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3.2 Empires of India p.76-81

3.2 Empires of India p.76-81 Big Idea: New Indian empires grew rich through trade and left lasting accomplishments. 400 B.C. India was divided (Hinduism vs. Buddhism = no political unity) New empires developed – Invaders Persians , Greeks, Macedonians

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3.2 Empires of India p.76-81

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  1. 3.2 Empires of India p.76-81 Big Idea: New Indian empires grew rich through trade and left lasting accomplishments.

  2. 400 B.C. India was divided (Hinduism vs. Buddhism = no political unity) • New empires developed – Invaders • Persians , Greeks, Macedonians • Indian people unify = Strong empires • Mauryan, Kushan, Gupta

  3. Mauryan Empire • Chandragupta Maurya -founder • drove out foreign invaders • Harsh, but effective • Secret police, large army- feared • Assassination • Asoka – Great ruler • Converted to Buddhism • Rejected violence / preached tolerances • Expanded economy- major trade crossroads • Asoka’s death- empire collapsed .

  4. Kushan Empire • Nomadic warriors -moved through Northern India • ControlledTrade Network • Silk Road • Connected china to Rome • Camel Caravans • Luxury Items (Silk) – Dangerous road • Persians overran Kush Empire

  5. Empire of the Gupta • Pushed out weak Kushan Kingdom • Founder - Candra Gupta – Northern India • expanded as far as central India • Golden age of India • Arts, Temples- Hindu and Buddhist • Strong economy • Leaders owned-Silver / gold mines • religious trade • Traded • China, Southeast Asia • along Mediterranean sea • Downfall – nomadic Huns invaded from Northwest.

  6. Indian Accomplishment • Literature • Vedas-religious stories /prayers - tell about faith • Mahabharata- longest poem (epic) • (BhagavadGita) • Ramayana- Rama fights to Save Sita • Architecture • Pillar, Stupta, Rock chamber • Science and Mathematics • Astronomy-movement of stars/ Rotation of earth on an axis/ earth revolved around the sun • Algebra, Concept of zero

  7. Section 3-2 Review • What was the 4000-mile transportation route stretching from China to Syria called? • Silk Road • The Mauryan Empire flourished under Asoka, who did what? • Convert to Buddhism, set up hospitals and built up India’s role in regional trade

  8. Section 3-2 Review • What is the most famous section of the epic poem, the Mahabharata? • Bhagavad Gita • Silk was especially desired by who? • The Romans • What was the type of religious structure originally meant to house relics? • Stupa

  9. Section 3-2 Review • Chinese merchants traded luxury goods for what? • Woolen and linen clothes, glass, and precious stones • Who was the famous Indian mathematician? • Aryabhata • By the late fifth century A.D., invasions by nomadic Huns did what? • Reduced the power of the Guptas

  10. Section 3-2 Review • Who were the people who traveled to religious places? • Pilgrims • In the first century A.D., in Bactria, known today as Afghanistan, the Kushan kingdom did what? • Prospered from trade along the Silk Road

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