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This paper presents the Fritiof Model, which simulates hadronic interactions and quark exchanges in high-energy collisions. It includes separate simulations for diffractive and non-diffractive interactions, estimation of diffraction process cross-sections, and correction of interaction multiplicities. The model is validated using experimental data, showing good agreement for proton-proton and hadron-nucleus interactions.
The Fritiof (FTF) Model in Geant4V. Uzhinsky, 23.04.13 1 B. Andersson et al., Nucl. Phys. B281 (1987) 289; B. Nilsson-Almquist and E. Stenlund, Comp. Phys. Commun. 43 (1987)387. Hadronic interactions of HIJING, UrQMD, HSD, GiBUU π, K, p, n, Λ with nucleons and nucleus FTF model Antibaryons and AntiNucleuswith nucleus FTFP_BERT Phys. List Geant4 9.6.ref03 (2013) Nucleus with nucleus at high energies. Content 1 The Fritiof model 2 Process cross sections 3 Results for PiP interactions 4 hA interactions a Main assumptions b Correction of interaction number c Reggeon cascading d Some results Conclusion RHIC, d, Au + Au at Ecms= 8 – 200 GeV
The Fritiof Model B. Andersson et al., Nucl. Phys. B281 (1987) 289; B. Nilsson-Almquist and E. Stenlund, CPC 43 (1987)387. 2 It is assumed that all hadron-hadron interactions are binary reactions, a+b →a’ + b’ where a’ и b’ are excited states of initial hadrons a and b (ma’> ma mb’> mb). Limits are different for various implementations (UrQMD, Hijing). Fragmentation models are different too. These lead to various predictions We have added a separate simulation of diffraction and quark exchanges
3 Diffraction cross sections of PP interactions 1/M2 A.B. Kaidalov, L.A. Ponomarev, K.A. Ter-Martirosyan Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 44 (1985) 468, Yad. Fiz. 44 A.B. Kaidalov, M.G. Poghosyan, Eur. Phys. J. C (2010) 67: 397 S. Ostapchenko, Phys. Rev. D 83, 014018 (2011) Probabilities of diffractions in Fritiof are not right! The separation allows to fit the probabilities correctly. Thus, we simulate separately diffractive and non-diffractive interactions.
Diffraction cross sections of PiP interactions 4 Diffraction cross sections of KP interactions Quark exchange in PP interactions Quark exchange in PiP interactions Quark exchange in KP interactions
6 Results for Pi+P interactions Results
Results for Pi+P interactions 7 Pi+P, 16 GeV/c Pi+P, 8 GeV/c Pi+P, 175 GeV/c Pi+P, 100 GeV/c
hA interactions 8 Std FTF Low energy,Std. cascade. Cascade+ FTF High energy, Std. FTF. Glauber cross section AGK rules The AGK cutting rules are asymptotical ones! Correction S.Yu. Shmakov, V.V. Uzhinsky, Zeit. fur Phys. C36:77,1987. Max. cross section method: W.A. Coleman: Nucl. Sci. Eng. 32 (1968) 76 In hadron-nucleus interactions the excited hadrons can interact with other nucleons of nucleus and increases mass. The probability of multiple collisions is calculated in Glauber approach. The used variant of model Fritiof is enlarged with elastic re-scatterings of hadrons. The excited states are considered as QCD-strings and LUND model are used for their fragmentation.
Correction of interaction number 9 Nmax=1, Plab=3, 5 GeV/c: Nmax=2, Plab=8 GeV/c: Nmax=3, Plab=12 HARP-CDP data.
Correction of interaction number 10 HARP-CDP data. All O.K. with Pi-mesons! Nmax=Plab/4 (GeV/c)
Reggeon cascading 11 Glauber approach implemented in FTF and QGS is not sufficient for a destruction of a nucleus. Thus a reggeon cascading model of nuclear destruction was applied. Model of nuclear disintegration in high-energy nucleus nucleus interactions. K. Abdel-Waged, V.V. Uzhinsky Phys.Atom.Nucl.60:828-840,1997, Yad.Fiz.60:925-937,1997. Si+A, 14.7 GeV/N T – energy in ZDC
Reggeon cascading 12 How have we to determine momentum spectra of nucleons? Complex analysis of gold interactions with photoemulsion nuclei at 10.7-GeV/nucleon within the framework of cascade and FRITIOF models.By EMU-01 Collaboration (M.I. Adamovich et al.). 1997. Zeit. fur Phys.A358:337-351,1997. Main parameters: Cnd, dx, pT2
Tuning of reggeon cascading parameters 13 Unexpected results of the tuning! Clear signal of a transition regime! The transition takes place at Plab= 4-5 GeV/c
Results – Description of the HARP-CDP exp. data 14 All is beautiful!
15 Summary • New things are introduced in FTF for pp- and pA-interactions: • a) Separate simulation of diffractive and non-diffractive interactions • b) The diffraction process cross sections are estimated • c) Quark exchange for simulation of binary reactions • d) Correction of multiplicity of intra-nuclear collisions • e) RTIM was implemented and its parameters were tuned • 2.Good results are obtained for hp- and hA-interactions, especially for description of the HARP-CDP data. The description of the HARP-CDP data on hA-interactions (Be, C, Cu, Ta, Pb) is the best among other models! • 3. A strong indication on transition regime realization is obtained! • 4. Now FTF model is generalized for nucleus-nucleus interactions. • Using it one can simulate spectator fragment yuild, meson • production and low energy neutron fluence starting from few • GeV/nucleon upto Ecms=200 GeV per NN collisions! • 5. A simulation of anti-nucleus – nucleus interactions is implemented • for the first time!
1. Short description of the models FRITIOF model B. Andersson et al., Nucl. Phys. B281 (1987) 289; B. Nilsson-Almquist and E. Stenlund, Comp. Phys. Commun. 43 (1987)387. HIJING model Xin-Nian Wang and Miklos Gyulassy, Phys. Rev. D44 (1991) 3501 A corresponding program has been published in: Miklos Gyulassy and Xin-Nian Wang, Comput. Phys. Commun. 83 (1994) 307, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9502021, New – AMPT model UrQMD model S. A. Bass et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 41 (1998)225. M. Bleicher et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys 25 (1999) 1859. The corresponding code at http://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~urqmd/ HSD model (new one, W. Cassing et al.) W. Ehehalt and W. Cassing, Nucl. Phys. A 602 (1996) 449 -486 The corresponding code at http://th.physik.unifrankfurt.de/~brat/hsd.html Some of them can be tested at special WEB-page: http://hepweb.jinr.ru/ 16
Reggeon theory inspired model of nuclear destruction Model of nuclear disintegration in high-energy nucleus nucleus interactions. K. Abdel-Waged, V.V. Uzhinsky Phys.Atom.Nucl.60:828-840,1997, Yad.Fiz.60:925-937,1997. Features of p C interactions at a momentum of 4.2-GeV/c versus the degree of centrality of a collisions between protons and carbon nuclei: Multiplicity of secondary particles. A.S. Galoian, E.N. Kladnitskaya, V.V. Uzhinsky, O.V. Rogachevsky, R. Togoo Phys.Atom.Nucl.66:836-846,2003, Yad.Fiz.66:868-878,2003. Features of p C interactions at a momentum of 4.2-GeV/c versus the degree of centrality of a collision between a proton and a carbon nucleus: Kinematical features of secondaries. A.S. Galoian, E.N. Kladnitskaya, O.V. Rogachevsky, R. Togoo, V.V. Uzhinsky Phys.Atom.Nucl.67:256-272,2004, Yad.Fiz.67:273-289,2004. Multiplicity fluctuations of particles produced in interactions of light nuclei with carbon nuclei at a momentum of 4.2-A-GeV/c and their theoretical interpretation. A.S. Galoian, E. Kladnitskaya, V. Uzhinsky JETP Lett.86:630-633,2008, Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.86:718-721,2008. 17
Diffraction cross sections of pp interactions 18 Fragmentation of diffractive strings Diffractive produced strings have simple longitudinal structure! Description of baryon spectra is the problem in all MC models
NA49 Collaboration (C. Alt et al.), Eur. Phys. J., C49 (2007) 897. 19
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 22
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 23
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 24
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 25
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 26
Validation of FTF model at RHIC energies All O.K. 27