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National Conference RABI : 2005-06 Department of Agriculture, Assam. Current Status of Agriculture in Assam. Net cropped area 24.90 lakh hect. and gross cropped area 38.43 lakh hect. Per capita land holding is 1 hac. only. Very low availability of credit.
National Conference RABI : 2005-06 Department of Agriculture, Assam
Current Status of Agriculture in Assam • Net cropped area 24.90 lakh hect. and gross cropped area 38.43 lakh hect. • Per capita land holding is 1 hac. only. • Very low availability of credit. • The productivity as well as cropping intensity is not increased to a desired extent inspite of increase in level of mechanization, irrigation and consumption of fertilizer. • Present assured irrigation area 5.40 lakh hect. with cropping intensity of 154.34 pc. • State has achieved self sufficiency in rice production but there is still a significant shortfall in the production of other food grain crops like wheat and pulses as well as oilseeds.
Prospects of Kharif, 2005 • Rice is the principal crop and the production target has been kept at 35 lakh MT with productivity of 1,560 kg per hac. • The South West Monsoon ranging from normal to moderate in some districts and scanty to dry spell in other districts during the month of July and early part of August, 2005. • The deviation of rainfall during July and August is (-) 10.7 p.c. and (-) 22.6 p.c. respectively. It was as high as (-) 29.4 p.c. deviation during June. • Continuance of dry spell may lead to shortfall in Kharif rice production.
Preparedness for Rabi, 2005 • With the installation of 2.36 lakh STWs in the state, the area under assured irrigation of 5.40 lakh hect. will be fully utilized during ensuing Rabi season. Installation of STW / LLP is continued in the current year also under World Bank assisted project. • In the event of shortfall in Kharif rice production, target for Summer rice production has been fixed at 7 lakh MT with productivity of 2000 kg per hect. • Similarly the production target of other Rabi food grain crops like wheat and pulses are 1.40 lakh MT and 0.77 lakh MT respectively. The production target of Rabi oilseeds is 2.23 lakh MT.
To catch up timely tillage operation, 460 tractors are being provided to the farmers at 50 p.c. subsidy under State Priority scheme during the month of September 2005. In addition, 300 tractors, 600 power tillers at 30 p.c. subsidy under WB project and 946 power tillers under Macro Management of Agriculture are also being provided in the current season. • Requirement and availability of certified seeds of Rabi food grain crops and oilseeds have been finalized with SSC, NSC, RSG and private agencies.
Seed Replacement Rate target has been fixed for Paddy at 7 p.c., Pulses 63 p.c., Rape & Mustard 43 p.c., Wheat 40 p.c. and Hybrid Maize 75 p.c. • For the ensuing Rabi season the consumption target of fertilizer has been kept at 90 kg per hac. against consumption of 79 kg per hac. during Rabi 2004-05. • Tie up arrangements have been finalized with fertilizer manufacturers both under ECA and decontrolled fertilizers. • Necessary schematic support are being provided from Macro Management Mode of Agriculture, 2005-06.
The issues and areas in which Government of India’s intervention is sought – • Announcement of Minimum Support Price for Rabi food grain crops as well as oilseeds may be made at the earliest to boost up crop diversification programme. • Ambitious Summer Rice production target has been planned keeping in mind that the procurement agency like FCI will come forward for procurement. • Rural Godowns so built up under Gramin Bhandaron Yojona in the state need to be augmented with drying facilities as harvesting of summer paddy coincides with monsoon.
Funds received from Central Government, its utilization – • During 2004-05, an amount of Rs. 646 lakh so released by GOI under Macro Management has been utilized and UC submitted. • Another Rs. 923.38 lakh, released in the month of March, 2005 under Macro Management has since been revalidated to be spent during 2005-06, is being utilized now. UC will be submitted shortly. • During 2005-06 an amount of Rs. 660 lakh is released by GOI under Macro Management. The schemes are under the process of sanction and will be utilized during Rabi production programme.
State of readiness for additional funds during current financial year, 2005-06 – • Against approved allocation of Rs. 1720 lakh under Macro Management, 2005-06, an amount of Rs. 660 lakh (1st installment) is released by GOI. The balance amount may be released at the earliest.
Progress in - Seed production – Balanced use of fertilizer, INM and IPM Seed production Quantity of Foundation seeds produced out of Breeders seed in 2004-05 - Paddy – 1841.60 Qtl. Black Gram – 20.00 Qtl. Lentil – 40.00 Qtl. Rape & Mustard – 265.00 Qtl. Wheat – 24 .00 Qtl. Above foundation seeds will be used for production of certified seeds during 2005-06
Certified Seed production during 2004-05 - Paddy – 47250 Qtl. Rape & Mustard – 7880 Qtl. Seed Replacement Target during 2005-06 - Paddy – 7 p.c. Pulses – 63 p.c. Rape & Mustard – 43 p.c. Wheat – 40 p.c.
Balanced use of Fertilizer – INM • Production of Vermicompost and Phosphocompost are gaining popularity among the farmers. • Organic manure and bio fertilizer are used along with chemical fertilizer to maintain the ratio in the cultivation of winter paddy. • Organic farming of Joha (aromatic) rice has been undertaken in 3 districts covering an area of 92 hac. during 2004-05. • Organic certificate is expected during 2006-07 i.e. in the third year of cultivation.
Implementation of IPM – • 150 numbers of FFS on vegetables and oilseeds have been conducted benefiting 4500 farmers and 700 Field Functionaries during 2004-05 • Trainers training programme on rice and vegetables are conducted for 132 numbers of officers • 3000 numbers of Pesticide Dealers / Agents were trained on use of both chemical and bio pesticide at subdivision level.
Rodent Pest Management training in two hill districts in the event Bamboo flowering where 6900 farmers were exposed to awareness training. • State Bio control laboratory started production of T. Japonicum, T. Chillonis and Trichoderma Viridae and T. Harjeneium and have demonstrated on rice and vegetables in the farmers field.
STRATEGIES TO INCREASE PRODUCTVITY Increase in seed replacement rate. Increase the fertilizer consumption to 90 kg / hect. during Rabi season. Adoption of intensive IPM and INM in rice. Timely irrigation in wheat during vegetative stage. Increase of productivity of pulses from the present level of 550 kg/ha. to 660 kg/ha. Expansion of area under Rabi oilseeds and pulses in mono-cropped Sali land. Conversion of Rainfed to irrigated Oilseed in STW areas.
Progress on APMC amendment • Draft amendment is ready for placement in the next session of Assembly.
Horticulture Technology Mission - Progress Report Area expansion under different crops (ha.)
Horticulture Technology Mission – Progress Report Infrastructure Development under Mini Mission-III
Horticulture Technology Mission - Progress Report Fund Utilization under Mini Mission – II (Rs. in lakh)
AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (ATMA) The State Govt., under World Bank Assisted project, has started implementation of ATMA model in order to reform Agricultural Extension system. Under the W.B. project, 11 districts are identified and for other 12 districts, new centrally sponsored scheme is being implemented. During 2004-05, 2 districts have been brought under ATMA Model. During 2005-06, 9 more districts are brought under ATMA Model. Identified 35 nos. of Block Resource Centres of 2 ATMA districts. Altogether 123 Block Resource Centres will be established in 11 ATMA districts.
STATUS OF QUARANTINE FACILITIES IN THE STATE Availability of land for Quarantine Station in the near by area of Guwahati Airport has been taken-up with the Deputy Commissioner (Metro), Kamrup. After finalization of land, the construction of building and installation of equipments will be done. Assistance for setting up of Phytosanitation Centre in the State is required. At present the department issues Phytosanitation Certificate to the prospective exporter with eye estimation only. The exported items are black tea, orange, pineapple, ginger, lemon etc. and these are exported to Bangladesh.
Suggestion for improving Rabi Production – • National procurement agencies for paddy, oilseeds and pulses are to be entrusted to procure surplus produces in the districts. • Development of micro irrigation with the assistance from non-lapsable pool of resources of Govt. of India. • Credit delivery system through nationalized banks need to be strengthened. • NSC & other national seed agencies are to be entrusted to produce certified seeds in our seed village programme. • Adequate fertilizer are to be made available in time.