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Cold War Tensions

Explore the root causes of Cold War tensions between the USSR and USA, from WWI aftermath to post-WWII events and decisions leading to the rise in tension. Understand how competing ideologies and crucial actions shaped this historical conflict.

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Cold War Tensions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cold War Tensions

  2. Question: Why couldn’t the two nations co-exist peacefully? Answer A: Because of the fundamental differences between the two countries

  3. Question: Why couldn’t the two nations co-exist peacefully? Answer B: Because actions and decisions made by both countries that contributed to the rise in tension

  4. Western & Soviet Actions that Led to Cold War TENSIONS… Both the U.S. and Soviet Union engaged in actions and decisions that contributed to the rise in tension

  5. Tensions first emerged between the nations at the end of WWI… Based on the reading, what would cause these tensions? • Russia drops out of WWI, abandoning the other Allies • During the Russian Civil War, the Allies provided aid to the anti-communist Whites • Lenin creates the Comintern: • “International Congress of Communists” • Goal was to support communist revolutions around the world (advocated violent uprisings to achieve communist states) • Stated there was in inevitable conflict with capitalist nations, specifically the U.S.

  6. Tensions continue to increase in the years leading up to WWII… • Munich Pact – West “gives” land to Hitler (one example of many acts of appeasement) • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact • Soviet Union & Germany invade & take-over Poland After 1941, the Soviet Union & West became “friends,” WHY?

  7. Tensions dramatically increased in the post WWII era… As WWII came to a close the alliance between U.S. and U.S.S.R began to disintegrate. Why? • No longer allied by having a common enemy • Each side felt betrayed by actions during WWII • American use of atomic bomb • US did not help fight on Eastern front • USSR did not help in fight against Japan

  8. Tensions dramatically increased in the post WWII era… • US created political and economic alliances with democratic nations (NATO & Marshall Plan) in Europe as soon as WWII ended • USSR forced communist style governments upon countries in Eastern Europe when war ended & offered economic aid (Molotov Plan)

  9. Comintern increased their influence • Sent aid and support to various countries attempting a communist revolution (ex: Estonia, Hungary, China • Representatives from over 26 different countries attended the first meeting. • Existed until 1953 (when Stalin died) • U.S. establishes “Containment” • Reaction to Comintern and spread of communism • Do WHATEVER it takes to stop the spread of communism • This included the use of money and military aid Competing ideologies AND events & decisions that started during the Russian Revolution and continued through the end of WWII caused the Cold War

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