • A four-digit seal code is required to begin Session 2. • Seal codes must be displayed for students as instructed in the test administration script. • Students must NOT be given seal codes prior to the beginning of Session 2.
Reminders Accommodations • Paper-based materials (Reading Passage Booklets, regular print, braille) for computer-based tests are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their individual educational plans (IEPs) or Section 504 plans. • Paper-based large print test materials are available as a unique accommodation for students who have a documented inability to access large print accommodations on computer-based tests. • Scripts and instructions for administering paper-based tests, including paper-based accommodations, are included in the Spring 2014 Reading, Mathematics, and Science Test Administration Manual (Spring 2014 RMS Manual).
Reminders Reading Passage Booklets • Reading Passage Booklets have seals for both sessions of the test. • Students with this accommodation should break the seal at the beginning of each session, as instructed in the test administration script.
Reminders CBT Training Resources Resources for computer-based testing, including information about test setup, best practices, and training resources, are located at www.FLAssessments.com/CBTTrainingResources.
Reminders Secure Information Remember that secure student information (e.g., SSN) must never be communicated via email.