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Wednesday Sep. 1, 2010. World History Mr. Paulson. Daily Agenda. Spark # 10 Intro to Rome Notes on Rome Packet work Homework. Spark # 10. 1. Define the following terms: Republic Patrician Plebeian Imperator 2. Next to what body of water is Rome located?
Wednesday Sep. 1, 2010 World History Mr. Paulson
Daily Agenda • Spark # 10 • Intro to Rome • Notes on Rome • Packet work • Homework
Spark # 10 • 1. Define the following terms: • Republic • Patrician • Plebeian • Imperator • 2. Next to what body of water is Rome located? • 3. What allowed Rome to become a great empire?
Key Objectives • Main Ideas • Octavian (Ceasar Augustus) first Emperor of Roman Empire • Christianity spread throughout empire and eventually became state religion of Rome • Legacy of the Romans- we will compare to Greeks • Key People • Hannibal, Julius Ceasar, Augustus, Jesus, Constantine • Key places • Rome, Carthage, Mediterranean Sea, Constantinople
Rome Overview Timeline of Roman Empire • 753 BC: Roma (Rome) is founded by Romulus • 509 BC: the last king is expelled and Roma becomes a republic • 280 BC: Roma issues coins • 275 BC: Roma conquers southern Italy (Greek colonies • 149 BC: Roma conquers Greece after winning the battle of • 146 BC: Roma destroys Carthage • 74 BC: Cicero enters the senate • 73 BC: Spartacus leads the revolt of the gladiators ("third servile war") • 60 BC: Crassus, Pompey and Caesar form a "triumvirate • 49 BC: Ceasar crosses the Rubicon, defeats Pompey and becomes sole dictator of Rome, calling himself "imperator"
Roman Empire Overview Timeline of Key Events • 47 BC: Ceasar invades Egypt and proclaims Cleopatra queen • 45 BC: Julius Caesar employs the Egyptian astronomer Sosigenes to work out a new 12-month calendar (Julian calendar) • 44 BC: Julius Caesar is killed. • 27 BC: Octavianus appoints himself "augustus" (the first emperor) and founds the Praetorian Guard • 14 AD: five million people live in the Roman empire • 50 AD: the Romans found Londinium in Britain • 64 AD: Nero sets fire to Roma and blames the Christians for it • 79 AD: the Colosseum is completed • 180 AD: PaxRomana Ends • 313AD: Constantine proclaims official tolerance of Christianity • 410AD Visigoths sack Rome
Rome Empire Overview Size of Roman Empire Extent of Roman Empire in 264 b.c.
Roman Empire Extent of Roman Empire in 164 b. c.
Roman Empire Extent of Roman Empire in 31 b. c.
Roman Empire Extent of Roman Empire in 150 a.d.
Legend ofRomulus andRemus Founders of Rome -the legend says they were conceived of god (Mars) and a vestal virgin -thrown into Tiber river by jealous uncle then saved by a she-wolf! -fight over where to build city-Romulus chosen by gods-builds city on hill, calls it “Rome.” -never died, disappeared in a storm—Romans worship him in form of god named Quirinus-divine persona of Rome
Beginnings of Rome • About 800 b.c. Italy inhabited by Greeks and Etruscans • 509 b.c. Rome overthrows last Etruscans and established a Republic • Leader is not a Monarch • Certain citizens have the right to vote • Continuous warfare for 200 years • Overthrew the Greeks • Overthrew Carthage – controlled Meditteranean
Early Rome • Divided into 2 groups • Plebeians • Larger group- poor landowners, small farmers, merchants, craftsmen • Patricians • Great landowners, Rome’s ruling class • Both groups were considered citizens and could vote • only Patricians could hold public office
Roman Government • Chief Executive Officers • Consuls and Praetors • 2 Consuls-Elected each year, • led army into battle and ran government • Praetor-in charge of civil law-applied to Roman citizens • Roman Senate-highly esteemed group-300 Patricians that served for life-decisions of Senate were considered law • Centuriate: People’s Assembly-organized according to wealth and class, -elected Consuls and Praetor
From Republic to Empire • Republic form of Gov. couldn’t manage empire • Rival families in Senate fought for power • Military generals recruited followers • Swore oath to General-not to Rome • Ceaser defeats Pompey then assassinated • Octavian (Augustus) chosen by Senate to be first “Imperator” of Rome • Commander in chief—English word = Emperor
Prosperity and Trade • Rome expanded – by 2nd century Roman empire covered 3.5 million square miles • From North Africa to India and even to England • Internal peace allows for trade • China, Egypt • Farming remained chief occupation and foundation of empire
Roman Law • 12 Tables-simple law for farming society • Not sufficient for huge empire! • Only applied to Roman citizens • Law of Nations:settled disputes b/n citizens and non-citizens • Based on “Natural Law” or “Universal Law” • Reason, standards that applied to “all people” • Innocent til proven guilty, chance to defend self, judge would weigh both sides carefully
Roman Slavery • Romans relied on slavery more than any people before them • Often regarded as part of the family • Conquest of empire brought many slaves • Built roads, public buildings, farmed • Slave revolts: Gladiators-Spartacus! • Spartacus and 6,000 followers crucified
Daily Life • Rome was overcrowded and noisy • 1 mil people by time of Augustus • Huge difference b/n lives of rich and poor • Tenements (6 stories high) vs. mansions and estates • High rent-entire families in 1 room
Public Programs • Public buildings bigger and better than any other civilization • Temples, markets, public baths, theatres, gov. buildings • GRANDEUR and MAGNIFICENCE of empire • 200,000 people received food from gov. • Circus Maximus-chariot races, gladiator fights in the Coliseum
Christianity • Emergence: Jewish lands under Roman control • Jesus: Jewish prophet-mission to complete salvation God promised Jews • Teachings stirred controversy and persecution • Leaders thought he would start revolt • Spread: Peter and Paul missionary journeys throughout empire • Wrote “gospels” –Good News --letters to churches • Refused to worship Roman gods and emperors • Persecution: Emperor Nero – fire • Triumph: Rome later adopts Christianity as official state religion • Why so popular?? --Social justice, poor, widow, orphan, classless society
Decline and Fall • Civil Service (gov. and public works) and Army drain Rome’s $$$ • Diocletian (285 AD) divides authority between Emperor in East and Emperor in West b/c of vast territory • Emperor Constantine-builds “new Rome” in the east of the empire – Constantinople • Constantinople became capitol of Eastern Roman Empire- one of world’s greatest cities • Western Roman Empire invaded by Germanic tribed, Goths, Visigoths (pushed by Huns), Vandals • 476 AD Western emperor beaten and removed – this is the FALL of the EMPIRE! • Eastern Roman Empire continued to thrive –location is important-sets stage for Crusades
Roman Coliseum Built in 79 A.D.