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3 double page spread analysis

3 double page spread analysis. NME.

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3 double page spread analysis

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  1. 3 double page spread analysis

  2. NME There is a good use of colour, it completely contrasts with backing colour making it stand out, also there is a good use of diagonals and angles, these show up more on a page rather than horizontal or vertical lines. The main text is away to the right of the page, leaving the left for the picture, this is a good format to follow. I actually quite like this, there is good colour, which breaks up the text and makes it more appealing.

  3. Q The is a big lack of colour on this double page spread, the only colour is the big ‘L’ this is a big theme of Q magazine, the first letter of the artists name is big and in red and actually on the text, as on the other double page spread the text and picture is separate, i personally don't like this one because of the lack of colour and too much text

  4. Kerrang This is probably the style of double page spread i will do in my magazine, a Q and A. This again follows the style of having the picture on the left and the text on the right. I like this design because of the use of colour, it makes the page a lot more pleasing to the eye, also having the questions in red and the answers in the white separate the text making it less of a ‘wall’

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