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CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism

CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism. ECTN Conference Göteborg University 07/05/10. CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism. About Catalonia Why Icons? Importance of identity in sustainable & competitive tourism Project Purposes Work Process.

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CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism

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  1. CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism ECTN Conference Göteborg University 07/05/10

  2. CATALAN ICONS PROJECT A Tool to Spread Culture in Tourism About Catalonia Why Icons? Importance of identity in sustainable & competitive tourism Project Purposes Work Process

  3. About Catalonia • 7,4 MInh. (16,5% Spain; 1,8% UE) • 32.107 km2 (6,3% Spain; 1,0% UE) • 212 Inh/km2 (BCN=15.156; Val d’Aran=14) (Spain 84; UE 120) • GDP: 206.966 M€ (18,8% Spain; 1,5% UE) • Services=60% • Industry=22% Data from IDESCAT & Observatori 2009

  4. Vall d'Aran Pirineus Costa Brava Catalunya Central Terres de Lleida Costa de Barcelona-Maresme Barcelona Costa de Garraf Costa Daurada Terres de l'Ebre About Catalonia Occupation 435.000 Total wieght GDP tourism % 12 Beds: 270.832 Hot. 234.359 Camp 14958 Rural

  5. About Catalonia

  6. Why Icons?: • Identity as a transversal key factor for the development of the tourist activity Pla Estratègic de Turisme a Catalunya 2005-2010: Program 3: Identification and reinforcement of the differential features of the supply. Axe 3.1. To Make an “Icons Catalogue” to identify Catalonia from a tourist point of view.

  7. Why Icons?: • The creation of the new product policy of the DG Turisme and the promotion of the Catalan Tourism Agency must be enhanced with visual elements to contribute to identify and singularize Catalonia tourist destination

  8. Why?Importance of identity in sustainable & competitive tourism A triple significance of Social Responsibilities:

  9. Economic Responsibilities • To promote Open touristic models who spread the benefits among the destination community Enhancing the transversal nature of Tourism activity (accommodation, restaurants, artisans, retail & trade, amenities, cultural activities, transport, travel agencies, …) • Widening the relations between demand/offer (geographical and seasonal concentration of tourism) • Quality of work

  10. Social Responsibilities • The active promotion of suitable instruments to guarantee social dialogue and participative processes directly concerned with sustainable tourism development • Quality of life of residents and tourists • Social inclusion and accessibility (young, older, disabled) : Social tourism is Tourism for all

  11. Cultural Responsibilities • Active conservation of cultural heritage (Tangible and Intangible) Fourth conditions to be “real heritage elements-assets” able to be valorized by – or – able to enhance - tourism activity: - scientific – technical - symbolic for the community - legally recognition - visit-able and experienced • Active conservation of distinctive identities of destinations Culture vs folklore

  12. Project Purposes • How we can concrete the tourist attractiveness key factors of a country in signs (images, sounds, ideas) ?

  13. Project Purposes • What is an Icon ? “Relative or belonging at a representation system where the image is taken as a Sign”Dicc.Llengua Cat.: (semiotic) A sign that have a similarity relationship with a specific reality CATALAN ICON: Sign or expression of the visual identity of Catalonia

  14. Project Purposes • What has been defined ? Concepts and elements of the tangible and intangible heritage that can be considered representative icons, in a scientific canon sense, and in a symbolic tourist perspective Classification attending 2 criteria: 1.- Nature of the Icon2.- Thematic area of reference

  15. Project PurposesClassification attending the Icons Nature:

  16. Project PurposesClassification attending the thematic area of reference:

  17. Project Purposes • How Icons will be materialized? The uses and the tangible expressions of Icons could be diverse.They could be adapted as a: - Merchandising lines supporting tourist promotion - Souvenirs - Institutional Gifts - Craftwork (Empremtes de Catalunya – Artesania de Catalunya) - Inputs of publications, guides, webs, flyers,… - Any interesting product for consumers

  18. Project Purposes • Icons segmentation ?To be representative of the country, Icons must be defined taking into account its link with the products and destinations that singularize Catalonia integral destination:- Link with 10 territorial tourist brands- Link with tourist products (familiar, sun & beach, rural tourism, ecotourism, gastronomy, wellness, cultural, etc.)

  19. Project Purposes • Targets ?Icons, materialized as a merchandising lines, craftwork, institutional gifts, among others have several targets: - Tourists and visitors, domestic and foreign (our markets)- Citizenship- Institutions and firms receiving institutional gifts

  20. Project Purposes • Associated Values ?Icons have been associated to specific values that are to be transmitted to the targets of our markets. Selected Values: o Identitat / Origen o Qualitat o Autenticitat / Singularitat o Modernitat / Innovació o Cultura / Patrimoni o Contemporaneïtat o Tradició o Universalitat o Mediterraneïtat / cruïlla de cultures o Genialitat

  21. Project Purposes • Who and How ? A Commission of Institutions and Experts has been defined the list and main items of the 116 most representative Catalan tourist icons : - L’Institut d’Estudis Catalans - El Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya - El Foment de les Arts i del Disseny - La Direcció General de Turisme, Turisme de Catalunya i Artesania de Catalunya.

  22. Work Process • Who and How ? A real work in progress transformed a simple list in a 116 icons-references, conceived as a constellation of meanings. Each Icon-reference was divided into: - Main Icon: considered as a part of the whole - Icon Extensions: sub-icons belonging at the same semantic field - Icon Associations: other issues directly related -as a time and space circumstances- other semantic field.

  23. Work Process

  24. Work Process • How and Who ? During the validation process have been participated a diverse Working Group, composed by professionals, personalities in many specific areas of the culture, knowledge, arts and communication. The role of this group was the validation of the consistency and iconic potential of the proposed selection

  25. Project Aims • For what ? O Tool of promotion of Catalonia BrandOTool of creation, valorization and linking products and tourist attractive factors Icons Catalogue will put at the service of the institutions, consortiums, and organizations involved in tourist promotion and the product creation all over the country.

  26. Thanks for your attention! Francesc Iglesies i Riumalló figlesies@gencat.cat Tourism strategic planner Government of Catalonia

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