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KM3Net Project. mmendez@sevensols.com emilio@sevensols.com. 28th KM3Net meeting. Broadcast source code. Pause Frame. Tx Pause Frame. Rx Pause Frame. Pause Frame code repository. Documentation. Broadcast Source code.
KM3Net Project mmendez@sevensols.com emilio@sevensols.com
28th KM3Net meeting • Broadcast source code. • Pause Frame. • Tx Pause Frame. • Rx Pause Frame. • Pause Frame code repository. • Documentation.
BroadcastSourcecode • The customized SW for KM3net demonstrator is already in the repository. • There is a Manual to start playing with it easily. • Scripts to compile the code and configure the switch. • Waiting for feedback from KM3net community
Pause Frame. • The entire pause frame is finished. • The TX is done. • The Rx is done (almost). • The mechanism has been tested. • A couple of minor suggestions from Peter are going to be done. They will be finished before the end of the week.
Pause Frame. • Tx Pause frame at the on-shore station. 1- DOM 1 is sending too much traffic. 2- The pause frame is triggered by the Rx port of the WRS1. 3- The pause frame arrives at all the DOMs but just DOM1 will accept the request. The PF uses unicast address.
Pause Frame. • Rx Pause frame at the on-shore station 1- The BC Switch is sending to much traffic through the SC link. 2- A DOM reception buffer exceeds the threshold . A pause frame is transmitted to the on-shore station. 3- The PF arrives at the BC switch which halts the whole BC link for a limited period.
Pause Frame. • Where is the Pause Frame code? • It will be available before the end of the week at Valencia SVN repository. The gateware of the Broadcast and Level 1 switcheswill be available inside the PF folder.
Technical Documentation. • KM3Net_boardcast.pdf -> Details how the KM3Net WR works. • KM3Net_PauseFrame.pdf -> Details how the pause frame works and how can be configured. • KM3Net_demonstrator.pdf -> Details the setup and configuration to deploy a KM3Net demonstrator and to test it.
7S tasksfor KM3Net • KM3Net topology requires: • Gateware/Firmware modifications: • Broadcast implementation (TX to DOMs) . • Pause frame protocol. • KM3Net demonstrator 3 network levels: • 2 SPECs as DOMs • 3 WR switches as ShoreStation network This is our last signed task, so that we wait for your feedback and validation to upload and close the system.
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