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Travel Report for ICVSS 2013

Travel Report for ICVSS 2013. Ph.D. student Chang- Ryeol Lee. Contents. Introduction Location Participants Main Program Lectures Poster session People Friends Activity after school Conclusion. Introduction. 오사카 - 로마 ( 국제선 ). Location. 로마 - 카타니아 ( 국내선 ). 카타니아 –LE CASTELLA

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Travel Report for ICVSS 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Travel Report for ICVSS 2013 Ph.D. student Chang-RyeolLee

  2. Contents • Introduction • Location • Participants • Main Program • Lectures • Poster session • People • Friends • Activity after school • Conclusion

  3. Introduction 오사카-로마 (국제선) • Location 로마-카타니아 (국내선) 카타니아–LE CASTELLA (버스)

  4. Introduction • Participants

  5. Main program: Time table

  6. Main program: Lectures • Human in the loop

  7. Main program: Lectures • Human in the loop

  8. Main program: Lectures • Domain adaptation

  9. Main program: Lectures • Domain adaptation

  10. Main program: Lectures • Domain adaptation

  11. Main program: Lectures • Domain adaptation

  12. Main program: Lectures • Domain adaptation

  13. Main program: Lectures • Image parsing

  14. Main program: Lectures • Image parsing: ①SuperParsing

  15. Main program: Lectures • Image parsing: ②detection, then parsing

  16. Main program: Lectures • Image parsing: ③detection + parsing

  17. Main program: Poster session • DENSE, AUTO-CALIBRATING VISUAL ODOMETRY Relation between camera and vehicle Homography Cost function

  18. Main program: Poster session • TOWARDS A VISUAL GYROSCOPE Unreliable magnetic compass와 low-cost IMU를 대신할 수 있다. • Contribution • learning-based prefiltering of features • Optimal keyframeselection for rotation

  19. Main program: Practical Session • Instance / category Recognition

  20. Main program • Exam for certification • 31 문제 (객관식) • 50점 이상 합격

  21. People: friends • 관련 연구 분야 박사과정 학생들 • JacekZienkiewicz • Imperial College London (Andrew Davison) • PhD student (2012-) • Research area: Dense Vision for Mobile Robot Guidance • Wilfried Hartmann • Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich • PhD student (2012-) • Research area: Photogrammetry, Visual Compass, Visual SLAM • Ir. FlorisGaisser • TU Delft Personal Robots Team • Researcher (2013-) • Research area: PTAM, visual recognition

  22. People: friends • 다양한 나라, 다양한 주제로 연구하는 사람들 • Rest Rome Break time in Le Castella

  23. People: activities after school • Monday orTuesday - Boat trip ( and swimming) • Wednesday - Traditional Folk Dance and Guided Tour • Thursday - Gala Dinner at the Terrace/Party on the Beach • Friday - Closing Party at the Swimming Pool

  24. Conclusion • Lecture들이 Learning과 Recognition에 관한 내용이 많음. • Background 부터 최신 연구 내용들까지 폭넓게 다루고 있기 때문에 관련분야를 잘 모르는 사람에게 매우 유익함. • 해외의 많은 Computer Vision 연구자들을 만나 보고 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 좋은 기회. • 지중해와 유럽의 자연을 느낄 수 있는 좋은 기회임.

  25. Thank you

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