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2007 高考回顾 & 2008 展望 Oct 17, 2007, Dalian 了解考试:回顾与分析 研究考试:反思与建议. 相关背景. 沈启智 : 武汉市教科院教研室英语教研员 , 特级教师,分管高三教学 10 余年。 1992 年起承担国家教委(后教育部)考试中心每年一度的高考试题分析工作; 2004 年分省命题,同时担任湖北省自主命题分析与评价学科专家组成员。参加编写教育部考试中心 《 高考试题分析 1992 -2005 年版 》 、湖北教育考试院 《 自主命题湖北卷评价与分析 2004-2007》 等。.
2007高考回顾& 2008展望Oct 17, 2007, Dalian了解考试:回顾与分析 研究考试:反思与建议
相关背景 沈启智:武汉市教科院教研室英语教研员, 特级教师,分管高三教学10余年。1992年起承担国家教委(后教育部)考试中心每年一度的高考试题分析工作;2004年分省命题,同时担任湖北省自主命题分析与评价学科专家组成员。参加编写教育部考试中心《高考试题分析 1992 -2005年版》、湖北教育考试院《自主命题湖北卷评价与分析 2004-2007》等。
2004 分省命题: 京沪+津辽江浙闽湘鄂粤渝2005 新增:鲁赣皖 2006 再增:川陕 2007年英语卷共19套,覆盖考生人数 65% 16省自主命题 + 全国 3套 全国1 & 2+宁&琼课改卷 (=全国3) 多数题型结构有所调整变化 2004 全国卷 4 套,考生群体不同, 无可比性: 难度/ 信度 卷1(广西陕西海南西藏内蒙) 0.47 / 0.87 卷2(河南河北江西安徽山东山西) 0.55 / 0.88 卷3(四川吉林黑龙江云南) 0.47 / 0.87 卷4(新疆宁夏甘肃青海) 0.45 / 0.89
Our philosophy of language testing 1. Relate language testing to language teaching and language use. 考试与教学的关系 -课改的瓶颈? “考试要站在教改 的前沿”; “船小好调头” 1. Relate language testing to language teaching and language use. 2. Design your tests so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at their highest level of ability. 3. Build considerations of fairness into test design. 4. Humanize the testing process: seek ways in which to involve test takers more directly in the testing process; treat test takers as responsible individuals; provide them with as complete information about the entire testing procedure as possible. 5. Demand accountability for test use; hold yourself, as well as any others who use your test, accountable for the way your test is used. 6. Recognize that decisions based on test scores are fraught with dilemmas, and that there are no universal answers to these. – Bachman&Palmer: Language Testing Practice 2. Design your tests so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at their highest level of ability. 3. Build considerations of fairness into test design. 2. 变换题型结构有必要提前让考生知道吗? 3. 考试的公平性原则在命题中如何体现 4.Humanize the testing process: seek ways in which to involve test takers more directly in the testing process; treat test takers as responsible individuals; provide them with as complete information about the entire testing procedure as possible. “考试人性化” test taker, test maker, & test marker
了解考试: 测试分类-考与考不同 * 按照测试目的分- 成绩测试 Achievement Test: 毕业会考; 期中期末 水平测试 Proficiency Test: NMET, TOEFL 学能测试 Aptitude Test: SAT/Scholastic Aptitude Test 诊断性测试 Diagnostic Test: 随堂练习/测验 编班测试 Placement Test * 按照对测试分数的解释方式分- 目标参照性测试 Criterion-referenced Test 常模参照性测试 Norm-referenced Test NR-testing:interest in seeing how candidates perform by comparison with each other 2006 北京高分涌现的背景与后果
高考应该考教材吗? 为什么? 研究考试 “Proficiency tests are designed to measure people’s ability in a language regardless of any training they may have had in that language. The content of a proficiency test, therefore, is not based on the content or objectives of language courses which people taking the test may have followed. Rather, it is based on a specification of what candidates have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered proficient. ” Arthur Hughes: Testing for Language Teachers 教学反思:教材的作用
认识考试- 高考功能 &命题要求 适当难度(P)- 通过率(答对率)/得分率(平均分) 较好区分度(Discrimination)- G1 - G5: D = Hi - Lo n 合理效度(有效性-Validity) 追求信度(可靠性-Reliability) 效度:测量的有效性(考试是否考到了它所需要 考查的内容/达到测试目的的有效程度); 影响效度:所用题型;试卷难度 信度:考试结果的可靠性(测量结果一致性程度) 影响信度:试卷题量;评卷准确性
语言测试三个环节:设计-实施-考后 设计阶段:制定内容规范、公布考纲、规定内容、试题结构和题型、计分体系 实施阶段:命题、审题、预测、项目分析、 制卷、施测、阅卷 …… 考后阶段:成绩发布、数据统计、数据分析、 试题分析、各部分相关、主客观题信度。 定义所测量的语言能力-考什么?怎么考? 质量保证体系 找出问题,改进命题,反拨教学
Testing Tests试题的分析与评价 评价原则 有助于高等学校选拔新生, 有助于中学实施素质教育; 有助于扩大高校办学自主权。 评价标准:22条 – 结合学科特点 – 教育部考试中心
了解考试:命题与阅卷评分标准为何难以制定评分原则 评分标准 评分操作关于考试性质的理解:“英语科考试是按照标准化测试要求设计的。”《2007年高考大纲:考试性质》
命题反思 *尽力了解试卷使用省份考生的英语水平,设计出适合实际需要的英语试卷; *在考查语言知识的基础上着重考查考生的语言运用能力; *尽量向考生提供真实可信、情景丰富的语言材料。 教育部考试中心:《高考试题分析2005 年版》 研究考试-全卷难度: 高考为常模参照性考试,各省仍采用原始分相加计算总分确定录取。学科难度决定其在总分中的权重。为保证各科基本平衡,教育部规定各科难度应该在0.55左右。 -《高考试题分析2007年版》 教学反思:对于复习的启发与帮助
2007回顾:分省自主命题第四年, 总体稳定 尝试推进 2004 - 2007 湖北英语卷难度对照
认识考试:NMET的定性 总体风格+ 选材特征+ 命题思路 Q:NMET 的定位、风格如何? 重在考语义内容还是考形式? 何谓“三维模式”? 分省命题以何为准? 所在省市卷体现如何?数据分析能说明什么?题型变化如何体现命题风格? 宏观到微观-分析试题,体会风格 语言交际能力测试 Language communicative competence test 突出语篇 强调应用 注重实际 Discourse:recordings of naturally occurring samples of language within their communicative context- David Nunan: SECOND LANGUAGE TEACING & LEARNING
pie chart Meaning What does the grammar structure mean? Form How is the grammar structure formed? Use When or why is the grammar structure used? Grammar Dimensions Larsen-Freeman(1995)
了解考试-试题分析:听力 Q:听力难在哪里?选材?语速?设题? 3. What is said about the woman? (P=0.37; D=0.11) A. She spends more than she earns. 37.20% B. She saves a lot each month. 16.30% C. She has a tight budget. 46.43% M: How do you spend your income? W: About 30 percent for shelter, 30 % for clothing, 40% for food and 20% for entertainment. M: But that adds up to 120%. W: That’s right. 07 湖北卷 1-5 题思路: Matching! 新增难点:词汇扩充 复习范围 能力要求
教学反思: 听力测试与训练 Q:听力部分在全卷中的位置 听力训练需要把握的要素 选材特征+考查要求 +命题原则 难在哪里? 选材 + 设题 + 语速 如何提高训练效果? 选择题以外听什么 基础是什么? 听读的相关与不同 干扰与抗干扰 课标要求 “能在听的过程中克服一般性口音干扰。” 《高中英语课程标准》
试题分析 “单项填空”回顾 • - How about eight o’clock outside the cinema? • That _____ me fine.(0.23/.035)2004全国2-26 • A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits • 42.5% 17.6% 17.0% 22.8% A. fits 42.5% G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 A: 29.9% 41.8% 45.5% 48.2% 47.3% D: 20.9% 22.1% 24.3% 22.3% 24.4% 教学反思 “快译通”式词汇教学的后果
04全国 3-30 I ____ you not to move my dictionary – now I can’t find it. 0.45/ .259 A. askedB. ask C. was asking D. had asked D. 35.1%: 30.3% 37.5% 39.9% 36.6% 31.6% 基本时态G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 04全国 2-30 My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____ half of it. 0.30/.226 A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed B. 49.0%:39.9% 51.1% 56.9% 57.9% 43.2% 相同表现G1 G2 G3 G4 G5
教学反思: 单项填空与语法训练 *单项填空的语篇概念?过渡题型? *试卷中“单项填空”的权重、难度; * “单项填空”的投入与产出; * 大量做单选题的效果与结果; * 检测与训练的区别 - 靠做“单选”题复习语法为何不理想? 考试性质决定需要大量选择题 - 2 hrvs6 yr 测量手段=语言学习 07湖北卷改称“多项选择”,减为10小题; 全部考查词汇
理解的准确性 试题分析:2004 全国卷 3… The word “spaghetti” brought back the (36.memory) of an evening at Uncle Alien’s in Belleville (37.when) all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat (38) spaghetti for supper. (0.22/.065)38. A. cooked B. served C. got D. made误选A项占55.4%,低分到高分抽样人数分布: 272-353-338-316-298 B 项干扰为何成功:抽象概念?文化内涵?
教学反思:完形填空 * “完形填空” 考什么?全卷中所处 位置与分值。 * 选材与设项词汇难吗?暴露出什 么问题? *提高成绩的基础在哪里? * 短期训练也能见效吗?从何着手? “完形填空”考查(cf.单项填空): 准确理解文意+ 特定语境中的词汇运用能力
研究考试: 阅读理解 * 选材要求: 主题得当 语言地道 难易适度 内容恰当 长短适宜 相对完整 * 考查要求 - 常见题干表达方式; * 题干编写: 语义明确 包容性强 避免否定 基于选材 题干有何不妥? The writer ____. Which … NOT true/mentioned …? 选项中避免不明语义: all/only/always/never/usually (correct); sometimes/usually(correct) *选项编写: 平行对等 不相包容 避免原句 与文相关 干扰成立 * 词义推断=词典释义? 文章结构考查
认识考试:“阅读” 选材 *背景: 文化意识 + 获取信息 schemata e.g. A greyhounds B “THK U” C Eng’ learning problemsD retirement E penguins *结构: 语句 + 篇章 (& format) *内容: 思想内涵 + 思维空间*词汇: 超纲?词汇数量?处理能力! 其他阅读类题型大体同此: e.g. 阅读填词、阅读表达
湖北卷 “阅读”速度要求提高的背后 “The wording of reading test items is not meant to cause candidates any difficulties of comprehen -sion. It should always be well within their capabilities, less demanding than the text itself.” Arthur Hughes:Testing for Language Teachers
难度调整手段之一 认识考试:设题 逻辑推理: 57. It can be inferred that greyhounds ____. 58. Why does the author say that greyhounds make great pets? e.g. 06 全国1: 主旨大意 x5:56, 64, 65, 69, 73; 逻辑推理 x5:57, 67, 71, 72, 74; 细节信息 x8:58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 70, 75; 猜测词义 x2:61, 68 作者意图: 72. How does the author probably feel about is life as an artist? 73. What kind of people is the text mainly written for?
教学反思:阅读理解与阅读训练 *阅读训练应注意哪些方面? *选择答案之后 - 关注语言活动过程 *读完后的讨论如何更为有效? *中文讲题的利弊,如何把握? *为何要强调课外阅读量?教材学习中 注意了阅读技能训练吗? *如何利用高三课本和其他资源?
*“书面表达” 如何定位? 在全卷中的作用?阅卷信度如何保证? 网上阅卷意义何在? 试题分析:写-书面表达 Double-marking *《考试大纲》中“书面表达”评分原则如何解释了内容与语言的关系?什么样的答卷能得高分?怎样让学生学会使用高级词汇和复杂结构?
书面表达评分原则与评分标准 …… 4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6.如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 内容+ 语言 多样性;准确性;连贯性 &得体性
2007湖北卷书面表达:假设你是某中学学生会主席李华,你校与本地一所国际学校经常举办联谊活动。你计划在重阳节组织学生到养老院去慰问老人,拟邀请国际学校的学生参加。请你根据以下内容要点给国际学校的学生会主席Tony写一封信。要点:向老人赠送礼物(鲜花、自制贺卡……); 为老人提供服务(做清洁、陪老人聊天……); 为老人表演节目(唱歌、跳舞……); Dear Tony, Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is coming around. We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the special day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us. … Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 贴近生活 对象明确 留有空间 说明为主
阅卷培训:明确标准,选定样卷,统一认识,保证信度阅卷培训:明确标准,选定样卷,统一认识,保证信度 In the that day, we will have many things to do. Like, help the oldmans clean they’s rooms; talking with them and take them walking in the garden … Sure, we must take things for them. You don’t worry about it, I was bougt some follers and did many cards. Now, yours things is planning many studen’s singing, dancing in that day. I think we will very happy in that day, because we will be seeing the oldmans happy’s laugf. I waiting you good mean. That’s all. 07湖北 Sample 1 : 0分
… your school can hand in. because this is a good thing, it not only can build our love, but also let the elderly happy. The elderly use their all live to build our world and country. Now we make some things for them is very need. We will make some cards, flower……to them, then make some clean, talk with them and make some judges, such as singing, dancing……I think this will let the elderly very happy. And Chongyang is their festival, but they haven’t many people wish them. So our school is going to celebrate for them. Last I very hope your school to join us together to give our best wish to them. 07湖北 Sample 2 : 8分
There are several things we should od in order to exprees our care. The first thing is we could giv some gift to the elderly, not only flowers, but also we can send the cards which is made by our hands. The second thing, I think the most nessecery thing like cleaning, washing and talking with them. The last thing is the programe, we could equip some singing and dancing to make they happy. If you think some more things, also can discussed. 07湖北 Sample 3: 13分
On that day, we will go to the Nursing Home with our presents given to the old people, for example, flowers, cards made by ourselves. They will feel happy when getting the presents. And then, we can serve all kinds of service, we can do some cleaning for them, talk with them and so on. In order to make the atmosphere happy, we will perform for the old people, dancing and singing are their favourite, so we can do those, and students can give other performance. Old people often feel unhappy and lonely, the activity will make them feel happy, I am sure it is a meaningful activity. 07湖北 Sample 4 : 18分
During the day, we have a lot of meaningful things to do. While we arrive there, we can give our best service to the elderly, such as, doing some cleaning, talking with them about happy stories. Then we can have a rest. In the afternoon, we can make ourselves attractive by our own performance. Singing, dancing and some other funning things all will be perfect. And at last, just before we leave, we can present our gifts to them. We can give them flowers, cards made by ourselves and so on. Maybe these are small things, but for them, they are blue sky and white clouds. That day may be an important day in our life, I am sure. 07湖北 Sample 5 : 23分
教学反思:写作 * 情景设置形式究竟有多重要?评分时 内容与语言哪一项是问题所在?One possible version 的作用究竟有多大? * 写作的突破口在哪里?学生知道简单句 的基本句型吗?句子的核心是什么? * 怎样才能学习运用较高级词汇和复杂 结构 -“品味”的作用; * 如何提高训练效率?- 作文讲评课案例
关于题型变化的认识与应对 好题型?三个“有助于”- 科学性 + 可操作性 e.g. “补全对话”(全国 - 不含听力卷): 对话题材,注重阅读理解能力,重视口头表达能 力(笔试考口语),与教学理论发展及教学大纲吻合, 对中学英语教学反拨良好。 命题只要找出关键语句,另配两个干扰项;干扰 项相对其他客观题设计更为容易,计算机阅卷,确保 信度。 -《高考试题分析 2007版》 反思:什么样的题型适于训练不适于测试? 什么样的题型适于测试不适于训练? 教学中如何处理?
“统一考试,分省命题”体现之一:《考试大纲 》由教育部发布 2006-07 湖北“补充说明”调整: “词汇表”: 补多少?补哪些? 关于词汇的考查仅仅体现在数量吗? 多少 - 三个“有助于” : 大纲2000 - 课标3500 湖北:06-2300; 07-2600 哪些 - 选词原则: 依据 考试大纲; 考虑 中学教学(教材) 体现 课程改革方向(课标) 科学性的体现: Corpus的建立与使用
高考英语卷题型变化趋势 认识考试:“短文改错”的功与过 短文改错考什么?写作层面 测试手段的功劳:难度平衡 区分 不是“改错”的错:测量与训练 2007“改错”变型:用意与结果;阅卷 现状:统一大纲 分省命题 变化-范围与特点 非英语因素 听 读 写 改变 改动 改换 = 改革? 测试理论依据? “短文改错”的去留 考查目的范围不变,设题:按行-按句; 难度控制:选材 + 设题(句长、错误类型)
山东2007考试说明 依据《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》命题 3300个单词和400—500个习惯用语或固定搭配 加大主观题比重 :I 卷105分;II 卷45分 书面表达 第一节“阅读表达”(15分), 200字短文 + 5问题: Best title, sentence paraphrase, fill in blank with a sentence, translate a sentence into Chinese … 研究考试:命题反思-实际操作中的突破
2007 山东卷“阅读表达”设题76. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails.If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words)E-mail(s) can be handed in the following ways. Here are the ways to deal with E-mail(s). Handing e-mail(s) is an art. 78.What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words) You may reply to along e-mail briefly. You don’t have to write a long reply e-mail. 79.For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1? (within 10 words) To show a way of handing e-mail(s) with an example. To introduce the topic of the text. 80.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese. … You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a brief reply. 用简短的话回复冗长的电子邮件完全不失礼节。 用简短的话回复马拉松式的电子邮件也是礼貌的。
2007山东卷“阅读表达”难度 研究考试:题型探究 半主观 + 输入形式 + 要求层面 “一鸭五吃” 简答为何限制词数? (“说明”有30词; 考试均为10词) 难度构成因素: 题型 + 学生(适应 能力)+ 命题(选材 设题)
湖北卷2004-2007年难度对照(理科) 研究考试:稳在哪里 变往何方
了解考试:2007 山东卷难度 双向意义:命题 + 备考(方向 标高)
高三复习思考与建议 见题见课 见题见人 课本:高三课本为何用?怎么用?同步训练? 资料:“慎选善用” 质与量 方向对路 难度合理 参照上年,关注调整:方向+难度 题型:新题型?老题型? “完成句子” ≠完成一切 课堂:效果 + 效率 Effective + Efficient 计划:合理安排-分而合,易到难;e.g. 读与写 学生:学生活动 得分点因人而异 训练:检测/训练 Testing/Drilling 陈题新解 同一首歌 同一套题
We learn best if we can process information through multiple channels and have learned how to learn.THK U 4 COMING !THK U 4 JOINING IN !
了解考试 认识考试 研究考试 回归教学 反思教学 改革教学 Without friends, you’re like a book nobody bothers to pick up. 感谢外研社提供的交流机会与同行们多年来的关注与理解! - qzshen@hotmail.com
Suggested Readings: 教育部考试中心:高考试题分析(1993-2005版)高教社 刘庆思:高考能力测试与试题设计(英语) 北京教育出版社 湖北教育考试院:高考湖北卷试题分析与评价(05-07版)L. F. Bachman: 语言测试要略 Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing L. F. Bachman & Adrian S. Palmer: 语言测试实践 Language Testing Practice外教社OUP Arthur Hughes: Testing for Language Teachers 外语教师测试手册外研社CUP Alderson, J. C, Caroline Clapham and Dianne Wall: Language Test Construction and Evaluation 语言测试的设计与评估 外研社CUP
07 反思:“完成句子”题型要点 三确定:审题环节的重要 三者并非平行,先后顺序与侧重 三不定:命题意图 最佳答案 题型要素:考查目的/测试目标范围 题干选择 设题 评分原则 + 评分标准 给分(扣分)依据: 主干内容:考点语言结构基本构成 非主干内容:大小写、标点符号、 非主干内容虚词、次要拼写错误