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Characteristic features. Geographical area 2.22 lakh sq KmsNet Cultivated area 7.52 lakh haGross Cultivated Area 11.02 lakh haNet area irrigated 3.11 lakh ha (42%) Av. land holding size 0.66 haSmall/ Margin
1. National Conference on Agriculture:Rabi Campaign 2011-12 Welcome
J & K State Presentation
14th. and 15th. September 2011, NASC, Pusa Complex, ICAR, New Delhi
2. Characteristic features
Geographical area 2.22 lakh sq Kms
Net Cultivated area 7.52 lakh ha
Gross Cultivated Area 11.02 lakh ha
Net area irrigated 3.11 lakh ha (42%)
Av. land holding size 0.66 ha
Small/ Marginal Farmers 85%
Cultivable Waste Lands 1.41 lakh ha
Agro climatic conditions Huge diversity; 5
Agro-climatic Zones
3. Kharif Assessment 2011
Adequate quantities of hybrid seeds of maize and paddy besides good quality certified seed provided to farmers;
Other inputs and trainings support put in proper place;
Green manuring demonstrated at Department Farms with excellent results for popularisation;
Fairly distributed rainfall over the season. Initially deficient rains in some drought prone areas, too recovered due to recent rains;
No major disease or pest reported so far.
Crop prospects good.
4. Kharif Assessment(Area: lakh Hect., Prod. : lakh Mts., Yield: Qtls.
5. Rabi Prospects 2011-12
Departmental Interventions:
Easy access and timely arrangement of quality inputs & services will be ensured
Early & timely sowing of wheat, oilseeds, pulses, fodder will be encouraged.
Goal of 100 % Seed Treatments of various crops being pursued.
Measures put in place for control of Yellow Rust disease in wheat.
Provision of subsidy on Farm Machinery directly to farmers under different schemes.
Emphasis on Soil & Water Management through RKVY and other Schemes
6. Rabi Prospects 2011-12
Departmental Interventions (contd.)
Augmenting Seed Storage Capacity at lower levels.
Gearing up Extension Network & Capacity building of Farmers.
Diversification in cropping system through Vegetable Initiative, Spices, Potato Seed Production and pursuing Double Cropping .
Plant protection coverage through Mobile Plant Health Clinic.
Predisposing Factors:
Adequate residual moisture in soils from good Kharif rains and Good weather conditions.
Rabi crop prospects GOOD
7. Rabi Prospects
8. Rabi Prospects
9. Rabi ProspectsArrangement of Certified Seeds (Units in Qtls.)
10. Rabi Prospects: Seed Replacement Rate
11. Rabi ProspectsFertilizer Availability, Testing & INM
12. Rabi Prospects Integrated Plant Protection Measures
13. Rabi ProspectsFarm Mechanization Latest Farm Machinery being promoted on large scale.
Release of Subsidy directly to farmers on brands of their choice.
Custom Hiring Centres established through farmers/ farmer groups for extensive use of machinery by neighbouring farmers
14. National Mission on Micro-Irrigation ISSUES:
Farmers are reluctant to adopt the Scheme as the quantum of Assistance is quite inadequate.
Non-coverage of water source under the Scheme is an impediment.
Manufacturers need to be asked to install some models in clusters in selected villages/ clusters on turn-key basis as Demonstration Units.
Successful demonstration will attract more farmers and demonstration can prove a boon to dry-land areas.
15. 15
16. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Augmentation of Irrigation Infrastructure through 851 Nos of irrigation pump-sets, 20 Nos of deep bore wells and 33 Nos of water harvesting tanks/Ponds for
Promotion of improved cultivation techniques for Basmati Rice by development of clusters in an area of 400 hectares.
Establishment of Basmati Rice Mill unit at Budgam.
Promoting Agriculture Mechanization by establishing 7 Nos of custom hiring services centers
Promotion of specialty crops like Rajmash, Basmati, Spices, and Saffron in Non-traditional areas.
17. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Promoting Hybrid Maize cultivation on a large scale.
Promoting Protected Cultivation through establishment of 600 Nos poly green houses of 40 sq Mtr each in temperate area and 67 shade nets in sub tropical areas.
Strengthening of Seed Multiplication Farms with total outlay of Rs 144.95 lacs
Construction of new Soil Testing Laboratories in the districts of Shopian and Ganderbal
Construction of 12 Nos. of storage godowns.
Providing Rope way connectivity for transportation of fruits, vegetables and inputs in Kishtwar District.
18. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Providing new hybrid vegetable seeds for 270 hectare area.
Providing incentive on quality seed production of 11837 Qtls of Wheat. Oilseed, Potato etc. to boost SRR.
Promotion of Dry land technology through Demonstrations on stress tolerant crops (Pulses, Oilseeds, Oats etc) and other measures in an area of 500 hectare.
Strengthening of Labs.: ( 6 Nos of stationery soil testing labs, 4 Nos of MSTL, 1 fertilizer control lab, 1 pesticide testing lab. for providing door step facilities of soil testing and ensuring quality inputs to the farmers .
19. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Promotion of Apiculture: 10 Nos of Apiculture Units for a unit of 50 Bee hives and colonies per beneficiary & assistance to 50 beneficiaries under Apiculture Dev. @ Rs.20000/10 colonies .
Promoting Scientific cultivation of spices and establishment of post harvest technology units of Ginger, Turmeric, Chilies, Garlic etc.
Promotion of Double Cropping system for increasing cropping intensity by providing short duration certified seeds for Paddy-Wheat & Paddy-Oilseed rotation.
20. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Command Area Dev. Fin. Outlay of Rs 118.70 lacs:
Improve water use efficiency, construction of field channels and field drains, Nallah bank Erosion Control measures, Gully plugs, Check dams & diversion drains.
Animal Husbandry: Financial outlay of Rs 352.00 lacs
Maintenance of existing Liquefied Nitrogen plants and Semen processing labs.
Maintenance of Low input technology birds.
Infrastructure Dev. & Augmentation of rearing space/poultry equipments.
21. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Sheep Husbandry: Outlay of Rs. 358.00 lacs:
Provision of Cross bred rams, feed, further augmentation of ewes units (each of 25 Nos)
Strengthening of Poly clinics at district head quarters, provision of shearing machinery and grinders
Back yard sheep farms with thrust on organized Sheep Farming by augmentation of small livestock holdings.
Floriculture Development: Outlay of Rs 532.00 lacs:
Construction of flower mandies, vermi compost units.
water harvesting systems
Establishment of nurseries.
22. RKVY Interventions -2011-12 Horticulture: Outlay of Rs 714.10 lacs for:
Creation of water harvesting tank on individual and community basis.
On Farm collection and sorting units (Pack house)
Top working of inferior/wild fruit trees.
Construction of vermi compost units
Popularization of olive cultivation, horticulture machination, and protected cultivation.
Organization of fruit shows, seminars, workshop and conferences
23. National Mission on Saffron Rejuvenation/ Replanting of Quality Corms and soil health improvement : 310 hect area covered out of target of 552 hect
Development of 3 Public Sector Nurseries: 12 hect area covered out of target of 43 hect. up to date.
Installation of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems for Public sector Nurseries under Progress.
Development of Quality Control Lab/ Saffron Park at Pampore: Tenders being finalized by NHB, Fencing of Land in progress.
24. National Mission on Saffron Farm Mechanization; 50 weeders provided to beneficiaries.
180 Vermicompost units completed/ under completion out of target of 333 units.
Demonstration plots: 100 laid out.
Provision of Hot Air Dryers to beneficiaries under process. Tenders finalized.
25. STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MECHANISM: Re-building of Rapport between
Extension Functionaries &
Kisan Melas-cum-Exhibitions held at block level;
Field Days and Kisan Goshtis organised
26. STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MECHANISM: Exposure opportunities to Farmers
Mega Kisan Mela-cum-Exhibition organized at Divisional Level:-
25000 Farmers attend;
1000 Extension functionaries provide technology awareness through 75 stalls of Line Departments;
100 other providers of agricultural inputs/services from within/outside State put on display a wide range of inputs and agricultural machinery/equipment
205 Farmers deputed outside State on Study visits;
Farmer Learning
46 Farmer Schools organized;
54 within district visits organized involving 5400 Farmers;
29. STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MECHANISM: Motivating through Farmer Awards
Six Nos Farmers Honored for winning National Level Awards
Best Farmer Awards to 142 farmers at different levels including:-
2 Nos State Level Awards of Rs 50,000.00 each;
10 Nos District Level Awards of Rs 25,000.00 each; and,
130 Nos Block Level Awards of RS 10,000.00 each
30. STRENGTHENING EXTENSION MECHANISM: Mobile Soil Testing Vans for door step facility to farmer under RKVY
Strengthening of fertilizer and pesticides control lab. Under RKVY is underway.
Area identified in 6 districts for promotion of Organic Farming.
Spray of fungicide Propiconazole in an area of 13784 Hectare to control yellow rust disease in Wheat crop during 2010-11.
Distribution of 416.81 Qtls of Paddy Hybrid seed.
Awareness and Training programmes organized which had a mass appeal.
Organization of IPM on FFS pattern under NFSM, MMA and Basmati Rice Project of RKVY..